Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!:VN:3-1

[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

[Night 3: A Puppy Dances a Rondo]

Sounds of happiness echoes from somewhere. That is, the voices of people enjoying themselves and getting excited.

Summer festivals may be different from Christmas, but it has a joyful and calming atmosphere.

One lone dog beastman is walking happily in the town.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

The sweet smell of pumpkin candy tickles my nose.
Even the sounds of cheerful people can be heard from a feet away...

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Everyone's having so much fun, ehehehe~!
I've been waiting forever for this Halloween event.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Before I came to Tokyo, I was looking forward to seeing the kids,
with the candy I made together with Master.

That was on a mere whim. Like going for a little stroll.

Because his Senpai is too busy with his research, this boy decided to read a magazine to kill the time.

In the middle of reading, a special feature article suddenly caught his attention. It was a Halloween event that is being held in a few days in Daikanyama Academy.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Happy Halloweeeeeen~! Hiya, Big Brother!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Awoooooooo! I am a Wolf-man!
Haaaaappy Halloween~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

If you don't give us candy, we'll play a prank on you!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Since pranks are very scary, I'll give you candy.
This special candy is something I made together with everyone, including Senpai!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Thank you, Big Brother~!
That costume looks great on you!

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Gee, thanks! You all look awfully cute in those costumes too!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Get out there and get a ton of candy!
Make sure you don't go and trip yourselves though!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin happy.png

Got it! Thanks again! See you later, Big Doggy Brother!
You look like a puppy too, by the way~!

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Wolf! I'm supposed to be a wolf, for pete's sake!
Dawwww, maybe I don't give a big enough impression yet...

Receiving and handing out candy......

Cusith having finished what he was doing, He finds and sits down in a comfortable spot with some juice in one hand.

Cusith sips on some special orange juice to match the Halloween feeling.

Cusith is happily looking at the children all dressed up in costumes while swinging both his legs.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

I'm really happy about giving a tooon of candy to the kids.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

I also got a bunch of candy too!
When I get home, I'll be sure to share some with the Ueno Guild.

That said, he takes another sip of his orange juice. The children passing by waved their hands at Cusith, prompting Cusith to happily wave back.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

It's not a bad thing to do something different than usual.
Getting in the holiday spirit is important too.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Although... I wonder why the costume Leib-senpai picked out is a wolf?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

I wonder if a dog is supposed to be a wolf in disguise?
Wait, if that's the case, then I would be scary cool like Garmr-kun!

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Still... I wish Senpai and the others were here with me.
Senpai is so selfish because he's so busy writing his research papers.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Garmr-kun is the watchdog of the day for the guild;
Xolotl-san is working while Moritaka-kun is at a kendo tournament.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Nothin' I can do about it when everyone's busy with what they're doing, but...
I'm darn sure it will be a lot more fun if we came together.

Feeling a little miserable, a mere faint shadow casts inside Cusith's heart.

Cusith made lots of friends after he was summoned to Tokyo. Every day was full of excitement for him.

And yet... yet...

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

N-No, I can't be sad like this!
Today's Halloween! Halloween's a fun festival!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

I can't let myself cry even if I'm bummed out!
Senpai and Jambavan-san told me so!

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Alright! There's still lots of kids I haven't met yet!
Because of that, I gotta go and meet them!

Cusith got down from his seat and fixed up his looks. Then, when he threw away the paper cup he finished drinking from...

Note: The Female Clerk is a Light Mage mob

Female Clerk:( face)
Oh my, what a cute little wolf! Happy Halloween!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Happy Halloween!
Wait, you actually understand that I'm a wolf?!

Female Clerk:( face)
... Hmm? What are you talking about?
You're a very handsome, wolf boy aren't you?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Yay, I'm sooo happy!
This is the first time I've been called a wolf!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Did you need something from me, Ma'am?
I-Is it candy candy you want? Let's see here...

Female Clerk:( face)
No? I was actually worried about you.
Weren't you sad about something? Did you get separated from someone?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Uuuuuum, no not really. Thanks for your concern though!
Here, some candy for you!

Female Clerk:( face)
Ah, thank you. Then, I'll return the favor with this. Here you go.

It was a big, big pumpkin pie. It's fairly heavy, and it still feels like it's fresh from the oven.

An indistinct sweet smell tickles Cusith's nose, completely stimulating his appetite and making his mouth water.

Female Clerk:( face)
I'm handing these out to everyone right now. It's special pumpkin pie.
It's very yummy and I'm sure it'll cheer you up.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Wooow~, thank you so much! I was getting awfully hungry.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Then, I'm gonna eat this right away! Thank you for the food!

  • Nom Nom*... *Ahm*... *Munch Munch*.
Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Wow, it's nice and crunchy on the outside!
It’s freshly-baked, sweet and super yummy too!

Female Clerk:( face)
Hehehe, I'm glad I had the time to make it if you enjoyed it that much.
I'm glad it cheered you up.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Yeah! I feel so much better now!
Thank you again for the delicious pie! Hehehe~.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

So… good! *Crunch crunch*. Mmm... Ah, this is great!

