Event Quest:Present Exchange with:Krampus

Shinjuku's Surroundings

Krampus:(hooded_neutral face)
… Oh.
You’re finally here.

W-wait ! I didn’t appear from the shadows to lure you away and eat you!

Look… Erm, you, well-
During Valentine’s, the other day, you gave presents didn’t you?

I- I can’t get used to receiving that sort of stuff.
I don’t really understand how I should answer those.

On that, er-…
P-please take this!!

With a bright red face, Krampus held out a bag with shaking hands.
Inside it were what unmistakably looked like rental DVDs.

Aah!! Damnit!
I grabbed the wrong bag when I went out?! Sorry!!

I went to rent those yesterday. That’s a sentai series from last year but,
since they finally got the whole collection, I wanted to marathon it.

Oh, you want to watch it together?.. Oh, right! You like those too!

Yeah, and I gotta go back to grab your present anyway…
Then it's settled , I'll catch up with you later.

Instead of appreciating that on my own…
It’s more fun if we do it together with friends… am I right?