Difference between revisions of "Template:Items"

1,268 bytes added ,  04:06, 29 March 2019
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(22 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Small|S|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Medium|M|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Large|L|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Super|G|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|S|S|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|M|M|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|L|L|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|G|G|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|EXP Stars|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|XP Stars|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Stars|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|EXP Star|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|XP Star|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Boost|Boost|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Coin|Coin|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Coins|Coin|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Skill Up|Soul|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Soul|Soul|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Proof of Mastery|Preliminary Crest|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Preliminary Crest|Preliminary Crest|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Provisional Certificate|Crest|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Provisional Proof of Mastery| Crest|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Crest|Crest|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Spell Token|Spell Token|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|God Shard|Shard|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|God Crystal|Shard|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Shard|Shard|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Owner Medallion|Owner Medallion|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Stone|Transient Stone|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Summoning Stone|Transient Stone|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Summon Stone|Transient Stone|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Light Stone|Transient Stone|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Transient Stone|Transient Stone|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Cooperation Point|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Coop Pt|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Cooperation Pt|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Ally Pt|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Ally Point|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Combat Point|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Combat Pt|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Friend Point|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Friend Pt|Ally Point|}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Myosotis|Forget-Me-Not}}{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|Forget-Me-Not|Forget-Me-Not}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}|kernel|Seed|}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}|attack kernel|ATK Seed|}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}|atk kernel|ATK Seed|}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}|hp kernel|HP Seed|}}
|small | s | 小 = S
|medium | m | 中 = M
|large | l | 大 = L
|super | g | 超 = G
|half | ハーフ = Half
|mini | ミニ = Mini
|full | ドリンク = Full
|major | ハーフ = Major
|minor | ミニ = Minor
|exp stars | xp stars | stars | exp star | xp star | boost | 成長 = Boost
|coin | coins | コイン = Coin
|skill up | soul | 魂 = Soul
|proof of mastery | preliminary crest | 証 = Crest
|provisional certificate | provisional proof of mastery | crest | 仮証 = Preliminary Crest
|spell token | スペルトークン = Spell Token
|god shard | god crystal | 神力 = God Crystal
|owner medallion | オーナーメダリオン = Honor Medallion
|transient stone | stone | summon stone | light stone | summoning stone | 転光石 = Transient Stone
|cooperation point | coop pt | ally pt | ally point | cooperation pt | combat point | combat pt | friend point | friend pt | 戦友 = Ally Point
|ticket | summoning ticket | salomon-kun ticket | サロモンくんチケット = Lil' Salomon Ticket
|platinum ticket | プラチナサロモンくんチケット = Platinum Salomon-kun Ticket
|gold ticket | ゴールドサロモンくんチケット = Gold Salomon-kun Ticket
|stamina drink | stamina drink | スタミナ = Stamina Drink
|shard | 片 = Shard
|crystal | 晶 = Crystal
|chunk | 塊 = Chunk
|myosotis | forget-me-not | forget-me-nots | forget me not | 勿忘草 = Forget Me Not
|kernel | seed | 種 = Seed
|attack kernel | atk kernel | attack kernel | atk seed | atkの種 = ATK Seed
|hp kernel | hp seed | hpの種 = HP Seed
|lvl seed | level seed | レベルの種 = Level Seed
|skill seed | スキルの種 = Skill Seed
| holy night's gift | 聖夜の贈り物 = Holy Night's Gift
| thank you letter for the saints | 聖者への御礼状 = Thank You Letter for the Saints
|christmas card | クリスマスカード = Christmas Card
|order bell | オーダーベル = Order Bell
|mince pie | ミンスパイ = Mince Pie
|pizza | ピザ = Pizza
|grilled turkey | 七面鳥の丸焼き = Grilled Turkey
|yule log | ブッシュドノエル = Yule Log
|energy bar | エナジーバー = Energy Ball
|mountain jelly | マウンテンゼリー = Mountain Jelly
| festival poi | お祭りのポイ | 祭のポイ = Festival Poi
| festival fan | お祭りうちわ | 祭うちわ = Festival Fan
| yakisoba | 応援団焼きそば = Yakisoba
| swordsman frankfurt | 剣豪フランクフルト = Swordsman Frankfurt
| sweet anzu candy | シャバ甘アンズ飴 = Sweet Anzu Candy
| crushed ice | 豪開!かち割り氷 = Crushed Ice
| takoyaki | 任侠印のたこ焼き = Takoyaki
| peach of immortality | 仙果 = Peach of Immortality
| sutra of gratitude | ありがたいお経 = Sutra of Gratitude
| 救命うきわ = Life Saver
| 海の幸 = Seafood
| treasure | 財宝 = Treasure
| 試練の石 = Stone's Trial
| ハロウィンスタンプ= Halloween Stamp
| クリスマスキャンドル = Christmas Candle
| ツリーオーナメント = Tree Ornament
| 鬼瓦 = Onigawara
| 福豆 = Fortune Beans
|#default = {{{1|none}}}