Event Quest:Distant Gendarme:Bonus Quest:Ashigara

[Translated by Kukuru]

Flower Viewing with Ashigara

Location: Mount Yoshino

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Yo, [Player], what are you doing in a place like this?
How about it? Do ya want to watch the cherry blossoms with me?

2 options
Sure. Right now is a bad time.
Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Awesome! Let's check out the cherry blossoms over there!
Here, I'll give ya a piggyback ride!

Ashigara expression gendarme shocked.png

What?! What do ya mean now is a bad time?!
This is our only chance to view the cherry blossoms on the summit!

[Player] then decided to go view the cherry blossoms with the crying Ashigara.

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Gwahaha! When climbing a mountain like this, I thought about "Inohanatake."
Eating a meal on a peaceful mountain always tastes amazing!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Here, I brought you a little something to snack on.
Let's eat some rice crackers at the summit.

2 options
Thanks. It looks tasty. I... don't like rice crackers that much.
Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Oh, those rice crackers are what I eat while I walk around Tokyo. They're great!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

A nice scene, a good rice cracker, and a great friend.
This kind of luxury can't be beat!

Ashigara expression gendarme shocked.png

Huh? You'd rather eat something else than the rice crackers that I made?!

Ashigara expression gendarme sad.png

Hmph! Fine, I'll eat them later!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Oh, whoops. I forgot about the tea that I prepared.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

...... Here, have some tea.
Drink some while it's still lukewarm.

Ashigara expression gendarme embarrassed.png

I'm glad I brought as much as I could to bear with the cold.
Although, I wasn't as prepared as you and my senpais were.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

I lived a long time on the mountains,
but I think I'll give as much attention to my kouhai as much as I do to my senpai!

2 options
That sure was a big backpack. Hey, the bell right there......
Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Oh, this bell?
An acquiantance said this is an indespensible item for mountain climbing.

Ashigara expression gendarme sad.png

Even though the jingling noise was annoying, I had to bring it because everyone was going mountain climbing!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

...... So why do I have to put on this bell? Hmm. I'll look into that later when we get back.

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Well, it's good to prepare everything.
If I didn't...... I'd be in trouble!

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

There was all kind of things today, and we got prizes too.
The outcome was alright! Gahahaha~!

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Well, I feel somewhat better now.
Do ya want to do some sumo wrestling here?

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

I'll go easy on ya.
Don't worry 'bout a thing when we clash!

2 options
Sumoooo! U-Um......

( face)
From the place of the cherry blossom viewing, Ashigara stopped at the edge, and drew a wrestling ring while he hummed a tune. Once the preparations are completed, the salt sitting on the boiled egg was planted. The two rushed to the ring in a triumphant manner.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Hey... Hey! Position your waist right.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Lower your back and stand your ground!
This Ashigara won't give in!

( face)
Lowering their waists as told by Ashigara, the two brought their chests close together and expressed their strength to each other.

Ashigara expression gendarme anger.png

Ohoh, I didn't expect this.
Still, I won't lose to ya!

Ashigara expression gendarme anger.png


Ashigara expression gendarme shocked.png

Whoa, [Player]! Sorry!
I didn't mean to throw you out like that! Are ya hurt?!

Ashigara expression gendarme sad.png

My bad. I got a little carried away.
How 'bout it? Do ya want to rest on my lap?

Ashigara expression gendarme anger.png

Graah! Don't be afraid to accept my offer!
Just think of my body like a special pillow!

Ashigara expression gendarme shocked.png

Ah! Sorry.
I didn't mean to force it on ya.

Ashigara expression gendarme shocked.png

Just being with you is good enough, [Player].

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

...... Although, I want to do some sumo wrestling anyways, [Player].

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Hey, [Player].
It was a fun going mountain climbing with you.

2 options (Same Response)
About earlier... Were you planning to come with someone else?

Ashigara expression gendarme anger.png

Hey, that thing was evil!
It was bad enough that we had to cancel at the last minute!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

Well, a souvenir would be nice.
They might have to wait for a while until I come back.

2 options (Same Response)
Do you hate being lonely? It's too bad that we can't go together.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

...... Well, I won't be as lonely now because of what's happened.

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone on the mountain here.

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

It was as fun as hanging around on "Inohanatake" back in the day.

Ashigara expression gendarme joy.png

Just like before, it's a lot better hanging with other people than being alone!

Ashigara expression gendarme neutral.png

[Player], thanks for hanging out with me today!

Just like that, Ashigara lifted up [Player] -

They began running happily on the mountain under the cherry blossoms, as if they remembered about "Inohanatake."