Character Quest:Horkeukamui:VN:1

Revision as of 01:31, 25 March 2017 by Barry (talk | contribs)

Snow was falling.

Voiceless, the dance of the white powdered snow calls to the heavens.

The snow continues to dance,

and melts in the palm of his hand.

After losing his previous summoner, a great deal of time had passed.

He could feel the ties between his body and this world grow weaker day by day.

Summons must form a contract with a being who has a strong foundation in this world.

A Summon without a master, is like a boat trying to moor without an anchor.

You can stay there for a while,
But eventually it will drift away, or perhaps even sink.

To be honest, even he did not quite know what happens to Summons without a master.

The rumors say that you get sent back to your original world.
Others say you lose your sense of self, becoming a mindless beast.

Perhaps you get sent to some completely different world.
Or perhaps you go nowhere at all, and simply cease to be.

But that was fine. It didn’t matter.
He was prepared for that the moment he came to this world.

Just like the day those young heroes disappeared to the other side.

He didn’t do anything to stop it.
There was nothing he *could* do to stop it.

That’s why, he figured no matter what horrible thing happened,
it was merely retribution, and that would be the end of it.

But before that,
he wanted nothing more than to meet that person one last time.

That day, he appeared like the wind.
The person who caused his soul to tremble.

That meeting, and the words they exchanged
Now and forevermore, were stuck into his heart like a thorn.

And that beast,
decided to descend the mountain.

Man: We’ve found you.

Man: I mean,
This was the only area left.

One day, [player] was being attacked by a mysterious gang.

Ever since it became known that [player] had become the temporary Number 2 of the Ikebukuro guild,
[player] has become a target of people seeking fame and fortune.

But this time the attack was different from usual.
They had suddenly attacked from atop a building.

Their movements were planned, ruthless,
And [player's] body felt oddly heavy.

Huff, huff…
They’re pretty strong
What the hell are these guys?

Man: He’s here.
Surround him, but don’t kill him.

With repeated movements,
The attackers surround [player] and slowly approach.

They struck a perfect balance of not getting too close,
But not being so far that they couldn’t attack.

The purpose of this was to attack the [player] mentally,
Wear him out and and reduce his ability to think.

The second [player] showed an opening,
Several of them would attack instantly.

This is bad!
Im done for…

The instant he accepted that he wouldn’t be able to defend-

The wind suddenly blew.

Man: ?!

Horkeukamui:( face)
Freeze in ice,
Onrupus Kamui!

Ice and snow danced, freezing even sound,
And the attackers were stopped in an instant.

When [player] opened his eyes,
He was greeted with the back of a familiar honorable man.

He felt a sense of relief at the back,
And then soon lost consciousness.

Lying down on the bed,
[player] awakens feeling something warm and fluffy.

Horkeukamui:( face)
So you’ve awakened.
You’ve been asleep nearly the whole day.

[Player] examines his surroundings. He appeared to be underground, in a simple rest area.

3 options
I knew it was you, Horkeukamui! Where am I? Where’s the group that attacked me? Wh-why are we together in bed!?

Horkeukamui:( face)
Please calm down.
I’ll explain everything in order.

Horkeukamui:( face)
This is underneath Ikebukuro.
The guild’s safe house.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Your attackers lost us.
I doubt they’ll be able to follow us.

2 options
This Horkeukamui has some pride in his knowledge about hunting. Underneath Ikebukuro….?

Horkeukamui:( face)
When Claude built this place,
He also made several private tunnels for use.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Only those who have a rank in the Ikebukuro guild are allowed to be here.

Horkeukamui:( face)
There seems to be a system here that can tell a person's face and voice.
…That’s what I’ve heard, at least.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Since I left the guild, I wasn’t sure if I could still use it.
But it would seem I’m still recorded as being rank 10.

3 options
All this below Ikebukuro… For what purpose did he do this? Just how much money does that guy have…!

Horkeukamui:( face)
Who knows, he said it was “just to be safe.”
I have no idea what the purpose is, but…

Horkeukamui:( face)
He’s someone I don’t understand.
Though I understand you even less.

Horkeukamui:( face)
The attackers from before… Who were they?

Poison!? I don’t have a clue.
I’d like to ask that myself.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I thought so.

Horkeukamui:( face)
From your reaction, I figured you wouldn’t know.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Your body was sluggish.
You were likely hit by some kind of poison.


1 option

Horkeukamui:( face)
You were likely first poisoned from this wound here.
It appears to have been by some kind of projectile.

Horkeukamui:( face)
This poison didn’t originate from the “App.”
It was made using plants.

Horkeukamui:( face)
It’s used to weaken animals you’re hunting without hurting them.

Horkeukamui:( face)
That being said, you were in danger of freezing.
If I hadn’t warmed you up, you might have been a goner.

2 options
Thank you, Horkeukamui…. How did you warm me up?
Skip to “If what they said is true, and they had no intent to kill you” line.

Horkeukamui:( face)
You should already know.
The same as right now. I shared your bed while you slept.

