Event Quest:Summer Fireworks with:Jiraiya

Location: Kasai Seaside Park

Jiraiya expression neutral.png

Yo! So this is where you were, my master!

Huh? Is it ok for me to be away from the beach hut?

Jiraiya expression grin.png

Don’t worry, I’m on a break now.

I can talk with my master for a while.

Jiraiya expression blush.png

I met you in here, so this must be fate, don’t you think?

Do you want to look at the fireworks together?

Jiraiya expression blush.png

Ah… Ahahaha!

Amazing! Come, the fireworks are this way.

Jiraiya expression neutral.png

Speaking of summer, I’m glad I came to this beach festival.

If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t be here this summer.

Jiraiya expression grin.png

In that case, I wouldn’t be here to serve my master.

Well, I’m happy that wasn’t the case.

Jiraiya expression neutral.png

They are so radiant and shiny, even as they disappear.

I wonder if a person could shine like that.

Jiraiya expression blush.png

… Don’t worry. I won’t abandon my lifestyle.

I will always be with you, my master.

Jiraiya caressed [Player]’s cheek, and looked at him with determined eyes.