Event Quest:Love Situation with Algernon

[Translation by Rogue Summers]

A Love Situation with Algernon

Secret Base

Algernon expression neutral.png

Ahh~ been waiting for you forever! You came to see us on this sweet sweet day?

Algernon expression sad.png

......What is it, [Player]? State your matter quickly.
Mouse squeaks are driving me nuts after receiving contact from you.

Algernon expression surprised.png

Ohh, you dummy partner!
Valentine's and White day is happening in this world, you know?

Algernon expression angry.png

I am not interested unless it is related to cleaning jobs.
Besides, mouse voice is annoying, roger.

Algernon expression blackout.png
Algernon expression neutral.png

Well well--don't mind my partner, he says such things but he's actually data searching.
Come come, let us accept your present gratefully, yeah!

Algernon expression blackout.png
Algernon expression neutral.png

--Scanning complete. Shape irregular. Ingredients: cacao bean, sugar, whipped cream.
Evaluating hygiene conditions, status normal......Conclusion: possible for consumption.

Algernon expression surprised.png

How could you totally ignore this heart fluttering moment!
That's mood killer to the MAX, partner.

Algernon expression surprised.png

Very well, at least give it a bite?
OK five senses relay ready, alright hurry up and open the bag!

Algernon expression neutral.png

Mouse is even noisier than usual.
Affirmative, I shall take the responsibility to clean this up.

Algernon expression surprised.png

Ohh, the two types of chocolates are......huehuehue.
If you don't mind me being a smartass, this is for me and my partner right?

Algernon expression blush.png


Algernon expression neutral.png

I envy your thoughtfulness, [Player].
Now then, let's taste it with thoughts of gratitude!

After putting the chocolates into their mouth one after another. The two commented on the taste.

Algernon expression blush.png

Milk chocolate......taste is not bad.
As a high efficiency energy source for work, sugar is essential.

Algernon expression neutral.png

This dark chocolate is just what I like. It's bitter and sweet, two for the price of one!

Algernon expression surprised.png

Well partner, now that we have eaten the gift, I would like to ask your opinion on what we're going to do afterwards.

Algernon expression neutral.png

......humph, I have only one answer. A perfect work result should deserve a just reward.
As for the just reward, now is the time to show my clumsy side......I guess.

Algernon expression surprised.png

I see I see, we're doing that? Our secret move will be perfect as a return gift!

Algernon expression neutral.png

Here, for you, [Player]! Here are some flowers from us, please accept it?

Two cups of Italian espressos are placed in front, on them there are latte art of full blossoms made of milk foam.

Algernon expression blush.png

When we were still at the cognitive boost research laboratory at the university, before my partner became what he is now.
He always said that he wanted to be like the others, drinking coffee or talking about poetry and philosophy with the other students......

Algernon expression blush.png

One day when I become clever, I hope that dream will blossom for me too--this thought was always on my mind.

Amidst the slight bitterness, the caramel-like sweetness diffuses inside the mouth. Perhaps, this is the clumsy gentleness that they offered.

Algernon expression surprised.png

Please stay by his side, [Player].
Here, for my inefficient partner--for the dream we had, cheers.

Algernon expression neutral.png

'But look, this flower sure blossoms beautifully right?
Looks like it was worth it when you practice behind my back, partner!

Algernon expression blush.png


Algernon expression neutral.png

Ah......this is so bitter, yet delicious too.

Algernon expression happy.png

Though we're always about efficiency, but now we feel like moments like this is quite nice, also--

Algernon expression surprised.png

--Didn't know when it started, but we began to wonder about you, right partner?
Just where did you come from--and where will you go? Could you tell us more about you?

Algernon expression neutral.png

......I have spared some time while making the coffee.

Algernon expression blush.png

I wouldn't want to throw it away before it is all finished.
You're responsible--to stay and spend this time with us, [Player].

Algernon expression neutral.png

Of course, and I have prepared a lot of my partner's past to talk about!
Hehe, well, where shall we begin......?