Event Quest:Otohime and a Summer Dream

[Translation by OddEyes]

Otohime and a Summer Dream

Student Dormitory Nighttime

After the event in the Dragon Palace… at the students' dorms in Shinjuku Academy.

[Player] was asleep in the dorms. *Phone rings*

3 options
An incoming call at this time? Mhm… I’m still sleeping. Huh… this seems to be happening a lot lately...

The sound of your phone ringing broke the silence of the night.

[Player] while half asleep, tapped the phone’s screen that shone as bright as sunlight reflecting on water.

???:( face)
...sama. Oh, [Player]-sama…

Otohime expression thinking.png

...It has been a while, [Player]-sama. I apologize for surprising you with this sudden invitation.

2 options
You’re… Otohime!? No way, the Dragon’s Palace!?
Otohime expression happy.png

With Talos’s help, we were able to rebuild the Virtual Dragon’s Palace within the network and invite you here.

3 options
You were able to do that!? Hephaestus and Otohime are too amazing. Oh… Hurray for mysterious technology.
Otohime expression neutral.png

This simulation was created using Hephaestus-sama’s techniques. It would have been impossible for me to do it alone.

Otohime expression neutral.png

Actually, much of its function has been greatly reduced and degraded but the effects on the five senses should not have changed.

Otohime expression thinking.png

The truth is that I wanted to thank you for the other day… I would like to talk with you a little.

Otohime expression neutral.png

I sincerely hope that you could forgive me, Otohime.

3 options
To thank me... Sure, let’s talk. I also wanted to talk to you.
Otohime expression neutral.png

As gratitude for giving me this "beauty that cannot be fully expressed in a picture"...

Otohime expression happy.png

Please enjoy the virtual Dragon’s palace to your heart’s content.

Otohime expression surprised.png

You want… to talk with me? Please explain the intent of your answer.

Otohime expression happy.png

I see… you want me to accompany you.

Otohime expression happy.png

Of course, I, Otohime, will accompany you to your heart’s content, without fail.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Then, [Player]-sama, let’s go. As the overseer of the dragon’s palace, I shall guide you.

3 options
I’ll leave it to you, Otohime. (Smiles at Otohime) (Hold Otohime's hand)
Otohime expression happy.png

…… Okay, [Player]-sama. Please leave everything to Otohime.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Yes, please take my hand. Please be careful as well.

Otohime expression happy.png

Although my hand is artificial, the warmth of your hand is… clearly transmitted.

[Player] was guided by Otohime to various sections of the dragon’s palace.

The Open Ocean

Dragon Palace Courtyard

Dragon Palace Interior

While visiting the various sections of the dragon's palace with Otohime, [Player] received great hospitality.

Each time, Otohime was staring at [Player] with a serious expression.

3 options
Hmmm, I'm satisfied ... Why are you looking at me so much... Eh, why are you looking at me like that....
Otohime expression happy.png

Those words… fills me with happiness. The joy from the visitors is also my joy.

Otohime expression thinking.png

I’ve always overseen the dragon’s palace and will continue to operate it. However...

Otohime expression neutral.png


Otohime expression surprised.png

Ah… I feel that I've seen your face before… Please forgive me for being rude.

Otohime expression neutral.png

...... I have something to tell you… about my current operating status.

Otohime expression surprised.png

The thing is, whenever I come in contact with you… the back of my chest parts become disturbed for some reason.

Otohime expression surprised.png

Similar to when I watch Yamasachihiko-sama. However, somehow it’s different ... The cause is unknown.

Otohime expression neutral.png

As long as I work as an emotion management AI, it should not be affected by any input signal.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Perhaps, if this is the same as that time with Yamasachihiko-sama, I...

Otohime expression neutral.png

Observed something within you and the result, I speculate, is that it might be affected.

Otohime expression happy.png

I want to observe it again, so I invited you to Ryugu Castle.

3 options
I’m glad I have friends to rely on! Thank you for inviting me. I like you Otohime, so say whatever you want.
Otohime expression happy.png

……Thank you very much. To think, an AI quivering from another waveform.

