Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:1-2

Location: Mysterious Island

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Look, [Player]!
We caught a fish!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… What’s wrong, [Player]?
Is there something wrong with the beach?

3 options (Same Response)
The beach, the scenery. It feels familiar somehow. ...... It's no use, I can't remember.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

You look sad, [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

At times like this, there’s one thing to do.
Coochy-coochy-coo…… Ehehe.

2 options (Same Response)
Bwahahaha, that tickles! Stop it, stop it, hahahaha!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

A child shouldn’t be having a sad expression!

2 options
Ooh, why would you do that! I’ll return the favor, coochy-coo……
Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hehehe! That sad face turned into a smile!
I love the smiling faces from the children.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Waah?! Ahahaha!
Don’t tickle me back, I’m frail ahaha, it hurts!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player], do you feel better?
When you’re feeling sad, you should laugh it off!

2 options (Same Response)
Well, you did cheer me up. …… Thanks, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

No problem!
Laugh a lot, eat to your heart’s content and be happy!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, let’s cook the fish.
Cook then eat, it’ll be delicious!

2 options (Same Response)
The fire’s green…… It’s good that you can start a fire, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Well, it’s not a problem.
When we need fire, I can make it.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Now it’s roasted.
Huhuhu…… it’s cooked perfectly.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

OK! Here, this part is for you, [Player]!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I’ll only eat the fish’s eyeball.
You can have the rest of the body, [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Fish eyeballs are my favorite food.
Don’t be afraid to try it!

2 options (Same Response)
Tasty…… Even if it’s cooked……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Isn’t the island’s blessing a beauty?
Hehe, here’s something good.

He held something out, it was a big coconut.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

The human children, they all love these things.
Sweet, tasty and it gives you energy.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

After eating, it’s time for a nap.
Especially a nap under the gajumaru!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Ahaha, good night~!
Time to sleep after it gets dark.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

A nap after eating, it feels great.
But, after waking up, I’ll feel hungry again.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

The ocean at night is dark and dangerous, but it’s fine.
[Player] caught some fish beforehand.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Surrounding the fire,
and then eating a delicious meal together!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

From now on,
I’ll be happy to play with [Player] together on the island.

2 options (Same Response)
Together? That's -

Kijimuna expression sad.png

What’s wrong, [Player]?
Your face. Do you have a stomach-ache?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

When we were talking earlier [Player], you made that face.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

[Player], did you remember something?
Anything is fine, I’ll listen.

3 options (Same Response)
Yeah, I remember something. A stream took me here. I remembered what happened.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

A stream……?

3 options (Same Response)
That's right. I was swept away from somewhere. Therefore -

1 option
I need to return home somehow......

Tangaroa is referred to as "Man with a Bone Cane?"

Tangaroa expression sad.png


That night. A lone man with a cane made of bone in his hand, narrowed his eyes and stared at the other side of the ocean.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I see.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

The “shell” of my dear world has been breached,
the gap is opening.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

These strange “drifters” are coming from that gap;
different things are coming from the other side.

A wave strikes at the man’s feet. A small piece of cloth was left behind.

It is as if the waves were trying to deliver that “cloth” to its original owner.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The evil “octopus” must have intruded through that gap.
…… And, it’s pulling various things from the outside world.

The man picked up the cloth. His eyebrows wrinkles and began asking himself questions.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

What is this for?
Who could it be for?

That cloth was made with mysterious skin; even when it’s wet it still can be used. It is a delicate work from the hands of a craftsman.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… I don’t understand.
This has gone beyond Tangaroa’s knowledge of everything from the island itself.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

I must brace my mind.
The sacrifices of my beloved children will increase if something’s not done.

Tangaroa expression sad.png


As the man listens to the sounds in the distance, he closed his eyes and listened.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Attacked again.
This time, in the north…… the settlement of the fire folk.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… I must go. My beloved children-
I must protect them from the servants of the evil octopus.