Horkeukamui:( face)
A beastman’s fur is perfect for staving off cold.
It was the best solution for warming your skin.

Horkeukamui:( face)
What’s wrong? Your heart rate is fast.
Don’t tell me this is a delayed effect of the poison!

Horkeukamui:( face)
What, you’re alright?
Oh… I see.

Horkeukamui:( face)
If what they said is true, and they had no intent to kill you,
then their aim was likely to kidnap you.


Horkeukamui:( face)
Heroes who have strength, and stand with the times will always continue being attacked.

Horkeukamui:( face)
As I thought, you are appropriate for becoming a hero.
This Horkeukamui was not wrong in his judgment.

Horkeukamui:( face)
You said before you can’t become a hero.
But…I believe the path of the hero is your true path.

Horkeukamui:( face)
…It’s sad.
History is always repeating.

Horkeukamui:( face)
… Can I ask you something?

2 options
Why do you want me to become a hero? Why are you trying to raise a hero?

Horkeukamui:( face)
That’s the purpose for which I was born.

Horkeukamui:( face)
And, that is all that this Horkeukamui is able to do.

1 option
What do you mean?

Horkeukamui:( face)
You wish to ask about that?
It’s not an interesting story.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
Alright, I’ll talk.
But it might be a little long.

Horkeukamui:( face)
In my homeland of Kamui Kotan, my purpose was to raise junior heroes into full-fledged heroes.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I was a hunter with the power to hunt my prey,
But I was also a hunter who had to hunt down and take children who could become heroes.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I tempered the powers they needed to be a hero through training,
And as a sort of foster parent, I grew to love them.

2 options
A job? Your mission?

Horkeukamui:( face)
My job, my mission…
It was both, and yet neither.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I wasn’t getting paid for it,
And if you were to say I was forced….

Horkeukamui:( face)
…Well, that was just the kind of planet I was born on.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I thought that was fine,
And I had no questions or doubts about it.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Living together with the junior heroes was fun,
And I believe over time they grew to like me too.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
It happened one day. I was to look after a new junior hero.

Horkeukamui:( face)
The same as always, I raised him, imparted my power into him, and sent him off as an offering.

Horkeukamui:( face)
And where we sent them off to, was the world “above ground.”

Horkeukamui:( face)
Days passed, and one day, nonchalant, I went to see how that new hero was doing.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I saw the instant that the hero departed that world.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
The young child had arrived above ground, and had mingled with the humans there.
But, his final moment was not a happy one.

Horkeukamui:( face)
The people that hero had saved were haughty, and looked down on him.
His good-will and sympathy were stepped on by weak people.

2 options
His final moments- You mean he died?

Horkeukamui:( face)
I don’t know.
But that hero disappeared from the world.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I don’t even have any idea where he went.

Horkeukamui:( face)
But….He was laughing.
I’m sure of it, at that last moment he was laughing.

Horkeukamui:( face)
And then he told the remaining people something.
He said “I don’t hate anybody.”

Horkeukamui:( face)
I didn’t understand.
I had no idea why he said such a thing.

Horkeukamui:( face)
With no answers, I no longer felt I had it in me to raise heroes.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I was afraid that all I had done with my life was send heroes down a path of misery.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Thinking that, I continued to observe the world above ground.
I observed the lives of many heroes who lived above ground.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
Among them, there were people who moved my heart.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Some of them lost their lives. Some of them disappeared.
Many of them met sad ends.

Horkeukamui:( face)
But all of them, all of them laughed at the end just like him.

1 option

Horkeukamui:( face)
I grew angry.
I detested my own existence.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I thought, what was I doing,
Just looking at them from afar.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Why couldn’t I be their shield, and die for them?

Horkeukamui:( face)
That’s when I first realized that I was just nothing but a pathetic bystander.

Horkeukamui:( face)
That’s why, I…

Just then, the two heard the sound of a door opening behind them.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Wait a moment.
I feel a presence approaching.

Nomad expression neutral.png


3 options
That’s that guy from the Ikebukuro guild… Nomad!? And the other guys are Ikebukuro helpers?

The first one to move, was Horkeukamui.

Horkeukamui:( face)
There’s no time to argue!

Before Nomad was able to do anything,

Horkeukamui uses his sacred weapon to conjure up spheres of ice. With a kick, he sends them to the foes, blowing them back.

Nomad expression neutral.png


A sphere of ice went through Nomad- Or so it seemed, but all it was was a layer of clothing.

His body had done a somersault, revealing his true form.

Genin:( face)
I saw how serious you were with that attack. You did well to see through my disguise.

Horkeukamui:( face)
A shinobi, huh?

Horkeukamui:( face)
I didn’t see through you.
I simply knew the real Nomad would be able to dodge an attack of that magnitude.

Genin:( face)
I see, so I’m still inexperienced.
It’s like I’m being lectured by the chief.

While speaking, the other genin form a circle.

2 options
Horkeukamui. Kgh, the poison…!


