]]<ul><li>The part "|ded" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "*" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part " " of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
[[Taromaiti|Taromaiti]]<ul><li>The part "|taromaiti" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
TransientsUnits here are grouped by the same rates, said rates apply to each one individually
Rates (single)Chance to obtain a transient from a ticket or from a 1-9th pull when doing a multiroll
Rates (multi)Chance to obtain a transient from a 10th pull from a multiroll
Stone calculationsChance to obtain a single copy of a transient after spending various amounts of stones. Rounded to the nearest digit (100% rates are in reality rounded up rates of 99.995+%)