Event Quest:Present Exchange with:Ahab

[Translation by Raynald]

Location: In the sea at nighttime

Ahab expression neutral.png

...Oh, coming to the deck this late at night.
This isn’t the time for brats to be awake.

Ahab expression surprised.png

If you have some business, then speak already.
——what? Valentine’s day present?

Ahab expression neutral.png

Aah. Now that you mention it, you gave me something,
saying that it was a present.

Ahab expression sad.png

Unfortunately, I have no time for playing a love pretending game with you.
If you were expecting a valentine’s gift, too bad.

When (Player) gave up and was returning to the ship rooms, what caught their attention was, brand new sailor clothes beautifully folded over a barrel.

Ahab expression neutral.png

——it’s hard to move wearing those clothes.
At least wear that when you ride my ship.

Ahab expression smile.png

Those are... let’s see,
think of them as a valentine’s gift from me.

Ahab expression sad.png

Hey, if you understood then leave already.
Didn’t I told you that this isn’t the time for brats to be awake?

Ahab expression surprised.png

Huh? You want to sleep together with me?
Ask again when you became a full-fledged adult, you precocious brat.

Ahab expression blush.png

...Have a nice dream. My cute sailor.