His hunger gets satisfied with every bite he takes. However, his body gradually got warmer.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

H-Huh... I wonder why... My head's... dizzy...

???:( face)
Trick…… or……
…… Trick…… or……

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

Trick…… Candy…… ?
A voice...? Who's... there?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

I'm sure that was a whisper just now.
I shouldn't have any more candy, what I need now is...

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Trick…… or……
…… Trick…… or……

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png



Alice expression halloween b surprised.png


Volos expression neutral.png

What's wrong, Alice-chan?
Are you burned out from all this walking?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

No, I'm sorry.
I believe I heard something like a howl just now.

Volos expression surprised.png

A howl, you say?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Now... Shall I go over what's been happening around here?

Pretty Girl Alice who was walking and standing in front of the crowd turns over in your direction.

She's behaving like a teacher who waves her finger and teaches difficult formulas to students.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

We are currently pursuing the mysterious pumpkins,
while also following the trouble they've caused.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

They attach themselves to people and become Jack-O-Lanterns.
Their intentions are very ambiguous to us at the moment.

Volos expression sad.png

-T-The new species of pumpkins I grew... are the cause of this... Why?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Oh my, you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. I'm only reviewing what's happened. Don't put yourself down over that right now.

1 option

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

You are intently staring over this way for something.
Do I have something on my face?

3 options (Same Response)
That was very nice of you. Alice is so smart. You're no ordinary kid.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

I see... My "behavior" seems that way to your point of view.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

You're free to think however you like...
Please remember one thing, however.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

The "me" you're seeing today is the "me" only for today,
surely for this place only.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Tomorrow morning, I will wake up,
I will stand before a mirror, already I put on a different face.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

The "me" is not "me." There are infinte me's, as I will wake up every day.

Volos expression neutral.png

I got the slightest idea on what Alice-chan is talkin' about.
You see, even plants are the same yet different.

Volos expression neutral.png

Everything differs in shape and color,
even flowers that are part of the same foliage, the same roots.

Volos expression joy.png

After all, our bodies are metabolized by cells,
and we become "new selves" sometime in the future.

Volos expression joy.png

"Life"... We make a fresh start every day, continuously shining anew.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

You... You are surprisingly a poet.
I wonder if all researchers are poets like yourself?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Hahaha! Whether I'm a poet or not,
this is the first time I've been praised like that.

2 options
Volos sure knows a lot of stuff I'm telling you! You can't pay attention to things around you, but that's just a fly in the ointment.
Volos expression neutral.png

You think so? I do specialize in that field, y'know.
Isn't everyone curious about the things they're interested in?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh... Ahahah. Yup, I feel like that sums it up about me.

Note: "Fly in the ointment" means "A flaw or imperfection that detracts from something positive."

Volos expression neutral.png

I'm absolutely crazy about them. Plants... they're always intriguing to me.

Volos expression joy.png

Days, weeks, months, heck I'll never get bored of them all year round!

3 options
Don't you have friends? Are you eating okay? Are you able to do your everyday routines?
Volos expression surprised.png

C-Course I do!! I have lots of friends in the lab.

Volos expression joy.png

Everyone works well together on their research,
and we have discussions every day.

Volos expression joy.png

Point being, I'm not alone. We discuss about a lot of things. It's fun.

Volos expression joy.png

Daw, you don't have to worry 'bout that.
I eat while I go through the research results.

Volos expression neutral.png

Other research teams bring fish and meat and have barbeques.

Volos expression sad.png

Well... They would bring a bunch of food, so I end up eating more than I should.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

T-That's...... I don't know what to say about that.
It's embarrassing but, I'm generally not good with those things...

Volos expression sad.png

I'm indifferent to fashion much less clothing,
so my room is mostly a mess.

Volos expression pout.png

Gah, that doesn't mean I'm a slob!
R-Research! Yup, I'm always busy with research so there...!

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I see. I now understand the nature of your character.
Simplistic, brimming with curiosity and... relatively sloppy.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

You're the exact opposite of a bear in a white coat who is somewhat hard to please.
You two seem to match, however. You two are the same bear.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Nevertheless... It's not like someone who abuses research for the purpose of mischief.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

In the name of a great detective,
I can assure you there's a mastermind behind this scandal.

2 options (Same Response)
What's the culprit's objective? A great detective's reasoning never fails.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Don’t get ahead of yourself.
That is still impossible even for I, Pretty Girl Detective Alice-chan.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... Don't look at me like that.
I haven't gathered enough evidence that I need for my analysis.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Rushed conclusions is a work of a moronic police detective.
Detectives don't rush, are smart, and elegantly solves mysteries, no?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Pardon, [Player]. I'm sorry, but go and buy any kind of drink for me please.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

My throat feels dry while I was explaining my hypotheses.
Let's see now... I'll improve my deductive powers with some black tea.

Volos expression neutral.png

You have been chatting for a while now.
Alright, [Player], will you accompany me?

Volos expression joy.png

I'm sure there should be a vending machine in the nearest building.
Wait here, Alice-chan.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Hmph... Do not treat like a child. Go quickly.

Volos expression joy.png

By the way, Alice-chan, you are somehow a pleasant little girl.
The things you talk about are very interesting.

