[Translated by Kukuru]
Desert Journey: Epilogue
Location: TSL
???:( face) |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Still sleepy...... | Who is......? |
[Player], you will get a strange tan if you don't wake up. |
When you realized it, the world has returned to what it was before.
Looking across your friend's back who was staring in your direction, there are the sounds of people swimming and enjoying themselves in the pool.
You finally woke up. |
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Huh...... Toji? | The desert...... and everyone? | Seth......? |
What the hell kind of dream were you having......? This is Roppongi. |
And you happened to be the only one sleeping here. |
While you were listening to Toji expressing his concerns,
you gradually regained your composure.
The vast desert vanished and became the resort pool it originally was.
Everyone is enjoying themselves like nothing has happened. There is no proof that a desert used to be here.
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Huh...... It was just a dream then. | Wait, I'm sure it was - | ...... Hrm? |
Something slips off from [Player]'s body, who had just woken up.
As you picked it up, it was the ring that Thunderbird placed on Seth's chest during that nightmare.
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
This is - | Then, it really did - |
Ohh, [Player]-dono! I have just arrived! |
I would like to apologize for making you worry! |
Hoy, you finally woke up, [Player]! |
Yes, I am. As you can see, Xolotl-dono has nursed me back to health! |
I am now willing to enjoy a game in the water with everyone! |
Overworking yourself isn't allowed. |
But, rather it's a perfect time to jump into the cold water now. |
[Player], you must be worn-out since you were just sleeping...... |
Oh! Since [Player] woke up, let's go to a restaurant and get something to eat! |
There's still plenty of time left to play, |
No matter how much you play, you're always hungry for food. |
N-No I haven't! |
3 options | ||||||||
Where did Hanuman run off to? | What about Hakumen-chan and the others? | You didn't happen to see Gyumao, did you? | ||||||
While you listen to your friends' remarks,
you remembered about the dream-like experience.
Maybe it was all just a dream.
The young boy who you meet in the desert, and the days traveling with everyone.
Even so, those things remained inside your mind.
...... Hey, are you not feeling well? |
2 options | ||||||||
...... It's nothing! | Don't you want to go swimming, Toji? | |||||||
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
It's summer. | You don't want to waste it, right? | You didn't bring a swimsuit? |
N-No......! But, that's not the point! This is enemy territory - |
GUAAaaaah!? |
W-What the.....!? A water gun......!? |
Heheh! Bullseye! You shouldn't get careless, y'know! |
A-Aaaaah......! I'm not involved in this! Honest......! |
Pweh...... Pwuh...... Fine, if that's how you want to play...... |
I will completely submerge you underwater! |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
You had a swimsuit? ? | This is the first time you stripped......! |
Hohoh, you were wearing one the whole time! I knew it! |
Wh-Why are you going after me too!? |
No use arguing against it! Stay right there!! |
Heheh, how scary! You better chase after us if you found it annoying! |
Waaaaah, I need to get out of here, quick!! |
Don't you dare run off! STOP RIGHT THERE!! |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
I-I hope they'll be okay...... | Toji has gotten serious, huh? |
(Sigh)...... Honestly, Kengo. Well, I hope he's gonna be okay. |
That was a very menacing look. |
I think he knows that he's just playing with him. |
A student's duty is to study, and he has the task of protecting you - |
Though, if he keeps getting nervous, his breathing will be blocked. |
Yep yep! Your shoulders get stiff when you get hungry. |
I will also say that flexibility is important. |
Kengo and Toji scuffle in the water,
with Toji pressing down Kengo's head and holding off his movement.
...... Fine. I'll play along with you guys. |
I am Sakimori Toji! I will go and give it my all out there! |
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
That's the spirit! | Finally we're going to the pool! | Cold water awaits us! |
[Player] immediately runs over there,
the beach they saw in their dreams.
However, prior to vigorously diving in, someone's silhouette walked in front of you.
