Main Quest:Chapter 2:VN

Revision as of 23:32, 28 December 2018 by Barry (talk | contribs)

At the end of the 20th century, Gates connected to other
worlds opened in Tokyo. From them, strange creatures poured
into our world.

Werewolves, angels, demons, replicants, and all manner
of creatures emerged on that day…

Creatures that resembled humans... yet were not quite human
themselves, gathered here, in Tokyo.

Fear of the creatures ran rampant. They were completely unknown
beings with completely foreign ways.

They possessed incredible destructive power and magic beyond
humanity's wildest dreams.

Humanity couldn't be blamed for fearing that which was beyond
their capacity to understand.

Both creatures and humans took advantage of one another,
but they knew they could never come to an understanding.

However, even in times like these, there were those who wished
for peaceful co-existence.

Several years have passed since that fateful day.

The fact that Tokyo borders countless other worlds has become
a part of everyday life for its inhabitants.

Tokyo was designated as a Joint Management Region by the
Japanese government and the UN, facilitating the creation
of new laws and establishments.

Many of the creatures that come to Tokyo from other worlds receive
legal status as foreign exchange students.

They transmigrate through the walls between worlds in a flash
of light...

Thus, the people of Tokyo call those sentient beings transferred
to this world... Transients.

Mr. Mononobe: And that's about the sum of it.

Mr. Mononobe: It's been a long time since the word Transient was designated
to refer to people from other worlds.

Mr. Mononobe: Every Transient is under the legal control of a school
somewhere. They live their lives as students or teachers.

Mr. Mononobe: Transients also look vastly different from the primary
intelligent species of this world, humans.

Mr. Mononobe: Barring extenuating circumstances, hiding such differences
is illegal by city ordinance.

Mr. Mononobe: In other words, you can tell right away if someone is a
Transient. They can have wings, horns, tails, or some other
external feature that makes it clear.

Mr. Mononobe: The Transient population is growing every year, but good
citizens like yourselves already know that, don't you?

Mr. Mononobe: Transients are only allowed to live within the city. Leaving
city grounds is severely restricted.

Mr. Mononobe: Nowadays, you don't come across people from outside Tokyo
often, so transfer students have become a rarity.

Mr. Mononobe: However, today, we just so happen to have one of those rare
transfers joining our school.

Mr. Mononobe: Right, <param=playerName>?

That is correct.

Mr. Mononobe: That's a prompt and proper response. It's fine to be serious,
but you shouldn't overdo it.

Mr. Mononobe: Try to relax a bit. You're a student in this class now, just
like everyone else.

Sir, yes sir.

Mr. Mononobe: That's all well and good, but this isn't the army. A simple
"yes" is enough.

Do you have horns, too?

Mr. Mononobe: Hey now, do I look like anything but a human to you?

Mr. Mononobe: Ah, it seems I must wrap things up here. Shiro, if you please.

Shiro: Yes, Mr. Mononobe. All right everyone, stand up. Eyes forward.

Shiro: Bow!

Mr. Mononobe: Now then, let's get right into homeroom. I have an
announcement from the teachers' meeting.

Mr. Mononobe: By the request of the police and other authorities, Shinjuku
Academy will be closed for a while, starting tomorrow.


Mr. Mononobe: Pipe down, kids. It's only for 2 or 3 days. Think of it as a
surprise holiday.

Mr. Mononobe: And consider this fair warning. You'll be getting homework for
all the classes you miss.


Mr. Mononobe: Hahaha. You kids are so fickle. Life isn't all fun and games,
you know.

Mr. Mononobe: But I need you to know that we're not closing the school
for no reason.

Mr. Mononobe: Last night, there was an incident near the school. There was
evidence of an attack and a body... or at least part of one...
was found.

Mr. Mononobe: The victim was not a student of this school, but the police are
here as part of their investigation.

Mr. Mononobe: So, that's the current situation. Don't go staying out late
just because school is closed.

Mr. Mononobe: Hm... Was there anything I forgot to mention?

Mr. Mononobe: Ah, yes. Mr. Jinn and Mr. Triton have a message for you.

Mr. Mononobe: They suggested you go to the dorm supervisor's office if you
have any problems. However...

Mr. Mononobe: I will say you should not go to the dorm supervisor's office.
It will only complicate things. That's all for today.

He sounded pretty firm about that last part...

Ryota: Hey <param=playerName>! Isn't it great!?
School's off from tomorrow!

Kengo expression neutral.png

You're so lucky! You've only been here a day and school gets

Shiro: ...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Master Kengo! It is time for our training! Let us spar 100
times again today!

Kengo expression neutral.png

Sorry man! I'm on my way now!

You're a Canis Therian? Are you in the kendo club?
Moritaka expression neutral.png

My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight
and member of the kendo team!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out...

Ryota: Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even
people who wear their uniforms 24/7.

