Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!:VN:4-1

[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Night 4: A Serious Man Contemplates]

A Halloween party held at the gorgeous Daikanyama Academy. It is a notable event alongside Christmas and Valentine's.

On the other hand, Halloween in comparison to other events, highlights the genuine festival aspect of the holiday.

What it means for the students is that it becomes an event, essentially a school festival for them.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Naturally! Though it's an event, I cannot allow myself to cut loose.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

In order to leave a good impression on the visitors outside the academy,
we must supervise the public morals of the academy more strictly than usual.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Zabaniya... I believe that's your seriousness, your values.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Come on, this is a long-awaited festival!
Loosen up a bit! Get some excitement and enjoy yourself!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

On that note, are you going? You’re going, right?
I know I know, stop looking like that.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

I truly am sorry.
It's impossible for me to behave like that.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

I clearly asserted it before!!
I needed to say I need to make the most of it!!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

That's the reason why I put on a Halloween costume,
to fit in with the mood of this special festival.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Such intentions like those...!
That's Arslan-sama for you... I would have never thought of that myself.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

When we're patrolling the academy like this,
are there measures to take so we don't intimidate the participants?

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

...... If you hadn't said that,
you'd be walking around in your usual attire, paying little attention to what's going around you.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

My my... I think you softened up a little since the Seaside School...

[Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

...... You think so? I was skeptical when I heard those remarks from my superior.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

The different experiences I had at the summer sea that time,
I'm sure I still have them inside me even now.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Even now... Even now, there are no signs of change within me.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Even when I confessed to "them." regret stings me like a thorn...

[End of Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Look at you, making that serious face again!
What's bothering you, Mr. stubborn...?

A palm of a large hand reaches out and pats Zabaniya's stretched back.

It's as if he's forcing out the poison that's accumulated inside.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

I... I apologize. However... I...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Just as useless as squash and pumpkins.
You should be decisive like that Cub.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

If you started seeking change...
Don't stop walking and continue taking steps forward.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

If I were to take one step,
I'd go all the way to the end of the world like ZOOOOOM. Wahahahaha!

[Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Arslan-sama's eyes...
There was pure brilliance like that of a child when he said that.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

If interested, he'll devote himself to it.
Such determination to move forward without losing interest.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

That's right... I longed for this kind of image for myself, did I not?

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

It was none other than myself... that suppressed those desires.

[End of Zabaniya's inner thoughts]

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Oi, you trying to make wrinkles between your eyebrows?
Overthinking things is not healthy, y'know.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

While we're at it, my feet are itching to see the scenery somewhere far away.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Better yet, let's take everybody in this academy
on a great road trip somewhere in the world!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Have fun. Not everyone can move forward as openhearted as you are.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

There are those who seek inconvenience themselves.
Some also want to have railroad tracks for them to walk on.

Zabaniya expression halloween sad.png

Consequently, there are those who yearn for Arslan-sama's character.
For the time being, please spare the wanderer nature.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

O-Okay, I get it. I understand my own responsibilities.
However... It's something I can't help but do.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Perhaps it'd be better if my nature and yours blend together with good vibes...

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Hah... What are you saying?

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I'm too unrestrained, you are too serious.
I think it's about a 50-50, no?

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

That's... No, you're right. That may be so.

Zabaniya:( face)
Indeed, I desired it that time.

Zabaniya:( face)
If... If it is the case...

???:( face)
Ahaha! That’s good!
Please, we'll grant that wish for you!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Happy Halloweeeeeeen! Trick-Or-Treat!

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

W-Who are you lot? Oh right... I'm supposed to hand out candy.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Maria, Gabriel and the others worked hard on making this candy.
Don't they look yummy?

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

No, something's not right here. Arslan-sama, stay back-

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Let's get started! Everyone, all together now!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png


[Transitions over to Cusith]

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

(Sniff-sniff), (Sniff-sniff). I see... I see... This is a strong odor.

Cusith is guiding the group while sniffing out the odor. His face is serious about it.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Just as Alice-chan said, the pumpkin smell is spreading across the academy.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

How should I describe it... It's like a big stream of it.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Good work, Cusith. I'll give you a cookie as a reward.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Wooooow, thank you! Eheheh, I got sweets again!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

We should be able to find the other pumpkins by following the odor Cusith sniffed out.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Yep! I knew Alice-chan would figure something out.
She's such a great detective!

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Hehe. Now, let's find the "key" necessary in solving this case.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Okay, leave this to me! (Sniff Sniff)... (Sniff Sniff)......

Volos expression sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
Is something bothering you? Thinking about something?

Volos expression surprised.png

Ah... yes. Something's been bothering me for a while since this case started.

Volos expression pout.png

The criminal behind this case, and why they would do this to my pumpkins.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Yeah, about that... They were originally ordinary pumpkins, right?

Volos expression surprised.png

Of course! I poured my blood, sweat and tears into taking care of my pumpkins!

Volos expression joy.png

I had to work hard in raising them, so everyone will be happy and say they're delicious. How is that...!

