Event Quest:I'm Not Afraid of Halloween!:VN:2-2

[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

JackOLantern expression normal.png


Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Seems like we settled things here peacefully.
I assume nobody's hurt?

1 option
Thanks for helping us.

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Hahaha. There's no need for thanks.
This is what I do after all.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Now that things have settled down, Allow me to introduce myself.

Alice expression halloween anger.png

I am a Mysterious Blood-Sucking Knight!
Call me, the Rutabaga Knight!

2 options (Same Response)
Rutabaga... Knight? What's a Rutabaga?

In response to your question, the Rutabaga Knight answers with a dubious smile instead of words.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

If again, you find yourself in a tough situation,
put your heart into it and call out for my name!

Alice expression halloween smile.png

Do so and I will respond to that call.
Till we meet again, gentlemen... Farewell!

Alice expression halloween sad.png

What? Why am I leaving already? Ah.
That's because I come and go just like the wind.

Alice expression halloween neutral.png

Well then... adieu.

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

So... COOOOL...!!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Did you see that, Master?! That unidentified, mysterious boy!
He even said "adieu" when he left!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

The Rutabaga Knight... What a charming guy...!
He really inspired me~. I think I'll put on a disguise too!

3 options
I-Is that right? You got that right! Something like... a Demon Butler guise?
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

You don't understand how awesome he was!!
Geez, Master, I feel like a child.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

You even thought so too! Huhuhu~.
I think you're just as cool too, Master!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

That name makes me sound like a completely bad character!
Demon? I bet demons are troublemakers...

Volos expression surprised.png

What's the matter, [Player]?
It looked like you were in a daze, but...

Volos expression joy.png

Anyways, thanks [Player].
All the kids are unharmed, thanks to you going easy on 'em.

Volos expression sad.png

That aside, I wonder who that boy was earlier...
He called himself the Rutabaga Knight.

Volos expression neutral.png

Rutabaga... a brassicaceae famine relief plant.
A distinct species but similar to a turnip, and flavorful enough for cooking... Hmm...

Volos expression joy.png

It was emergency food at the time when there was nothing to snack on.
Sometimes it was used as feed.

Volos expression sad.png

Based on that information...
It could mean the Rutabaga Knight is a savior during times of need.

After finishing up his theory, Volos approaches the object next to the victim's body.

It was a well refined, gigantic pumpkin lantern.

Volos expression sad.png

This one's clean too, with its insides cleaned out.
...... Yup, this one too.

1 option
Did you find a clue?

Volos expression pout.png

I have no idea if it's a clue, but...
It sure did leave behind a mystery.

Volos expression neutral.png

Take a good look at this pumpkin, for starters.
There are no signs of a carving knife used on it.

Volos expression surprised.png

Basically, nobody manufactured this.
It's like it spontaneously became a "pumpkin lantern."

Volos expression sad.png

I'm darn surprised...
I never seen such development from a pumpkin.

Volos expression neutral.png

One more thing I want to add.
The color and smell... I'm positive about it.

Volos expression pout.png

It's the pumpkins I grew myself...
The same ones I brought to this academy to be used for Halloween dishes.

Volos expression sad.png

My pumpkins that I worked hard in making...
Why is this happening...?

2 options (Same Response)
Maybe something weird's going on with them? Maybe someone did something to them...?

Volos expression sad.png

This is... unimaginable.
I have yet to figure out the cause, but...

Volos expression pout.png

If that's the case here, then I must check things myself.

Volos walked over to the rattling stall and takes a cup of stew from the stew pot left behind.

Volos expression sad.png

It seems nobody is running the stall, so I'll leave the cash here. I'm sorry.

2 options (Same Response)
H-Hey, Volos......? What are you doing?

Volos expression neutral.png

(Sniff sniff)…… (Sniff sniff)

Volos expression neutral.png

The smell does have some other stimuli after all.
The ingredients are pumpkin, carrots... and potatoes?

Volos expression pout.png

That concludes the inspection regarding how it looks.
Well then, thank you for...

2 options (Same Response)
What are you doing! ? Don't eat that!

Volos expression surprised.png

W-What...? I'm going through an experiment, ya know?

Volos expression neutral.png

It's possible the stew the children had was the reason they turned out like this.

Volos expression sad.png

No... It's not only this stew.
It's all the dishes that has my pumpkins.

Volos expression sad.png

That's why I'm eating it, to try and verify it myself.

Volos expression pout.png

It's also a quality check. Reactions and changes
in cooking such as heat usage were strongly confirmed based on the provisions.

