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== Gameplay Role ==
== Gameplay Role ==

Example gameplay role breakdown.
First off let talk about the timing of his skill. The only skill that needs him to move is his LB2, his LB1 and LB3 apply when he attacks and when the phase start so they sorta encourage you to not move {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} around a lot and make him a sentry (which is good since the drawback of his LB2).
As previously mentioned, the three things that make {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} shine as a Disruptive Support are {{Status|en name=Oppression}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}} and since his attack type is Magic so he can spread all three of this debuffs to the enemy.
{{Status|en name=Oppression}} is a good CC but mobs that have Shot, Snipe, or Magic this debuff won't be effective against them (Thrust would be a problem too if they are at a good position).
{{Status|en name=Weakness}} make the enemy take more damage, that it's.
{{Status|en name=Curse}} is a good cover-up for the weakness (heh) of {{Status|en name=Oppression}}. It's made enemy deal less damage so that long-range enemy won't hurt as much
So we have covered the Disruptive part of {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}}'s kit so what about his Support side. {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} has a basic buff kit: 1 offensive buff {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}; and two defensive one {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Protection}}. But one downside is the drawback of his LB2 make the 2 buffs often absent from the team and since his {{Status|en name=Protection}} only proc once at phase start and last one turn, making him need to rely on his LB2 (and I pretty sure you know why that's a bad thing). In conclusion, {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}}, for the most game, gonna be a Disruptive more than a Buffer.
'''Damage Dealer'''
Since he's a Magic so his damage modifier won't be high but that got cover-up because of his elemental ( {{Attribute|Infernal}} ) advantage and his cluster truck of an ability that is LB1.
So FYI, His LB1 basically multiplies his damage by 2 for every buff that the enemy has. If I got this right, he would deal around ~40k damage (doesn't include elemental advantage and Seed) if the enemy has 5 buffs on them. '''''Now that's a lot of damage'''''
'''Comparing {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} and {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=3}}, his 5-star would be the obvious choice. A new debuff and a new buff for the team never hurt anyone but if you sh!tty luck and only draw him as a 3-star. It's ok, his 3-star is still viable as much as his 5-star.'''

== Stats and Seed Usage ==
== Stats and Seed Usage ==
