Difference between revisions of "Template:Status extended infobox"

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| [[Category:Unused status]]}}
| [[Category:Unused status]]}}
== Description ==
This templates creates an infobox for a status effect, as well as a status effect subobject using the following properties:
== Usage ==
<pre>{{Status extended infobox
| id =
| en name =
| jp name =
| filename =
| duration =
| damage-add =
| damage-add-max =
| damage-mult =
| damage-mult-max =
| damaged-add =
| damaged-add-max =
| damaged_mult =
| damaged_mult_max =
| hp-recovery =
| hp-recovery-max =
| cp-add =
| locks =
| type =
| note =
=== Parameters ===
; en name : (Officially localized) English name of the status
; jp-en name : (Unofficially) translated English name of the status
; jp name : Original Japanese name of the status
; filename : Filename the status icon uses
; id : internal ID used
; type : Whether this is a buff or a debuff
; duration : How many turns the status effect persists
; note : Note that displays when the status effect is added
; jp-note : Original Japanese for the above
; damage-add : Additional damage applied when attacking (constant)
; damage-add-max : Max value for the above
; damage-mult : Damage multiplier applied when attacking (coefficient)
; damaged-add : Additional damage applied when attacked (constant)
; damaged-add-max : Max value for the above
; damage-mult-max : Max value for the above
; damaged-mult : Damage multiplier applied when attacked (coefficient)
; damaged-mult-max : Max value for the above
; hp-recovery : HP recovered at end turn
; hp-recovery-max : Max value for the above
; cp-add : CP recovered at end turn
; rate-add : Max value for the above
; locks : Restrictions applied to unit. These include: movement, attack, skill, CS, blowback
== Examples ==
<pre>{{Status extended infobox
| id = 41
| en name = Guts
| jp name = 根性
| filename = guts
| duration = 5
| type = buff
| note = HPゼロ時に復活
{{Status extended infobox
| id = 41
| en name = Guts
| jp name = 根性
| filename = guts
| duration = 5
| type = Buff
| note = HPゼロ時に復活
[[Category:Infobox templates]][[Category:Subobject templates]]
