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772 bytes added ,  22:08, 26 May 2018
Resesrch Files
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== Research File ==
Affiliation: Summoners
|translation=Angel Summon summoned from another world. They love order, value laws, and tend to prefer to act as a group. However they are also beings that hold human thoughts and feelings more than generally believed. They have bonds with the protagonist and their friends, and they have decided to lend their power, or they have been captivated by the protagonist and have decided to work alongside them.
|official=Angel Transients summoned from another world. They uphold law and order and have a strong preference to maintain community. However, they have more humane emotions and thought than people may think. Some may find a bond with you and offer their help. Others may be attracted to you, and choose to be by your side.
Angel Summon summoned from another world. They love order, value laws, and tend to prefer to act as a group. However they are also beings that hold human thoughts and feelings more than generally believed. They have bonds with the protagonist and their friends, and they have decided to lend their power, or they have been captivated by the protagonist and have decided to work alongside them.