Volos expression neutral.png

I feel it's somewhat strange, but innocent.
I have never met anyone like you until now.

Volos expression joy.png

Of course, you too, [Player].
I don't think there's anyone as friendly as you are.

2 options (Same Response)
Is that right? You think so?

Volos expression surprised.png

... I’m surprised. Aren't you self-aware?
It's not something I should say, but I say it's fitting for you.

Volos expression neutral.png

No, that's actually a good thing.
That one thing defines who “you” are.

Volos expression joy.png

Cherish that feeling with great care.
That's what I like about you, pal. Truly.

???:( face)
Someone, anybody come quick!

???:( face)
Pumpkins! Pumpkiiiins!!

Volos expression surprised.png

-D-Did you hear that just now?
There might be Jack-O-Lanterns on the loose again!

Volos expression pout.png

Let’s head in that direction!
I'm positive it must be my pumpkins... Let's get a move on!

2 options
Let's get Alice! We'll meet up with Alice later!
Volos expression surprised.png

Out of the question! It’s too dangerous for Alice-chan! We’ll meet up with her after this is over!

Volos expression joy.png

Right! It’s too dangerous for Alice-chan.
As expected, [Player]. I think we get along well.


At the place where the shrieks came from, something was waiting for you before you arrived...

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Ah, ah, awooo, awoooooooo~!
We are all brothers and sisters~! All of us~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Bark bark, hold your muzzle high in the sky~!
Awooo, awooo! Come on, dance with us~!

What you see is Jack-o-Lanterns perfectly lined up together, shoulder to shoulder, dancing.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Oooo~ Oooo~ It's a fun festival today~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Everyone is still together as a pack~
That's the way of a wolf~!

Volos expression pout.png

E-Everyone's dancing this time...?
Why in tarnation are those pumpkins doing this?

Volos expression surprised.png

... Oi, [Player]!
Over there! I see someone over there!

Looking ahead where Volos is pointing at... Inside the row of Jack-o-Lanterns is a dog beastman donning a green scarf.

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Whoa, you guy heard the voice too and came too!
I’m Cusith! Let’s be friends!

Volos expression neutral.png

You said... you're Cusith-kun right?
I'm Volos and this here is [Player].

Volos expression sad.png

What's this...? Just from looking at you,
it seems you're not under the effect of the pumpkins?

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Pumpkin? What's that supposed to be?
Come on! Let’s sing and dance already!

Volos expression surprised.png

Sing? Dance? Are those things you do during Halloween?

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

You bet! I'm planning to have fun dancing and playing together with the children for a long time!

Volos expression sad.png

Sorry, I know you're having fun, but...
We have business with the children you're dancing with.

Volos expression neutral.png

Could you stop dancing for a minute and cooperate with us?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Uncle bear... You came by to stop us from dancing?

Volos expression surprised.png

U-Uncle...!? Do I really look like one...? H-Hey, wait just a minute!!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

Awaawoooooooooo~! Now, everybody! Are you ready?

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

Let's howl more and more, everybody!
Let's call out for more friends!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Yeah, of course, Mr. Boss~!
Our leader, leads the pack!

All the children all let out a wolf's howl at the same time of Cusith's lead.

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

You rang? Come on, this way~!
Dance with us~, let's all dance together~!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Everyone howl! We're all the same!
We're all friends here~!

Cusith expression halloween neutral.png

Yup! Don't be afraid to howl together with everyone!
We'll spend time together and have fun every day.

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

We will populate the world with ourselves!
Everyone will be together as one big pack!

Volos expression pout.png

W-What's this voice I'm listening to...?
I... It makes me want to scream too.

Volos expression surprised.png

T-These are my pumpkins...?
But, that child doesn't have a pumpkin stuck on him...!

That voice is full of a strong, strange power, as if a soul is being stirred up by it.

A seductive voice resembling enticement, greatly attracts the mind and soul.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Oh... Maaasteeeer~!
He'll become helpless if he listens to voice for too long!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

A-At any rate, you need to stop that dog right now!
If you don't... everyone will become like beasts!

2 options (Same Response)
Quit it! Settle down and listen to me!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

What? Why? I'm feeling great, just so you know!

Cusith expression halloween smile.png

You should come to my pack too!
I'm telling you, we'll have lots and lots of fun!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Or... are you two "grave-robbers"?
Does that mean... you're my enemy...!?

Cusith's eyes flickers with a suspicious glow. Also, the shape of his mouth distorts slightly...

Cusith expression halloween redeyes.png

If that's the case, then you leave me no choice!
Everyone, let's get those kids to dance!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Okay~! Come on, everybody! Let's go!

Following Cusith's command, the Pumpkins all started marching over to you.

As they danced, as they sang... The Pumpkins moves closer together, hand to hand.

Volos expression surprised.png

Awawawa! W-What should we do!?
I'm not good with rough situations like this!!

2 options (Same Response)
Drive out the pumpkins! Cusith's waiting for us to make a move!

Volos expression surprised.png

Okay! I'll give this my best shot...!
I'm doing this... for my pumpkins...!