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[Fadeout to black screen]
[Fadeout to black screen]

HATI: ーオレはまた、 過ちを犯した。
HATI:-I also made a mistake.
髏しく誘惑する月の光に、 剥きだしの牙を突き刺す。
The bare fangs are pierced in the light of the moon, which is temptingly shy.

HATI: それは縄麿もオレ自身の行動を狂わせ、
HATI: それは縄麿もオレ自身の行動を狂わせ、

HATI: そんな時....,
HATI: At that time...
There are people who always remember.

[Maria Appears briefly]
[Maria Appears briefly]

HATI: 彼女は……扉を開けてくれた。
HATI: She... opened the door.
オレが自分のしたことを悔い、 閉ざそうとした希望の扉を。
The door of hope that I regretted and tried to close.

HATI: 「この世界に生まれた意昧を残す」
HATI: "Leaving the intention born in this world"
そんな壮大な事を、 今すぐしたかった訳じゃねえ。
I don't think I wanted to do such a magnificent thing right now.

HATI: 花を贈るという、 すごくちっぽけな事かもしれないけれど。
HATI:It might be a very small thing to give flowers, though.
First of all, I decided to start here.

HATI: 小さなことをーつずつこなし、
HATI: Do small things one by one,
小さな歩みをー歩ずつ積み重ねていけば、 いずれたどり着く。
If you take small steps, step by step, you will eventually arrive.

HATI: 彼女が話してくれた、 オレの理想。
She told me, my ideal.
No.-I wanted to take the step...

==Mountainside at Night==
==Mountainside at Night==
