Template:Gacha infobox


This templates creates an infobox for an gacha, as well as an gacha subobject using the following properties:

  • Has Japanese name
  • Has English name
  • Has news link
  • Has banner image
  • Has duration date
  • Has gacha type
  • Earliest duration
  • Latest duration
  • Revolves around units
  • Is active


{{Gacha infobox
| jp name = 
| en name = 
| news link =
| banner image = 
| duration = 
| type =
| units =


jp name
Japanese name.
en name
Translated name, official if jp-en name exists, unofficial if not.
jp-en name
Unofficial translated name.
news link
Official link to the unit distribution
banner image
Image(s) for the banners present during the gacha; separate multiple images using a semicolon.
The start and end date(s); separate multiples using a semicolon. Name using a !. Separate start and end with -> Please use an ISO-8601 timestamp.
The type of gacha (or currency used): Main, New, Paid, Reprint, Ally, etc.
List of units that are the focus of the gacha (for example, new units or units with a higher rate up, if no new units are present)


{{Gacha infobox
| jp name = 
| en name = Main Gacha
| news link = http://housamo.info/gacha2/
| banner image = banner_gacha_2-1.png;banner_gacha_2_en.png
| duration = Duration!{{#time:c|0}} -> {{#time:c|now}}
| units = *
| type = Main