Difference between revisions of "Disguiser"

443 bytes removed ,  11:29, 30 March 2018
Blanked, may need deletion unless official translation changes to disguiser
(Blanked, may need deletion unless official translation changes to disguiser)
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{{Skill infobox
| jp name = 姿を変える者
| en name = Shape Shifter
| jp-en name = Disguiser
| jp trigger timing = フェーズ開始時
| jp description = 自身に攻撃強化付与
| en description = Apply {{Status effect|攻撃強化}} to self
| proc chance = 50

== Companions with {{PAGENAME}} ==
{{Companion list
| base skill = ?, 姿を変える者
| show base stats = n
| show skill description = n
| show charge skill = n
