Difference between revisions of "Template:Skill radius"

another one, one square behind and self
(new radius, one square behind)
(another one, one square behind and self)
Line 10: Line 10:
| in a wide radius and self | 距離2マス内 = 距離2マス内
| in a wide radius and self | 距離2マス内 = 距離2マス内
| indiscriminately and adjacent | 無差別隣1マス = 無差別隣1マス
| indiscriminately and adjacent | 無差別隣1マス = 無差別隣1マス
| one square behind | 背後1マス内 = 背後1マス内
| one square behind | 背後1マス = 背後1マス
| one square behind and self | 背後1マス内 = 背後1マス内
| two squares behind | 背後2マス = 背後2マス
| two squares behind | 背後2マス = 背後2マス
| all allies | 味方全体 = 味方全体
| all allies | 味方全体 = 味方全体
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| 距離2マス内 = Affects friendly units 2 spaces away from the unit horizontally and vertically, 1 space away diagonally, INCLUDING the caster.
| 距離2マス内 = Affects friendly units 2 spaces away from the unit horizontally and vertically, 1 space away diagonally, INCLUDING the caster.
| 無差別隣1マス = Affects adjacent friendly units 1 space away AND enemies hit.
| 無差別隣1マス = Affects adjacent friendly units 1 space away AND enemies hit.
| 背後1マス内 = Affects the unit one square behind the caster.
| 背後1マス = Affects the unit one square behind the caster.
| 背後1マス内 = Affects the caster and the unit one square behind the caster.
| 背後2マス = Affects units two squares behind the caster.
| 背後2マス = Affects units two squares behind the caster.
| 味方全体 = All allies
| 味方全体 = All allies
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| 無差別隣1マス = adjacent allies, and also any enemies hit and damaged
| 無差別隣1マス = adjacent allies, and also any enemies hit and damaged
| 背後1マス = unit one square behind
| 背後1マス = unit one square behind
| 背後1マス内 = unit one square behind and self
| 背後2マス = units two squares behind
| 背後2マス = units two squares behind
| 味方全体 = all allies
| 味方全体 = all allies
