Event Quest:Love Situation with Astaroth

[Translation by Rogue]

A Love Situation with Astaroth


2 options
(Meeting Astaroth) (Meeting Astarte)
Astaroth expression happy.png

I'm over here, [Player]. ......It's great that you're here.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

Yes, there was a study group for a judicial exam today, but it finished early.

Astaroth expression blush.png

Oh, this is nerve wrecking; I'm still not used to this kind of thing.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

I'm always like this even in my home world (Gehenna), before I come to Tokyo.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

However, there is something that I absolutely wanted to give to you in person.

Astaroth expression happy.png

.....So, please accept this, [Player].

Astaroth spoke as they handed a small present to [Player].

It is a cute and delicately wrapped package.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

I have been thinking about what you like, it'll be nice if you're happy.

Astaroth expression happy.png

I think that it's not a bad idea to express my feelings in material form.

Astaroth expression happy.png

But before I met you, I would have never thought like this.

Astaroth expression shocked.png

Eh, too serious?...... Yes......perhaps.

Astaroth expression blush.png

Haha, I'm not used to being told that it's okay if I don't do anything......it's embarrassing.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

Whenever I'm with you, I feel like I'm always smiling......and also, full of pleasant surprises.

Astaroth expression happy.png

......Thank you for all you've done, I can live in this city happily because of you.

Astaroth expression shocked.png

Oh, you have something for me? Is it ---

Astaroth expression shocked.png

Thank.....Thank you, though it wasn't unexpected......

Astaroth expression happy.png

......No, that's right. I'm very happy, I think I'm overjoyed.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

So, are you free afterwards? There's this place......that I wanted to go with you.

Astaroth expression blush.png

Though I want us to study together......But, there are other places that I wanted to go too.

Astaroth expression neutral.png

......After that, can we have dinner together? If that's okay with you.

Astaroth expression happy.png

I feel like......I have a lot that I wanted to tell you today.
My feelings are telling me that, I wanted to get to know more ---

Astarte expression thinking.png

......Long time no see eh, [Player], you doing well?

Astarte expression sad.png

Don't even know if you remember me or not. Would be nice if Father Dagon made you remember.

Astarte expression neutral.png

Nevermind, I'll pretend that you remember and tell you.

Astarte expression thinking.png

And if you don't remember, hurry and ask Father to make you remember.

Astarte expression angry.png

Otherwise, I'll cut you up.

Astarte expression happy.png


Astarte expression neutral.png

......Right, don't know if you've realized that, the person standing here is me, but it's also not me.

Astarte expression sad.png

The person here is merely Astaroth's memory of my past self.

Astarte expression sad.png

Like I'm borrowing Astaroth's body to read a letter that I wrote in the past ---

Astarte expression neutral.png

--- Yeah that sounds about right.

Astarte expression thinking.png

However, if my past self is angry it will make this person angry too --- same goes for the opposite.

Astarte expression shocked.png

So don't make me angry, understood?

Astarte expression thinking.png


Astarte expression neutral.png

Now......For today's topic, stand at attention and listen up.

Astarte expression blush.png

......Ahem, I called you here because I thought that you might be lonely here in Tokyo.

Astarte expression shocked.png

Listen, don't get me wrong. You think a soldier like me would casually join in on the festivities?

Astarte expression neutral.png


Astarte expression blush.png


Astarte expression blush.png

I know what face you're pulling, even my self on the other side knows it very well.

Astarte expression neutral.png

I won't do this for other people, because no matter what I did, you wouldn't laugh at me.

Astarte expression blush.png

......Well, take this from me then, Astaroth and I chose it for you.

Astarte expression shocked.png

N--now please excuse me.

Astarte expression blush.png

.....I--I'm not stuttering, what are you talking about!?

Astarte expression thinking.png

Eh, what? If you've got anymore business, then stop dilly-dallying!

Astarte expression shocked.png

......Is this some kind of a joke?

Astarte expression neutral.png

......Were you not listening? Or did you not remember?

Astarte expression neutral.png

The person standing here is only a fragment of Astaroth's past memory.

Astarte expression sad.png

......Then why are you doing this?

Astarte expression blush.png

......So self-proclaiming as ever [Player], really......

Astarte expression angry.png

Urgh---Really......This, this is all your fault! Oh I don't care anymore! I'm taking this chocolate!

Astarte expression thinking.png

......Listen up, and listen good. The one on the other side will not lose to you.

Astarte expression neutral.png

If you don't want me to laugh at you when I come to see you, live long and stay alive for me yeah?

Astarte expression angry.png


Astarte expression happy.png


Astarte expression blush.png

......I'll say this on behalf of my self on the other side......Thank you, for your gift.