Volos expression pout.png

But, things happen. As a researcher,
as an Agricultural Student, this is an important procedure.

Volos expression joy.png

Now then, thank you for the food! Aah-

???:( face)
Doing such careless things.

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaaiiee!! W-Was that ice cold black tea thrown at the back of my head!?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Goodness me... It's good you're enthusiastic about your research,
but please, reconsider the time and case.

2 options
Who are you? Are you Rutabaga?!
Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It's proper manners to introduce yourself first
before asking for someone's name.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Especially I'm a countess of blood who's like a frail little girl, yes?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I wonder who that could be...?
I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

However, this person you call Rutabaga...
He's very graceful and beautiful, wouldn't you agree?

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

So? What are your names?

Volos expression sad.png

-O-Oh... My name is Volos.
An agricultural student and... producer of these pumpkins.

1 option
It’s [Player], Princess.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Good. Thank you for politely introducing yourselves.
My name is... Oh dear, I shouldn't do that.

Volos expression surprised.png


Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Blood-sucking, Pretty Girl Detective of Love and Wisdom, Alice.
That is what I refer to myself as.

2 options (Same Response)
Sounds too much like a movie character. That’s a lot to say.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Fine, my alias will be Pretty Girl Detective then.
That will be setting this time.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Maaasteeer, somehow I think this little girl could be the "movie scene" herself, but...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

She's obviously a super suspicious little girl!
Are you okay with this, Master?

Volos expression sad.png

Say, Pretty Girl Detective Alice.
Why did you throw tea at the back of my head?

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

A head cannot be cooled without some iced tea.
You tried to do something completely stupid as well.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

That's why it's quite extreme.
Is that how you think you should take responsibility?

Volos expression surprised.png

But, my pumpkins are still the cause of this, aren't they...?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Correct. I have yet to grasp the specifics but...
there's no question the pumpkins are part of the problem.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

However, you never planned to raise your pumpkins like that, didn't you?

Volos expression surprised.png

D-Do you know something about it yourself, Pretty Girl Detective?

2 options (Same Response)
Expected no less from a detective. You know what caused this?

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

There is not enough evidence for me to determine that.
This is a conclusive matter. This will be the last escape.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

At first, you gain a lead then strike at the culprit.
Then, the culprit accepts defeat.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Such a lovely tale...
I'm sure this would become an ideal mystery.

Alice fixes her eyes into empty space with an ecstatic face.

Then, she lightly turns her eyes towards your direction.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

What do you say, gentlemen?
Cooperate with me. You're not going to refuse, are you?

Volos expression surprised.png

C-Cooperate…? What in tarnation are you planning to do?

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Ah, that settles it then.
I will need assistants to pursue this mysterious event.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

People are suddenly becoming Pumpkin Heads
and pulling tricks indiscriminately.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

This is a very obscure event.
A scandal worthy enough to be challenged by a Pretty Girl Detective.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

What this means is,
you gentlemen will be working as Assistants No. 1 and No.2.

2 options (Same Response)
Volos is Assistant No.1? I’m assistant No.2?

Volos expression pout.png

Alice-chan, I'm happy about your attitude about this, but...
I'm afraid I can't drag ya into this.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

My, oh my. You're just like Jambav... *Ahem*.
Do you have any complaints you want to share with me?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

I don't want to put a child like yerself in dangerous situations.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Fine, let me put it this way.
I'll work on intelligence, and you gentlemen will handle the fighting.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

I need to solve this mysterious case as well.
This will be a cooperative alliance, huhuhu~.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Well then...

The little girl smiled, expressing a meaningful hope in her eyes.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

I wonder if you're confident in solving this case,
with a clever girl like myself lending a hand?

2 options (Same Response)
I’ll leave things to you from here on out. The more the merrier.

Volos expression neutral.png

After all... We need a specialist for the best results.
Does that mean... the detective is a pretty girl detective...?

2 options (Same Response)
Do you understand!? Okay, let's get this show on the road!

Volos expression joy.png

Got it. Pretty Girl Detective Alice-chan,
I'm counting you on solving this case.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

It's settled. Let's get going, the next case awaits us!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Master... This child could be extremely full of herself, y'know...?

2 options (Same Response)
I’m going with her. Give it up.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

U-Understood! I'll be with you to the very end!
I'm gonna stay by your side!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

We still got time before Chernobog-san's play starts,
so let's give it our all!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

... Very good. So far, Master welcomes a new companion to their group,
a selfish, pretty girl detective...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Embarked on a full-out investigation,
calling off a straight man and many confusions...! Suspensful!