"I'm Youl, an apprentice Santa. Hey, a reindeer can be Santa too you know! Here, fly with me!"
A reindeer fairy studying abroad in Tokyo, originally from the Tirnagog Gate. In the game's setting, Santa is not a single man, but an organization of many kind-hearted souls who take up the mantle for the sake of spreading happiness to the children of every realm; as a central hub connecting the various world, Tokyo was an ideal place for these people to gather and train future Santas.
Youl was originally in training as a reindeer companion, who work as assistants to the Santas. Even so, he aimed higher, aspiring to become a Santa himself. Youl is accident-prone and a bit of a bumbler, but has nothing if not a talent for making others smile: He's the first to offer a smile and a supportive shoulder if he sees someone is feeling blue. To Youl, bringing joy to others is a joy in and of itself, and to become a Santa would be a dream job.
As a reindeer raised to be companion to Santa, he was given a magical sled the confers the gift of flight, a supreme power that defies even the bounds of gravity. Even as his schoolmates tell him that a reindeer can't be anything more than a reindeer, he persistently continues to fly toward his dream.
Youl's Charge Skill Korvatunuri refers to the mountain of the same name, which is the location of Santa's workshop in Finnish folklore.
When he blushes, Youl's nose nose turns red as well as his cheeks, reminiscent of the Christmas character Rudolph, another reindeer who was outcast by his peers and faced adversity in pursuit of his dreams.