[Player] tries to get up from bed, but Horkeukamui picks him up.

1 option

Horkeukamui:( face)
I’m…not sure what I’m doing.
Protecting someone who isn’t a hero, and heading to my doom…

Horkeukamui:( face)
It seems I’ve completely abandoned my purpose.
I, Horkeukamui… no....

Hanging his head down, Horkeukamui changes his way of thinking. To win this battle, he didn’t have time to think about anything unnecessary.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Close your mouth, [player].
Or else you’ll bite your tongue!

He runs. Horkeukamui runs.

Horkeukamui:( face)
[Player], who was being carried, smells the stench of blood.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Huff, huff…
Are you okay, [player]…

Horkeukamui:( face)
That escape must have been rough on your body…
You’re still not in normal condition?

3 options
I’m fine, but Horkeukamui, you’re hurt! You protected me!

Horkeukamui was starting to disappear.

Blood poured from his back. But that blood disappeared before it even hit the ground.

His body, his spirit, his existence. The world was trying to erase all of it.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I’m alright. There’s no need to worry about me anymore.

Horkeukamui:( face)
It seems my time has come.
With no master, my connection to Tokyo will soon disappear.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I will simply vanish from this world.
That’s all there is to it.

Horkeukamui:( face)
There’s no need to worry.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I can’t even feel my body.
This is …where I will die.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I wonder, will I be able to go to the same place that all those other heroes disappeared to...

[Player] holds his arm, while Horkeukamui looks to the heavens.

He had accepted it. He accepted his own erasure.

2 options
I can’t allow that. I’ll become bait. You can escape in the meantime.

Hearing that, Horkeukamui turns his head towards you.

Horkeukamui:( face)
What… what are you saying?

Horkeukamui:( face)
Were you not listening?
You want to protect someone who’s about to disappear!?

3 options
I have a reason. It’s because I like you, Horkeukamui. Just smile.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
Horkeukamui’s body shakes. Then, he gazes at [player's] face.

Just by exchanging looks, You get the sense that you now understand each others feelings.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Tears pour from the wolf’s eyes. They’re hot, very hot tears.

He once gave up on everything, and accepted his disappearance. But now, he wanted more than anything to stay.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Ah….I see…

Horkeukamui:( face)
Now, I understand.
I see, so the heroes I rose…

Genin:( face)
B group, reply.
Have you captured them?

Genin:( face)
No reply?
Reply, rep-

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui raises a howl, while streaming tears.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I see, so that’s how it was.
Dear heroes that I loved.

Horkeukamui:( face)
The meaning of your final smiles.
The people you tried to protect…

Horkeukamui:( face)
I’m standing together on the battle field, and not gazing from afar.
Thanks to that, I finally understand everything….

He clenches his fist, and flutters his gakuran. Horkeukamui now understands the heart.

Horkeukamui:( face)
So that was the meaning…
Dear [player].

2 options
Nod Return a smile

Horkeukamui:( face)
Ah, now we have forged a contract.
My new, and final, summoner [player].

Horkeukamui:( face)
You said before you’re not a hero.
That’s fine.

Horkeukamui:( face)
The world won’t accept you as a hero.
That’s also fine.

Horkeukamui:( face)
But you… you are my hero.
You are the hero, the only person, who saved my heart, and my world.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Everyone if nobody else accepts it, it doesn’t matter.
As long as my heart knows it, that’s all I need!

Horkeukamui:( face)
My Role is “Hunter.”
My Rule is “freezing.”

Horkeukamui:( face)
I decree on my name of Horkeukamui.
Please, harden, and steal away, my Rule!

By Horkeukamui’s Rule, the poison in [player]'s blood freezes hard, and is stolen away, flowing outside off [player]s body.

Imprisoned by his own role, the weak wolf who did nothing but look from afar is no longer here.

In accordance with my own heart, I will protect the hero that my soul has accepted.

Horkeukamui:( face)
Horkeukamui, enters the battlefield!


Horkeukamui:( face)
They got away.
They may be enemies, but they’re pretty skilled.

Horkeukamui:( face)
But we have no idea how many enemies there are.
We must stay cautious.

Horkeukamui:( face)
….I’m sure they will appear again.

Horkeukamui:( face)

Horkeukamui:( face)
There is one thing I’d like you to hear.

Horkeukamui:( face)
When I was disappearing, you helped me realize I still wanted to live.

Horkeukamui:( face)
That was thanks to your words, [player].
Your words called to me.

Horkeukamui:( face)
For your feelings….I offer my thanks.

The exit was now in view.
Horkeukamui once again looks to the heavens.

Ah, what a blue sky. Had I forgotten something so simple?

And the world… That it was always so beautiful.

Standing beside [player], Horkeukamui looks on with a stern face.

He looks with straightforward eyes. In his eyes, you can see light shining.

Horkeukamui:( face)
As long as this Horkeukamui is here,
I will always protect you.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I promise.

Horkeukamui:( face)
I love you, my dear Hero.