Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!:VN:5-2

[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Ahahahaha! Let's play some more!
So much fun! So silly! So delightful!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Of course. Tricks or candy? Goofing around is very typical for Halloween.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Hey, kids. The reason why you ran off with Volos.
Can you secretly tell me why, just for me?

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That man is ours. That man is only for us.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

That's why you can't take him back from us! Ever!
We'll play a prank on an adult like you!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Uh huh, okay. It's an adult's responsibility to punish kids for "pranks," however.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

You shouldn't get too carried away, even if it's Halloween.
Ready? Zabaniya.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


A crimson flame soars with the cue from Arslan.

The figure wearing those flames precisely cuts up only the pumpkins in succession with sword-like hands.

When the flames died down however, there was no speck left of the pumpkins that carried off Volos.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

That was brilliantly done.
My, thanks to that, it seems like the kids pulled back.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It's good to know the opponent's capabilities, but...
their schemes are slowly getting worse and worse, to be honest.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What happened to the Mummy Man?
After the flames died down, I couldn't see him anywhere.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

He's acting as a convoy for the Wolf boy's pursuit.
He can pursue them even if he can't see them, as you would expect out of a fairy dog.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Oh. I hope it goes smoothly then.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Hey now, Don't put this all on yourself.
There was a miscalculation in their numbers, no?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If I had to make a big guess, if Volos felt responsible, then...

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Those pumpkins surely thought about coming out.
He's that important to them.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

If Uncle Lion had joined in, it would have been enough manpower.
If it was the same scale as before, I think we would've managed it.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

..... I'm sorry. I didn't think there would be that many.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It's not something I could have said, but...
Volos... I hope you're safe, wherever you are......

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

I'm baaack! I did a great job at finding them, Alice-chan!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Ah... Good work, Cusith.
So? Where did you find Volos' scent at?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Volos-san has a sunny scent, so it was a piece of cake to figure out!
We just need to head to the building over there!

Looking ahead where Cusith's pointing at, the auditorium of Daikanyama Academy sits there.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

There should be a play being held by the students in there.
The start of the play should be in... about 10 minutes.

2 options (Same Response)
It's starting soon!? Salomon-kun, you good-for-nothing!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Mmm…… hoh?
Maaaasteerr, did you call for me...... *Yawn*...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

H-Haaaaaaah!? N-No way! It's that time already!?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

I-I was just taking a short nap...
Awww, if only I bothered setting up an alarm clock!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

A-Ahahaha...... Master... you're not mad at me, are you...?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Ayaaaaaaaaaa!! I-I'm sooorry!!
I'm begging you, stop doing that to my cheeeeeks!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

...... Ummm, what are you doing? Is there somebody there?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Must be some kind of mime trick...
Regardless, this isn't the time to be playing games.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Oh brother. Of all things, they have to be at the auditorium......

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

There are many invitees at the drama club's dialogue.
We're gonna need to do something about them while we rescue him.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

I'm gonna be helping out too, of course!
It'd go a lot better if there was a lot of help! GAHAHAHAHA~!

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... I'm terribly sorry,
but I'm going to be doing something away from the group.

2 options (Same Response)
What are you up to now? You got some secret plan or something?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That's... a secret. Relax. I'm not going to betray you or anything.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I feel the heart to take responsibility for this too.
Until next time, Mr. Rabbit.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We're running out of time. We need to head out as well.
I cannot allow any more chaos to happen.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

I'm worried about Volos-san.
The problem's only gonna get worse if we leave things as it is!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

If the fairies are there... We need to stop them before they do something worse!

2 options (Same Response)
... Let’s go, everyone! We're gonna save Volos!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

And so, Master's gang leaves for the sake of rescuing a friend that was just kidnapped.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

They ran so they can make it in time for Chernobog and Taromaiti's play.