Ryota: There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but
some students like Moritaka just bring their own.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

This uniform once belonged to my beloved master...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to
take part in my studies while wearing it.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

But let us set aside this talk for another time!

Ryota: You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when
it comes to training.

Kengo expression neutral.png

You don't get to slack off from training. It means something
cause you keep it up every day.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!

Kengo expression neutral.png

See you later, <param=playerName>.
You know I'm always up for a duel!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow.

Here doggie!
Moritaka expression neutral.png

My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight
and member of the kendo team!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out...

Ryota: Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even
people who wear their uniforms 24/7.

Ryota: There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but
some students like Moritaka just bring their own.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

This uniform once belonged to my beloved master...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to
take part in my studies while wearing it.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

But let us set aside this talk for another time!

Ryota: You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when
it comes to training.

Kengo expression neutral.png

You don't get to slack off from training. It means something
cause you keep it up every day.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!

Kengo expression neutral.png

See you later, <param=playerName>.
You know I'm always up for a duel!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Woof! I mean, that is correct!

Ryota: Hey <param=playerName>! Isn't it great!?
School's off from tomorrow!

Kengo expression neutral.png

You're so lucky! You've only been here a day and school gets

Shiro: ...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Master Kengo! It is time for our training! Let us spar 100
times again today!

Kengo expression neutral.png

Sorry man! I'm on my way now!

You're a Canis Therian? Are you in the kendo club?
Moritaka expression neutral.png

My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight
and member of the kendo team!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out...

Ryota: Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even
people who wear their uniforms 24/7.

Ryota: There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but
some students like Moritaka just bring their own.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

This uniform once belonged to my beloved master...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to
take part in my studies while wearing it.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

But let us set aside this talk for another time!

Ryota: You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when
it comes to training.

Kengo expression neutral.png

You don't get to slack off from training. It means something
cause you keep it up every day.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!

Kengo expression neutral.png

See you later, <param=playerName>.
You know I'm always up for a duel!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow.

Here doggie!
Moritaka expression neutral.png

My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight
and member of the kendo team!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out...

Ryota: Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even
people who wear their uniforms 24/7.

Ryota: There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but
some students like Moritaka just bring their own.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

This uniform once belonged to my beloved master...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to
take part in my studies while wearing it.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

But let us set aside this talk for another time!

Ryota: You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when
it comes to training.

Kengo expression neutral.png

You don't get to slack off from training. It means something
cause you keep it up every day.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!

Kengo expression neutral.png

See you later, <param=playerName>.
You know I'm always up for a duel!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Woof! I mean, that is correct!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Woof! I mean, that is correct!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

My name is Moritaka Inuzuka, proud warrior of the Canine Eight
and member of the kendo team!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure to meet you, transfer student

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Huh? My uniform is different? I suppose I do stand out...

Ryota: Our school doesn't really have a dress code. There are even
people who wear their uniforms 24/7.

Ryota: There are all different kinds of uniforms available, but
some students like Moritaka just bring their own.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

This uniform once belonged to my beloved master...

Moritaka expression neutral.png

For this reason, it is very precious to me. It is a joy to
take part in my studies while wearing it.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

But let us set aside this talk for another time!

Ryota: You guys never get tired of this, huh? You only get serious when
it comes to training.

Kengo expression neutral.png

You don't get to slack off from training. It means something
cause you keep it up every day.

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Correct. The way of the warrior was not paved in a day!

Kengo expression neutral.png

See you later, <param=playerName>.
You know I'm always up for a duel!

Moritaka expression neutral.png

Farewell. We shall meet again in class tomorrow.

Ryota: Oh, those two? They're always training together. They probably
get along so well because they're both in sports clubs.

Ryota: I wonder what kind of training they do that covers both
MMA and kendo...

Ryota: I was super surprised when I heard you transferred here!

Ryota: Not only that, but we're in the same class! This has got to
be more than a coincidence!

Shiro: ...

Ryota: They do say fact is stranger than fiction. Welcome to our
class, <param=playerName>!


Ryota: I think we'll get along just fine,

How did this happen?
Isn't this all a little sudden?!

Ryota: I think we'll get along just fine,

Ryota: This school's a bit unique, but you'll get used to it. Oh, and
the school cafeteria is really good!

Ryota: And if there's anything on your mind, just talk to Mr. Mononobe.
He's our homeroom teacher, but he's also the school counselor.

Ryota: Huh? Mr. Jinn and Mr. Triton? I wouldn't go to them if you
can avoid it...

Ryota: They kinda go overboard and make bad situations worse.
It tends to get real chaotic.

Ryota: Anyway, about that announcement during homeroom...
That incident nearby... Scary stuff, huh?

Ryota: To think that all that blood and even part of a human body
were found near the school...

Shiro: ...

