Event Quest:Summer Fireworks with:Azazel

Location: Kasai Seaside Park

Azazel expression summer neutral.png

… Good evening, Protagonist-sama. How unusual. Are you alone?

Azazel expression summer confused.png

You were looking for me…? Well, that is… haha.

Azazel expression summer neutral.png

No, forgive me… I understand. I would like to watch the fireworks together with you.

It will be beautiful, don’t you agree?

Azazel expression summer sin.png

If so, I will escort you. I have reserved a spot where we will see them.

Azazel expression summer sad.png

Come, let us depart. Together with a Fallen Angel, there is nothing wrong.

Azazel expression summer sin.png

How brilliant, an ephemeral moment.

It appears to be quite like the glow of a human… Ah…

Azazel expression summer smile.png

And now, watching and enjoying it, “having a contribution”

… this was the best experience for me.

Azazel expression summer neutral.png

….Just a minute, it is getting cold. You are welcome to come here. It is warm.

Just like that, Azazel gently brought my body closer to him……