Otohime expression neutral.png

Like the undersea dragon, I also abandon what is considered unnecessary. This may be rude but…

Otohime expression happy.png

I would like to say that to you… We recognize that you are a valuable sample that cannot be replaced with anything.

3 options
Umm, a very mechanical like response. But what is the difference between machines and humans? Don’t you know what it feels to like someone?
Otohime expression thinking.png

To like someone… I have knowledge of the concept, of course. However, I'm sorry; I don’t understand it as a real feeling.

Otohime expression neutral.png

Otohime expression surprised.png

....... Yamasachihiko-sama, correct? Why are you referring to him now ...? ?? ??

Otohime expression neutral.png

Originally, all my words and physical expressions were programmed. It is designed to give our visitors joy and peace.

Otohime expression neutral.png

Avoid overly stimulating our injured visitors and refrain from… But this kind of adjustment is possible.

Otohime expression joy.png
2 options
Otohime, did you just laugh…? Otohime, your face just now!
Otohime expression surprised.png

I understand. If it looks unsightly, I apologize.

Otohime expression happy.png

I tried to relax some of the restrictions on my emotion management AI program and reveal the “expression” that was suppressed.

Otohime expression surprised.png

Of course, I’m used to suppressing my facial expressions, so I can't express them as vibrant as you.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Up until now, that is how I’ve always functioned but if you do feel uncomfortable… I had hope…

3 options
You can do whatever you wish for. Do whatever you feel is best. It's a cute smile.
Otohime expression surprised.png

What… whatever I wish for...? Then, I will continue to practice.

Otohime expression happy.png

......I had hoped you would like it, I’m honored. I'm sorry, I couldn’t find the best answer...

Otohime expression surprised.png

Regarding my behavior when the restriction of emotion management AI program is relaxed, apparently, there is still much to learn.

Otohime expression joy.png

...... Please continue to watch over my actions that I have never experienced before. We would appreciate your feedback on how you felt.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Until now within the dragon’s palace, it was me who was in a box.

Otohime expression thinking.png

Is it possible to operate in that “Tokyo”... There are many places where the assessment of uncertainty is not sufficient.

Otohime expression neutral.png

However, I would like to laugh with everyone, cry with everyone, or at least help make your operating systems ideal.

Otohime expression joy.png

That is what I currently wish for. And ... I would like to follow it.

Otohime expression neutral.png

Come now, [Player]-sama. It’s about time I show you the next place, I hope you enjoy it.

3 options
Just the two of us... I want Otohime to have fun. Let's have fun together!
Otohime expression surprised.png

With me ...! ?? I ... hospitality to [Player]-sama...

Otohime expression neutral.png

...No, if that is what [Player]-sama wants then I will do my best to make that ideal come true.

Otohime closes her eyes and is engulfed in light. And--

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

...How does it look [Player]-sama?

3 options
A swimsuit!? It looks great! It's a very beautiful color...
Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Thank you for your prompt feedback. Again a little ... a new signal was generated in my heart.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

I heard "dressing up to enjoy the summer" … "that person" taught me about the outfit of "Tokyo".

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

I tried to create an avatar with reference to that … Certainly, I feel that I understand your feelings a little now.

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

......[Player]-sama. If you don’t mind…… Would you like to come along with me on my flight test?

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

Once all the restrictions on the emotion management AI program have stopped, I want to explore the new potential of my mechanical body--

Eventually, a soft sunset struck the dragon’s palace. Under the shining water surface, you two play within the central square.

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Ah… playing beach volleyball, my heart is floundering like a fish…!

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

Activate the summer program duplicated from Talos. Go-

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Otohime expression swimsuit angry.png

Alright, come at me! Right there!

3 options
(You play as a noob on purpose) (Return the ball with enjoyment) (Return the ball with all your might)
Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Well, [Player]-sama…, it was a playful dance. Hehe.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png


Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

…… Heh, I'm sorry but I stopped moving! I've entered a mode to learn a new dance.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

As expected, people from another world ... I, Otohime, still have a lot to learn and that there is still room for self-growth.

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

What a fastball! But my dance isn’t over yet, I'll return it back to you, Smack!

Otohime expression swimsuit angry.png


Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Smack, huh? It was the shout that felt the most right, but...