Ryota: What's up, Shiro? You've been pretty quiet.

Shiro: No... It can't be...

Shiro: It... wasn't me...

Ryota: Shiro? Hey, Shiro!

Shiro: It wasn't me! I had nothing to do with it!

Ryota: Wha?! What's with the shouting?!

Shiro: Huh? O-Oh... Sorry. What... were we talking about?

Ryota: What's gotten into you? You look super pale.

Are you feeling sick?

Shiro: ...

Shiro: It's nothing, really. Sorry I made you worry.

Ryota: Huh? Hey, your phone is ringing.

Shiro: ...!

Ryota: Are you all right?! You're getting even paler!

Shiro: It's nothing... I just remembered I have something to do.

Ryota: H-Hey, wait! I thought we were gonna get some food together...

Ryota: He's gone...

Ryota: What's gotten into him? He's been like that since this morning.

Ryota: Maybe there's something bothering him. He takes everything
so seriously. It's like he never stops worrying.

Ryota: ...

Ryota: Sorry, <param=playerName>.
Let's eat together some other time.

Ryota: Right now, I...

Got it, let's go together.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

We better hurry or we'll lose sight of him.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Take a few deep breaths.

Shiro: ...

Shiro: It's nothing, really. Sorry I made you worry.

Ryota: Huh? Hey, your phone is ringing.

Shiro: ...!

Ryota: Are you all right?! You're getting even paler!

Shiro: It's nothing... I just remembered I have something to do.

Ryota: H-Hey, wait! I thought we were gonna get some food together...

Ryota: He's gone...

Ryota: What's gotten into him? He's been like that since this morning.

Ryota: Maybe there's something bothering him. He takes everything
so seriously. It's like he never stops worrying.

Ryota: ...

Ryota: Sorry, <param=playerName>.
Let's eat together some other time.

Ryota: Right now, I...

Got it, let's go together.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

We better hurry or we'll lose sight of him.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Let's go to the nurse's office.

Shiro: ...

Shiro: It's nothing, really. Sorry I made you worry.

Ryota: Huh? Hey, your phone is ringing.

Shiro: ...!

Ryota: Are you all right?! You're getting even paler!

Shiro: It's nothing... I just remembered I have something to do.

Ryota: H-Hey, wait! I thought we were gonna get some food together...

Ryota: He's gone...

Ryota: What's gotten into him? He's been like that since this morning.

Ryota: Maybe there's something bothering him. He takes everything
so seriously. It's like he never stops worrying.

Ryota: ...

Ryota: Sorry, <param=playerName>.
Let's eat together some other time.

Ryota: Right now, I...

Got it, let's go together.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

We better hurry or we'll lose sight of him.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Shiro: ...

Shiro: It's nothing, really. Sorry I made you worry.

Ryota: Huh? Hey, your phone is ringing.

Shiro: ...!

Ryota: Are you all right?! You're getting even paler!

Shiro: It's nothing... I just remembered I have something to do.

Ryota: H-Hey, wait! I thought we were gonna get some food together...

Ryota: He's gone...

Ryota: What's gotten into him? He's been like that since this morning.

Ryota: Maybe there's something bothering him. He takes everything
so seriously. It's like he never stops worrying.

Ryota: ...

Ryota: Sorry, <param=playerName>.
Let's eat together some other time.

Ryota: Right now, I...

Got it, let's go together.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

We better hurry or we'll lose sight of him.

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Ryota: Heh, you're a nice person, you know that?

Ryota: Now let's follow Shiro!

Ryota: Huff! Huff!
Hold on... I can't run anymore...!

Ryota: We completely lost him. He's pretty fast...

Ryota: Hmm. Shinjuku is a huge area. It's hard to look for someone
without any leads...

Ryota: We should try splitting up and spread our search out.

Ryota: I'll head that way and check out the smaller railways
going through Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: Can you check the rest? He might be headed somewhere by train.

Ryota: If either of us find him, let's contact each other through
the App.

Ryota: See you later!

Lil' Salomon: Ta-dah! It's been so long! Just over a day! Your familiar,
Lil' Salomon, is at your service!

Lil' Salomon: Master! I have some news! And it's quite the emergency!

Lil' Salomon: Another App player is within a 100 meter radius!

It's not Ryota?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Could it be Shiro?

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Lil' Salomon: Nope. It's someone you've never met, Master.

Lil' Salomon: The App has a special step for its user to be registered
as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: I'll tell you the details later! The Summoner is approaching!

Is that a problem?

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

Lil' Salomon: It's a huge one! In fact, there's more than one Summoner
closing in!

Lil' Salomon: Did I not tell you?

Lil' Salomon: When you have the App running, all users can tell your
location and affiliation!

Lil' Salomon: People you've never directly fought before won't see too
much info, but...

Lil' Salomon: Your location is totally available to everyone
at all times!

