Difference between revisions of "Event Quest:Desert Journey:Gyumao and the Resort"

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|face=swimsuit neutral
|face=swimsuit neutral
|dialogue=そういえばマイパ-トナ一は日焼け止めを持ってきているかね? このビ一チの売りは安全かつ快適な日焼けスポッ トなのだよ。
|dialogue=Come to think of it, did you bring any sunscreen? This beach is also a safe and comfortable tanning spot you know.
|face=swimsuit neutral
|face=swimsuit neutral
|dialogue=そう、ヤングエグゼクテイブといえば、 日焼け! 黒光りする筋肉が、 ビジネスに説得力を生むのだ !
|dialogue= Yes, Young Executive, tanning! Dark, lustrous muscles create a convincing image!
|face=swimsuit joy
|face=swimsuit joy
|dialogue=かく言う私もかつては白牛だつたのだが今はどうだ、 この通り! 君にもオススメしよう !
|dialogue=Why, I was a white ox once, and just take a look this result! I highly recommend it!

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|face=swimsuit neutral
|face=swimsuit neutral
|dialogue=私にも、 コイツを塗ってくれないかね。しっかりコミッ トするのが、 綺に焼く コツなのだ !
|dialogue=Will  help put some sunscreen on where I can't reach? It's very important to spread everywhere for an even tan!