1 option
The bad guy is the one who caused this mess.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

Correct. It's most certainly unacceptable to have caused this uproar, however...

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Can you truly say it's only but evil?

Volos expression neutral.png

Eh? Why do you think that, Alice-chan?
Is there some meaning behind this chaos...?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

This is only a hypothesis, but...
Please remember what happened with Cusith earlier.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Those Jack-o-Lanterns never meant to make more malicious friends.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Rather, the case came to be due to gentle feelings...
Is it truly unimaginable?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

...... I...

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Don't take it the wrong way, Cusith.
You were only involved in it.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Gentle feelings may have backfired in this strange Halloween atmosphere.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

However... Perhaps the preparator's actions occurred through feelings of kindness?

Volos expression neutral.png

That's... not strange, is it?
If it's kindness, I think it won't cause any trouble.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

....... Is that right?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Kindness and compassion are invaluable things.
Like a soft, warm and beautiful blanket.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

You are a charming bear, however.
A person with a gentle green thumb, yes?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Kindness... A design drawn on the front of a coin.

Volos expression surprised.png

Front... of a coin? Alice-chan, what are you going on-

???:( face)
Kyaaaa! No waaay!

2 options (Same Response)
Who screamed...! Was that a scream...?

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

T-This is bad! It was someone's scream...!
But... Why? We need to check it out, pronto!

Volos expression pout.png

I'm positive it was a scream, but it was strangely high-pitched and ecstatic...

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

That was a different kind of scream this time...
Okay, shall we go and investigate?


Male High School Student (Light Fencer Mob):( face)
Please get married with meee!!

Female Student (Fire Mage Mob):( face)
No way! Me, me! P-Please, turn this waaaaaay!!

Beastman (Green Wolf Mob):( face)

You finally arrived on ahead at the main street of the academy. You notice that there's a group of people tightly packed in the centre.

The people are blowing up with enthusiasm like a pop star just arrived here.

Volos expression surprised.png

W-What a huge crowd! Wha... What in barnacles is going on here!?

3 options
A pop star's live performance maybe? Bursting with love's passion...! GABRIEL-CHAAAAAAN! !
Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

No, her live concert should be held at a special venue near the school after this.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

If you're a detective, you should carefully assess the information around you.
You have much to learn as an assistant.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

On the other hand, I didn't hear anything about other events held at this time.
If so... what in world is this about?

Volos expression surprised.png

Amazing... Such enthusiasm here.
Everyone is going crazy and shouting words of love.

Volos expression pout.png

This is my first time witnessing a scene like this.
I must document a report on this afterwards.

Volos expression surprised.png

... Huh? Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?
Stop looking at me like I'm some weirdo researcher!

Volos expression sad.png

Strangely speaking of abnormalities...
Are my pumpkins the cause of this too...?

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

But wait... I don't see the children nor pumpkins anywhere.
Maybe they're hiding somewhere?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

The frenzy here is abnormal.
We need to quiet things down, otherwise we can't grasp-

Arslan:( face)
All of you, this is unacceptable!
You cannot stir up a scandalous uproar like this!!

Volos expression surprised.png

That voice just now-

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Causing chaos is ridiculous! Settle down and stay put!!

1 options

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Oh, that's good. It seems a gentleman supervising the public morals has come.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Even so, that was a strong roar.
As an educator... surely they must be strict about discipline.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Is something the matter? Did I... say something odd?

Volos expression surprised.png

Naw, he must be a good man as an educator, but...
Isn't the aura around him a little different?

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

His aura's different? I assume you are familiar with that gentleman?

Volos expression neutral.png

Yup. I ran into him several times carrying in pumpkins before, but...
He was a good-natured man, wasn't he?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Uuuu, he looks like Garmr-kun when he sees his enemies.
That teacher is awfully terrifying and harsh.

1 option
Isn't something off here?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Seems that way. We should observe the situation a little more. Quietly now.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

You got it, Alice-chan. Let's zip our lips now. Shhhhhh.

Volos expression sad.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Absolutely unbearable...! Disorder of public morals is disorder of the mind...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Order will be order, even if it's a festival!
As long as I am here, I will strictly keep things in order!

Eloquent Voice:( face)
Now, now, Arslan-sama. Isn't this just fine?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

People are not bound by rules alone.
Sometimes it's necessary to act however you feel like.

Zabaniya steps out from the crowd, donning a Halloween costume.

Volos expression surprised.png

Say... That man is Zabaniya-san, right...?

Volos expression surprised.png

That man... the one who smiled like such.
He felt like someone who wore severity like clothing.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

He had this terrifyingly scary face when he gave me candy, but...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png


Volos expression surprised.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I'm impressed with you looking furtively, but...
You should be ashamed, Cubs!!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

I-I-I-I'm so soooooorry!!

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

My... Who would've thought it'd be you, [Player]-sama.
I trust you are enjoying yourself in this Halloween festival?

