Attack Power Reduction

Revision as of 21:50, 11 April 2021 by Arathun (talk | contribs)
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Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 1)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%
Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 2)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%
Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 3)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%
Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 4)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%
Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 5)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%

Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 6)攻撃力低下
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Slight ATK Down (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description ATK Down by 0.7x for 6 turns
Duration 6
Tags ATK down, Extra stack
Base Value Maximum Value
Damage Multiplier Dealt 70% 70%
Used Skills

Status usage

See Attack Power Reduction/Used Skills for more details