Event Quest:Sweet Time with:Thunderbird

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Shinjuku

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

Hey, welcome, Baby. Welcome to my nest.
So... What could you be doing here in a time like this?

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

You shouldn't be wandering around late at night.
I wonder if you couldn't sleep because you had a bad nightmare.

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

Or perhaps... You were actually looking around for me?

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

Well, I'll be, you surprised me there.
Seems like I'll be receiving a gift.

Thunderbird expression b blush.png

Ah right, today is a special day.
You came here to deliver something special to me, eh?

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

Thank you, my precious. I'll certainly accept your feelings.

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

Allow me to treat you to something. Don't worry, it's not alcohol.

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

Orange and lemon juice, egg yolk, and a touch of grenadine syrup...

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

The meaning put into this cocktail is -

Thunderbird expression b blush.png

A charming intruder like yourself. A cute baby who slipped into the adult world.

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

When you get a little older, come to my nest again.
I'll treat you to something special again.

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

I look forward for the charming adult you will be to blow me away.

Thunderbird expression b neutral.png

Since you finished your drink, I'll offer to escort you back to your nest.
That way, under the beautiful moonlight of this evening -

Thunderbird expression b wink.png

I will be taking a mid-air stroll for a while with the wings of pride.
Now then, please hold on tight to my arms, Baby.