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(This page is for Ebisu strategy guide. For the standard Ebisu page, click here.)


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.

  Ebisu comes with a humble, somewhat simple skillset compared to other new units, that is if we overlook his Crit++, which exchanges tremendous power for a low proc rate, goes without saying that he needs Concentration and Insight to have greater chances to use it. The rest of his skills takes him into a potentially fantastic healing unit thanks to the On Attack nature of his skills, hitting 3 enemies nets him a potential total of 1k+ HP healed for his allies (and around half that for himself) and a good chunk of CP for them, which competes quite well with other healers. He also adds spice to it thanks to LB3 Blessing’s bit, it may require him to have a defensive buff if he wants to safely proc it, but compliments his already passive healing quite well. That said, his Charge is sadly not very good and neither is his Default. You can focus on him in two ways, exploiting his On Attack nature with Combo to double his healing output to tremendous levels or focusing on his Crit++ to make tremendous damage happen while still retaining his healing. It should be noted that 3☆ is essentially better than 4☆, his attack range doesn’t sacrifice as much damage as 4☆ does and he needs to stick close to his allies, making Snipe range pretty redundant (especially the 4-space attract on his Charge, you’ll never see it fully happen). By the way, Band Ifrit gives him immense benefits thanks to Concentration and friendship buff that helps his proc rate, which is especially good for his LB3.


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Highlights is sufficiently modified.

Class: Healer, Glass Cannon

Gameplay role:


+ LB1 along with LB2 makes him a fantastic healing unit without requiring him to move, just sit and attack away.

+ LB3 Blessing helps even further with his potential healing capabilities despite its proc method.

+ Has the very rare merit of obtaining Crit++, the best version of Crit there is, offering a dramatic boost to his damage.


- Default is situational, if usually without much use.

- Needs to hit a good amount of enemies and good positioning to get the best out of him.

- Just like any other unit that has it, LB3 has a very low proc rate, demanding Insight and Concentration in order to see it frequently happen.

- Charge isn’t anything spectacular given LB3 won’t apply to it nor does it have any noteworthy effects.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
     6670 8711 3257 4782 1466 2152 2932 4303
     8095 10200 3284 4736 854 1231 2562 3694

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Example counter

Example description

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

Team Details (submitted by UserName)
【Moveslut, CP Battery】
【Healer, Tank】
【Support unit】
【example of variant call】
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples