Event Quest:Desert Journey:Thunderbird and the Resort

[Translated by Raynald]

Location: Resort Pool

An oasis themed resort in the middle of a desert, there was a first-class hotel to heal those who were tired from playing at the recreation facilities.

Artist were holding live performances at the hotel bar, creating a calm atmosphere for the adults.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Dear guest, excuse me. This is a VIP area.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Do you have an invitation?

2 options (Same Response)
Excuse me, I’m looking for someone. Is Mr. bartender here?

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Understood. I will call him, so please wait at the entrance.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Hi, welcome baby. This is a social place for adults.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

If a cute baby like you gets lost and wander around,
you would end being eaten by a scary adult.

2 options (Same Response)
I’m sorry. I wanted to meet you no matter what.

Thunderbird expression desert surprised.png

Why are you apologizing? Someone insensitive as me is the one who have
to apologize instead for being impolite.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

Because I caused many troubles to you as a result, baby.
As an adult... there is no mistake it’s something I should be embarrassed.

3 options
It’s okay, thank you. No, that’s not it. ......
Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

...Yes, I expected you to say something like that.
Please, don’t forget those kind feelings when you become an adult.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Well then, do you know what kind of place is this?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Here is something like a shelter to comfort hurt adults on sleepless nights.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Perhaps, you also... had having a nightmare?

2 options (Same Response)
I saw a bit weird dream. It may be something like that.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

I see, you had a dreadful experience.
It’s okay, this is a safe place.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Because at the very least,
there is one adult that would protect you here, baby.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Come, baby. I’ll give you a hug.

2 options
(Hug him) (Touch his thick chest)
Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Hey, baby. Don’t you think hugs are great things?
They are pleasant and warm.

Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

I have the feeling I can feel your heart by touching each
other like this.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Muscles are needed in order to fly after all.
As you can see, I have confidence in my body.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

If you say you want to touch it, then I won’t refuse.
Touch me as you wish until you are satisfied.

Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

Hm? Oops, that’s... Haha, you’re so naughty, baby.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Well then, we shouldn’t stand here talking.
If it’s okay with you, would you like to come to my room?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

I will treat you with a non-alcoholic cocktail prepared by a professional bartender.

The place where the bartender guided you was one hotel room with a bar counter.

3 options (Same Response)
What an amazing room! Staying in a room like this. It seems bartenders are amazing.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

The compensation gets better as I am hired by first-class hotels as a
bartender, but I wouldn’t stay here just for that.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

A client has quite the interest in the furniture of this room.
And I needed to stay in this room.

1 option
Is that client Hakumen-chan?

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

She happened to open a social place called Tokyo Casino,
and I got to intimately know her a little as a bartender.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

A request that her previous pushy self would have refused,
but she accepted this time like this.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Lately... I can see how she changed a little.
What changed her? I’m also interested.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

Also... there is one more reason.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

I needed to stay close in order to protect the peaceful sleep of the people
staying here.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Excuse me for getting off track. As I promised, I’ll prepare you a cocktail.

The bartender took out a cocktail glass with a practiced hand and put some ice, cooling the glass.

2 options (Same Response)
What are you preparing? Is something staring?

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

I would like to say that you would understand if you just observe,
but I will give you a hint. The ingredients are lime juice, grenadine syrup——

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Sugar syrup... and lastly, club soda.
Do you know what you can make with this?

He also put some ice inside the shaker, then he put the ingredients estimated with a measuring cup one by one, using a bar spoon.

After putting the ingredients, he covered the shaker with a strainer, covering the top even more.

Just when that process ended, the bartender finally began to shake.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

It’s great that you could see my work before you become an adult, baby.
You won’t see students and adults as if they live in different worlds.

The refreshing sound of the ice ringing clink-clank could be heard
as the bartender was shaking the shaker.

After shaking it around fifteen times, the bartender took the ice from the glass——

Pouring the orange colored liquid inside the cocktail glass. After pouring and stirring the club soda, a fresh air wafted in the air before one’s eyes.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Sorry for keep you waiting. It will be a summer delight.

2 options (Same Response)
It has a pretty color. I feel like an adult.

When (Player) drank the summer delight, a refreshing taste spread inside their mouth.

Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

Cocktails are nice, aren’t they? Doesn’t it feels like it got us closer?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Haha, I guess I’m being too hasty, right? Oh, that’s right.
It might be an embarrassing topic, but are you familiar with the language of cocktails?

2 options (Same Response)
Language of cocktails? Like the language of flower?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

That’s right, something like the language of flower.
Cocktails have a hidden meaning by themselves.

Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

For example, a carol has a meaning close to a confession, “I offer these feeling to you.”

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Some people use this to communicate,
like “this is from the customer over there”, is quite common.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

There may be things you can’t do in a bar,
but I think it’s possible to use this as a method to transmit your feelings.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

...I like cocktails. Above all the culture I met since I came to in this Tokyo.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

A culture that shows complex feelings words couldn’t describe.
I wish I could... teach this to “that person.”

2 options (Same Response)
Something about your past, Mr. bartender? Can you tell me more about it?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

...Sure thing. If I can comfort your sleepless night, baby.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

There was one man in the past.
A man that laughed when everyone was sad, and was sad when everyone was laughing.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

Therefore, he was alone.
That way of living was hard to comprehend for the others after all.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

However... a friend of that man knew it.
It was something that came from his kindness.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Staring at the happiness of someone neglected in the middle of sadness.
Crying for someone neglected in the middle of happiness.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

That way of living was already for the sake of someone alone in the world.
Everyone else talked about behind his back.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

The man left the world at the end of loneliness...
without being understood by people, and being avoided.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

The friend that was left behind thought, his way of living...
was the lifestyle of a “hero” that shines brighter than gold.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

And, they thought about succeeding that lifestyle. Even now...
that friend is living inside that man’s dream...

2 options
Could it be that “friend”—— .......
Thunderbird expression desert wink.png


Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Well then, I guess I’ll drink one too.
Hoping for gentle dream of those who are alive under the same night’s curtain.

2 options (Same Response)
Can you make a toast with me? I wanted to be treated with one carol.
Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

Let’s cheer praying for your success from now on, Baby.
I’ll prepare my own drink right now, so please wait a moment.

The bartender prepared a red-purple colored cocktail. The cocktail glass he was holding——

Touched (Player)’s cocktails glass as if they were recognizing each other.

A clear tone that would make you forget about the summer heat resounded inside the room where the two were.