2 options
Zabaniya-san?! What an amazing getup! !
Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Welcome to Daikanyama's Halloween event.
I am quite pleased that you have come.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Hahaha... My, wasn't that bold of you?
But, this is a long-awaited festival. I'd like you to tolerate it a bit.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

You are more cheery than you look.
Very lovely. Yes, quite.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Huhu, thank you very much.
You are quite the charming little gir- No, charming young lady.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

However... This mayhem is a bit much, isn't it?
It's like playing cards crowding around a trial.

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

I must apologize for this.
That said, please wait for a short while.

Zabaniya then did something surprising.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Will you quiet down for me, sweeties? (Zing)

Tilting right at an angle of 45 degrees and facing the crowd, Zabaniya throws a wink at them.

Students:( face)
Kyaaaaaaa~!! Zabaniya-samaaaa!!
You're so fabulouuus!! Face this waaaaay!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png


Arslan expression halloween anger.png

You lot can't help but make a fuss about this and that.
You're scaring the Cubs! SILENCE!!

2 options (Same Response)
That's not what surprised me! His personality is different...?

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

How disrespectful, hahaha!
I'm working on an image change this time.

Zabaniya expression halloween blush.png

I stopped with the dull behavior I had up till now,
I changed my attitude so everyone will appreciate it.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Thanks to that, I've become quite popular with everyone in this school.

Zabaniya did something surprising again after those remarks.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

......... (Chuu).

At an angle that can't be beat by the idol of Daikanyama Academy, Zabaniya throws a kiss.

Beastman (Red Wolf Mob):( face)
OH YEEEEES~! My soul's getting fired up!

The passerby falls flat on the ground with ecstasy, holding his chest.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

There! This one is for you... *Shoom*!

Beastman (Green Wolf Mob):( face)
Kyaaaaaan~! Z-Zabaniya-sama, such a spectacle...

The students' faces all turn bright red, falling flat on the ground while their bodies trembled.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

His figure's elegant, but... I feel pity for him.

3 options (Same Response)
He's completely different than normaaaaal! ! That is different for his honor! Shame it's a different vector than usual...

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Shameless! Those who can stand on their own should not disturb the morals of the school!!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I cannot allow such behavior like this.
I must arrange a meeting at once!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Being straight as an arrow is enough to teach at this academy.
I must set an example for everyone!!

2 options (Same Response)
Arslan-san is definitely acting weird. Did his personality get replaced?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I don't personally know those two, but...
It's become clear that this situation is abnormal.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

So this is... because of the pumpkins after all...?

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Correct. Great detective Alice-chan declares that...
the evidence lies on those two's shoulders!


2 options (Same Response)
W-What is that...? Oh, something's crammed onto them.

Volos expression surprised.png

Just like with little Cusith here...
We gotta stop them, one way or another!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

O-Okay! Then, let's get going-

Volos expression surprised.png

Don't move, both of you! We're gonna help you now-

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Allow me to grant you happiness too! *Shoom*

Volos expression embarrassed.png


Volos expression embarrassed.png

A-Aaaah... W-Why does my body feel so hot...?!

Volos expression surprised.png

What's going on? My heart's tingling... Yeowch!!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Everyone, be careful!
That's a very dangerous attack! You musn't take it lightly!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

That man's... Err... *Shoom*?
That man's power is dwelling inside those "flames"!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

It's not the only physical thing lit by those flames!
The "flames" of love ignites inside a person's heart!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

To put it simply, "your heart will ache in pain" by painful love!

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

The pumpkins must be intervening just like that time with Cusith!
Avoid his power at all costs! Otherwise you'll get ignited with love!

2 options (Same Response)
Stay away from that attack(?), everyone! (I remember something like this last Valentine's)

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Here's one for the puppy over there too! *Shoom*

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png


Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Huh...? My heart's tingling, my body's getting warm... Ah... Haaaah...!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Could that mummy man's combat prowess too much for us?
We can't go on like this! We need to pull back-

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Oh... [Player]-sama. Don't move, as I will send you my love now.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Huhuhu, Kiss-of-Fire! *Shoom*!

1 option
Repel! Yakumo no Chigiri!

A high-pitched noise resonates, shooting off the attack thrown at you.

You even feel the physical power of that from Zabaniya's strong air kiss.

Even though you're very familiar with Zabaniya's form of martial arts, the "power" that was released was completely different.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Hmph... I expected no less from someone who dispelled the doubts of my heart.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I'm not finished yet... The flames of love burns even more! BURNING!!

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Watch out, [Player]! Because you drew out your sword,
another person has made a move!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Drawing your blade within a school is violating school regulations~
Arslan-sama, please lend me your strength.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I have no choice. Preserving order is highest priority.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Pumpkin soldiers?!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

I, Arslan, will exercise my power as warden of order of Daikanyama Academy!
Prepare yourselves!!

Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png

Now! [Awe-Inspiring Oil Demon]...!

Arslan's deep and heavy voice echoed across the Halloween venue.

3 options (Same Response)
Gyaaa, I'm slipping, slipping! ! We can't run with the ground being slippery! Even the angels of Daikanyama!

Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png

I won't allow miscreants like yourselves go.
This lion will subdue you personally!!