Lil' Salomon: As far as I know, you haven't made the acquaintance of any
other Summoners yet...

Lil' Salomon: Which means...

木の剣客: ...

Lil' Salomon: You should be wary of the people approaching, at the very least.

Lil' Salomon: I suppose it's too late for that now, though.

Couldn't you tell me stuff like this sooner?

Lil' Salomon: Haha... I was tired out from yesterday, so I only just woke up!

天の剣客: Hey, you there. You're an App player, aren't you?

天の剣客: Haven't seen you around here. Anyone recognize

木の剣客: Never seen <param=pronounName2> before.
Hey, check it out. Looks like this kid is flying solo.

木の剣客: Guess that means... We've got ourselves a brand-spankin' newbie!

木の剣客: Looks like Lady Luck is on our side! You'll be the perfect
stepping stone for climbing up the rankings!

冥の剣客: Hey, you sure about this? This isn't the one Oniwaka
told us to target.

木の剣客: Who cares?! All we've done is look and look! Let's have some
fun for a change!

天の剣客: Battle Zone established! I challenge you to an App battle!

木の剣客: It's rookie farmin' time! I'm gonna get me some PvP points!

An invisible wall?
I'm surrounded!
A similar thing happened at the park...
Don't think you can act cute and just get away with everything!

Lil' Salomon: Haha... I was tired out from yesterday, so I only just woke up!

天の剣客: Hey, you there. You're an App player, aren't you?

天の剣客: Haven't seen you around here. Anyone recognize

木の剣客: Never seen <param=pronounName2> before.
Hey, check it out. Looks like this kid is flying solo.

木の剣客: Guess that means... We've got ourselves a brand-spankin' newbie!

木の剣客: Looks like Lady Luck is on our side! You'll be the perfect
stepping stone for climbing up the rankings!

冥の剣客: Hey, you sure about this? This isn't the one Oniwaka
told us to target.

木の剣客: Who cares?! All we've done is look and look! Let's have some
fun for a change!

天の剣客: Battle Zone established! I challenge you to an App battle!

木の剣客: It's rookie farmin' time! I'm gonna get me some PvP points!

An invisible wall?
I'm surrounded!
A similar thing happened at the park...

Lil' Salomon: Haha... I was tired out from yesterday, so I only just woke up!

天の剣客: Hey, you there. You're an App player, aren't you?

天の剣客: Haven't seen you around here. Anyone recognize

木の剣客: Never seen <param=pronounName2> before.
Hey, check it out. Looks like this kid is flying solo.

木の剣客: Guess that means... We've got ourselves a brand-spankin' newbie!

木の剣客: Looks like Lady Luck is on our side! You'll be the perfect
stepping stone for climbing up the rankings!

冥の剣客: Hey, you sure about this? This isn't the one Oniwaka
told us to target.

木の剣客: Who cares?! All we've done is look and look! Let's have some
fun for a change!

天の剣客: Battle Zone established! I challenge you to an App battle!

木の剣客: It's rookie farmin' time! I'm gonna get me some PvP points!

An invisible wall?
I'm surrounded!
A similar thing happened at the park...

Lil' Salomon: Whoa! That's a cliché if I ever saw one.

Lil' Salomon: Then again, it's your first PVP battle, so these scrubs
are perfect!

Lil' Salomon: C'mon, let's beat them down! Hurry up and summon
your Sacred Artifact and familiars!

Lil' Salomon: They may be third-rate hoodlums, but they're still Summoners.

Huh? Did time stop again?

Lil' Salomon: I messed with the perception of time so I can throw in
a little tutorial!

Lil' Salomon: Listen up. Just like yesterday, that guy has established a Battle Zone.

Lil' Salomon: The powers of the App are effective only within the range
of this Battle Zone.

Lil' Salomon: As such, you Summoners will battle inside this area!

Lil' Salomon: Regardless of how destructive you get in here, everything
outside of the Battle Zone will remain unaffected.

Lil' Salomon: So don't be afraid to give 'em hell!

Lil' Salomon: Also, only App users can see inside a Battle Zone.

Lil' Salomon: Regular people who don't have the App will have no idea
what's going on.

Lil' Salomon: There are some exceptions, but let's not worry about that
for now...

Lil' Salomon: Okay, Master! Are you ready?! What? Run away?

Lil' Salomon: Listen, Master, this is very important:

Lil' Salomon: If you ever run away or, in other words, leave the Battle Zone
without fighting...

Lil' Salomon: You'll immediately lose your status as an App user and cease
to be a Summoner!

Lil' Salomon: If that happens, you'll lose your only way back home. You'll be
stuck here forever.

Lil' Salomon: To put it simply, you must accept every fight!

Lil' Salomon: That's it for the tutorial! Thank you for your patience!

Lil' Salomon: Now, get out there and, please, don't lose. Good luck!