???:( face) |
Splashes of water rise up,
the boy who you jumped into just now is soaking wet.
Puh, pweh......! Damn, I accidentally drank some! |
You gotta be more careful! |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
I'm really sorry - | Ah...... |
The boy looking this way lightly wiped his cheeks that was soaked with water.
............ Puh! |
Hahahahaha!! No way, you can't be serious! Hahahaha!! |
Then, with the things he couldn't wipe off,
he smiled and gave a hearty laugh.
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Seth! ! | I thought you disappeared! | You came to Tokyo! |
...... What? I know we just parted ways. |
Honestly, look at us, we're both sloppy...... Xuanzang-sama. |
You grasped the hand that was spontaneously held out to you.
It's unmistakable that proof of what is there is real.
Oi, what happened!? I thought I heard shouting...... |
Hey, what's the deal with that "Transient"? |
1 option | ||||||||
He is - |
While you were trying to introduce him,
someone's figure leaps into the pool.
Miloooooooooooooooord~! Your lovely and pretty Hakumen has come! |
Now, for a gorgeous div-ing! Ahaaaaaaaaaa~! |
What the hell did I come back to!? It's really packed! |
Oh yeaaah~! Time for a water gun competition to break out~! |
Gaaaaah!! Hanuman, stop! |
Wooohoooooooooooo! Surfs uuuuuuup! |
Gyaaa! What the heck!? There's a huge wave in the pool all the sudden! |
Bwahahahahahahaha!! It surely is a resort's dream to be luxurious and gorgeous! |
My "Tokyo Bandit Leisure Resort" or TSL for short, |
A big crowd of happy customers will become a peak season in my account books! |
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Huh......? | The TSL - | That's what the abbreviation was!? |
Correct! But, there are other meanings as well! |
There are multiple ways the "S" could stand for! |
I-I see......! That is a very innovative naming! |
He must be very persuasive...... |
Hey, Gyuu-chan!? What is with that stupid naming!? |
As the owner, I did not approve of that! |
We must make the changes immediatel- |
Ha-Hakumen-samaaaaaaa! |
Goodness, you all are a noisy lot. |
Then, I'd better go and check if the equipment is affected. |
You got it. When the time's right, I'll go and prepare them lunch. |
Seth, [Player] - I'm hopeful you two will be getting wonderful dreams. |
Chaos unfolds on the beach.
You laugh together with Seth as the scene carries on.
Hahaha~! Your friends sure are loud! |
Now that I think about it....... |
I knew it wasn't possible for me to be strong like my brother. |
I can't achieve what I aimed for. I think it's impossible for me - |
I think it's a waste of time to wish for it, even if it's that big of an ideal. |
1 option | ||||||||
So, things are bad now? |
Ah. I already found the things I was lacking in. |
The boy narrowed his eyes and stared at the answer he gave himself.
Hanuman, whose strength does not make the world an enemy. Ganglie, who has the mentality to laugh over mistakes. Gyumao, who holds ideals to himself as he moves forward.
And you, who resembles his brother yet are different from him. As you sit beside Seth, you laugh about it.
I will happily accept everything, as I demand and search for new things. |
Maybe this is...... a new "journey" for me. |
A shockingly short farewell, a surprisingly fast reunion.
The words to say to him, who you reunited with in the beautiful greenery...... Those were -
Now then, everyone. What did you think? |
I hope you enjoyed this fairy-tale of the summer. |
Hmm? "Who am I" you may ask? |
...... I am an "Entertainer." |
That is all I can tell you, for now. |
I do not speak much, but rather leave behind a narration. |
However, if I want to further a memento for you, |
The stormy tale that unfolded in a mirage of the desert, |
Thank you very much, for your longstanding fellowship. |
We shall meet again in another tale, on a different night. |
The Narrator leaves her thanks.
The curtain calmly comes down afterwards.
Until the curtains raise again, the stage falls completely silent.
[Desert Journey: Let's Meet the West!]...... END