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(This page is for Shuichi's strategy guide. For the standard Shuichi page, click here.)


Shuichi is an extremely powerful debuffing unit that massively increases the survivability of your team by debilitating the enemy's ability to deal damage. He can cause Dazzle, dramatically lowering enemy ATK for multiple turns, and his CS causes Possessed, causing enemies to attack each other rather than your team for one turn. Not only does this functionally negate damage to your team for one turn, but your enemies might kill each other for you while Possessed!


Role: Debuffer


+ Can remove enemy buffs

+ Can mitigate enemy damage with Dazzle and Possessed

+ Greatly increases your team's damage output with Weakness and Possessed


- Low direct damage output

- Very reliant on skill activation percentages

Team Synergy

Characters with Insight: Characters who can apply Insight to Shuichi to increase the proc rate of his skills greatly increase his efficiency and reliability. The Starshine skill of Pollux, Shinya, or Taurus Mask can be perfect for this.

Characters with CP increase: Possibly Shuichi's most powerful tool is his CS, since Possessed is such a monstrously powerful debuff. Characters that can further increase Shuichi's rate of CP gain, such as Claude or Hanuman using Head of Festivities, are perfect companions for this reason.

Duo: Duo's Spinner of Fate (3-Star) or Fount of Wisdom (5-Star) skills combine Insight and CP Increase into a single skill that can activate every time Duo attacks. This makes Duo the perfect unit to support and enable Shuichi's talents... much to Shuichi's delight and Duo's displeasure.

Star Level Differences

Shuichi's 4-Star version is, in almost all situations, going to be the superior option to his 3-Star version, simply due to weapon type. 4-Star Shuichi uses magic, while 3-Star uses Slash -- Slash will do more direct damage, true, but Shuichi's worth is in his debuffs, and 4-Star Shuichi can apply them to more enemies at much longer range.

Seed Usage

Skill Seeds increase the likelihood of Shuichi's potent debuffs proccing, which is by far the most important aspect of the character to maximize, so prioritize those first. After that, increasing his HP allows him to stay in the fight and debuff longer, making HP and Level Seeds the next best choice. Shuichi's direct damage is of minimal importance, really, so ATK Seeds are probably better spent on other characters instead.