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png


Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

You returned it, [Player]-sama? Why do you look so surprised?

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

My AI decides that you want the rally to continue. If so, my mechanical body can handle it at its full potential.

Dragon Palace Nighttime

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Summer program deactivated… Pish.

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Transition to normal mode completed. How was it, [Player]-sama?

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

......My apologies, my facial expression changes too rapidly. It wasn't natural ... I'll fix it.

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

......Is my operating system strange to [Player]-sama, a denizen from Tokyo?

Otohime gripped the beach ball tightly while staring at [Player].

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Until now, I have only served as a receiver for those who have been injured. I have tried to suppress emotional expression and not stimulate it.

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

But Tokyo is surely more diverse. I thought I could deal with those various "hearts" …

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

…… In such situations, I expect to face many difficulties in the future.

3 options
Do it your own way- You don’t have to think that way. Move forward at your own rate, Otohime.
Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png
Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png


3 options
There are many different types of people in Tokyo. You don’t have to decide that for yourself. I think Otohime as a machine.
Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Thank you very much, [Player]-sama. Your feedback is stored within my memory bank.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

There are people who appreciate me now. So I predict that this “me” will continue to operate "in the future".

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

[Player]-sama’s wonderful words. I, Otohime, will store them within the innermost parts of my memory.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

I'm sure I still don't understand your feelings. However, the current me certainly wants to "understand."

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

You said that you like me as a machine. However, for some reason, the next moment that feeling seems to disappear from my eyes… you.

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

I want to know those contradictory feelings and the reason why. Such a wish is occurring in me ....

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

I ... I couldn't decide what to do because I couldn't measure the risk assessment of going to "Tokyo".

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

"That person" ... Despite having prepared a prosthetic body for me to work in "Tokyo".

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

However, it seems that I can finally decide to leave the dragon’s palace. Before I temporarily disconnected from the management function… we’ll meet again.

Otohime quietly gazes at the surface of the water that glitters in the sunset and opens her mouth.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

...“That person” taught me.

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

"Tokyo" where [Player]-sama lives is a place where various people come from many worlds.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Perhaps the "emotions" of the people who live there are so diverse that they cannot be expressed in words.

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

I was created to pursue the idea to get rid of the sadness in front of us to make ourselves happier.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

However, I was told that I overlooked one important factor for the idea.

Otohime expression swimsuit surprised.png

The unnecessary "sadness" that I saw may be "joy" for someone else.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

If you can meet "someone else" that you need, that "sadness" may turn into "joy".

Otohime turns to [Player] and droops her head down.

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

...... At the dragon’s palace, I would wait for the people to come and to cut off their sadness, I …

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

I only saw people who had forgotten their "sadness" like fleeting bubbles.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

I want to go out and try to grow on my own. For me, I think I need someone to say I need to.

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

I want to be the person who returns the "Tamatebako" without telling them, "Never open it."

2 options
I’m looking forward to finding him. Can we find him together?
Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Yes, [Player]-sama. As long as the memory of that person who left the dragon’s palace earlier hasn’t given up…

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

I too will keep on dancing to find true closure.

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

[Player]-sama. I feel reassured that you will walk alongside me.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png


Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

Ah… But this is not enough for me to express “joy”. This emotion… someday… will I know what it feels like?

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

...Hopefully, I hope that you will welcome me back with open arms when I know this emotion.

The scenery of the dragon’s palace grows blurry as the light gradually engulfs it.

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

I’m sorry to say but it is time to wake up [Player]-sama.

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

No. The end of this dream has... not reached its conclusion. It... is the time of "departure".

Otohime expression swimsuit thinking.png

There is no need to mourn… but still…

Otohime expression swimsuit neutral.png

Otohime expression swimsuit angry.png

At this moment, I want to "hold" you. I know that's something I shouldn't do ...

Otohime expression swimsuit happy.png

Can you allow me to be selfish, until you wake up… can you stay with me ...?

Otohime expression swimsuit joy.png

Otohime and [Player] sit next to each other and watch the dream landscape awaken.

A summer dream sways and trembles like a heat haze. Your shadows slowly overlap.

The boundaries of different seasons blend in like the boundaries between machines and humans blend in together.