
Revision as of 10:06, 18 March 2020 by SurtrFan8511 (talk | contribs)
Type BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff.
Notes Cannot move at will & increased CP
Description +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 3 turns
Duration 3
Tags Increase CP, Lock movement
Base Value Maximum Value
CP Added 12
Unit Restrictions Move;
Used Skills
Type BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff.
Notes Cannot move at will & increased CP
Description +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 999 turns
Duration 999
Tags Increase CP, Lock movement
Base Value Maximum Value
CP Added 12
Unit Restrictions Move;

Prevents the afflicted from moving themselves and increases CP (+12) at the end of each turn for 3 turns.

The second listing (固定) is for Barricades, or anything that isn't supposed to move.

Skills related to this Buff

ARs related to this Buff

No AR Equipments found that use this status

Charge Skills Related to this Debuff

Elder Cynokrash: Divine Slothfulness (Tsathoggua)


Working both as a buff and a debuff, Immobile isn't affected by Cleanse. Technically, this skill is classified as a buff. Whether Cleanse actually will remove it is unknown, but there's some cases where it's been removed when originally implemented for enemies.