Event Quest:Desert Journey:VN

Revision as of 20:46, 2 September 2018 by Kukuru (talk | contribs)

Desert Journey ~Let's Meet West~

[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: ???

Christine is described as the "Mysterious Narrator" during the opening scene.

Good day, it's a pleasure to meet you.
I welcome you-

My dear beloved audience.
Or possibly, a famous actor.

I am a storyteller of a poor exile......
I am the host who will be giving you commands.

I would like to share with you, a tale spun by "us."

Christine:( face)
Present day Tokyo. A "place like no other."

Christine:( face)
A world where sand flutters in the air, where dreams and reality intertwine-
A spectacular drama full of ups and downs will unfold.

A face shows that "I cannot comprehend what is being said."
Please understand, and be at ease.

We shall begin. An adventure that lasts a thousand nights.

And now, I will begin to narrate-
an empty tale spun in a distant world.


Location: Roppongi

Summer. An activity that goes around each year.

The season where the sun shines brilliantly, a blessing that rains down freely.

The season that invites crowds of people to the holiday resorts, with bright sunlight bringing people to the clear waterside and forests.

So, this season is always...... No. Summer this year is more or less-



Hah...... Ho....t

All 3:(shocked face)
So hooooooooot!!

3 options
Sheesh, it's hotter than usual! Of course it's hot. It's summer. Is the world gonna end?

O-Oh, I guess so...... I'm just getting distressed right now.

I need to cool down the fire in my heart, yeah?
I should do so!

As expected of you, [Player]-dono......!
You train the mind and body very differently.

As for me, it is the concentration of the mind.
The heat being trapped in my fur is very stressful.

Eeeeeeh?! We're gonna be in trouble if it's gonna end!

On summer vacation, we could go camping,
go out to sea, watch the fireworks-

Uuuuu, they're all outdoors.......
Just thinking about it makes things a lot hotter.


What's up, Shirou? You've been quiet for a while now.

"Screaming at the warm weather will not cool you down!"

Saying stuff like that, a mystery is bound to happen. It always does.

Who's being histerical here?!
I can't believe I have to explain this to you!

When you turn the faucet, hot water comes out!
In addition, air conditioning is indispensable at night!

Your usual habits involve setting a timer and laying on bed
till you wake up drenched in sweat at dawn.

As you'd expect,
an air conditioner is the equivalent of a life-support system.

2 options
I feel like going to bed in ice. You scolded us enough!

Really now...... Please don't ask Chernobog-san to do that.

Quit it. You're gonna trap yourself in ice.

He's such an old-fashioned oni professor!
I wonder if I can keep up with him......

Well, if we're gonna be outside like this,
we should have something nice and cold!

Hehe, ta-dah~!!
I have bags of ice cream from the freezer...... Huh?

Gyaaaaah!! It's a bit warm!
The ice cream I brought for everyone melted!!

Gah, you dumbass! Don't make a mess like that!
You're splashing the fruit juice everywhere!!

Eeeeh, I really screwed up......
I wonder if this air-conditioned bag was a bad idea.

Ryouta-dono, please try not to overdo things.
Because of the temperature outside, there is a limit on how long the bag can stay cold.

Even the water I bought earlier became hot water from a bathtub.

Ahahaha! Oh, it sure is hot!
This heat wave sure is breaking the record today!

The highest temperature will increase to 40 degrees!
I myself must be getting a bit excited!

H-Hiieeee! You're insane! How can you be so calm, Hanuman......

I am an outdoor creature, a monkey child, a child of the sun!
I'm totally indifferent to this!

If it's something about the heat,
then having fun splashing around in the water is something you should do more!

T-That sounds awesome......
I can't help but sweat every time I take a step......

That "recording motion" thing,
you're saying there's something like that every day?

So, it won't go over a 100 degrees this winter, right? Nice!!

3 options (Same Response)
Hahaha, good for you, Kengo. The heat is screwing your brain up...... (Make a gentle look)

What kind of reaction was that?!
I was trying to brighten up the situation here......

That wordplay was a bad.
Conversely, I would be embarrassed if I lost my mind like that.

This heat is truly dreadful......
I'm afraid my fur is going to become frizzily.

Either way, we should go to a cool room and rest......

Are you doing alright, Inuduka? You don't look so hot.
Agyou is currently house-sitting at our safe house......

N-No! This is nothing! A samurai must persevere......!

Also, [Player]-dono invited me here!
I won't let myself go and turn down their offer!

Don't get ahead of yourself. Just bear with the heat, Inuduka.

The heat is fairly extreme, even so when compared to the past.
Should we refrain from being outside during the daytime?

Anyhow, back to where we're headed......
We're heading into the center of the area where the Roppongi Guild controls.

I believe they said planned a resort facility in the reconstructed casino?
Though, we would need some tolerance if we needed to be under this extreme heat.

3 options
Hakumen-chan invited us after all. Curious about the resort? I think I'll mess around with Toji instead.

Hakumen...... Say, isn't she one of the "transients" that control Roppongi?
To be honest, I hate noisy insects.

Whether or not you are on good terms with her,
I will not intend to lower my guard.

Resorts....... Having fun in the water.
I assumed that it's irrelevant to a guardian.

On the topic of water-related events,
I've ever only done cold-water ablutions under waterfalls.

Nng?! (Ahem). Why would you say that, [Player].

I stand by the notion of protecting yourself.
You are not to play around with others.

Always prepare for combat at all times, stand firm even at near-death.
I am prepared to die under your "blade."

Gah, you are hard to deal with.
Since it's so damn hot, why not go for a swim?

Of course.
If an escort can't be wearing a sword, what else am I supposed to be?

But, can't you bring anything else instead of a swimsuit?
If it's for swimming, how about a loincloth?

T-That is not something you should be wearing while you're swimming!
Besides, this conversation is not about owning a swimsuit!

I must be prepared at all times!
Despite entering enemy territory, I must act as a safeguard-

Gaaaaaaah!! Goddamn, you're just like Shirou!

In what way are we alike?
Kengo, would you be so kind to explain?

Graaaah!! Quit it, you jerk!

Please keep a cool head, Chairman! Please don't fight!
Please no fighting...... Okay......?

It's a "baton" for short! Ooooh, I wonder who's the strongest!

Ooh, there should be some awesome SFX like in the kid's shows!
We should sell some toys or something!

Don't make up these weird stuff whenever you want!
Ugh, really, you all had to in this heat......

But but, isn't it rare for Toji to say he's inviting us to opening of the resort?

Plus, if Hakumen-chan was the one that built it,
I'm sure it will be spectacular!

A swimming pool with flowing waves, and there may be a beach too-

The restaurant's menu will be awesome!
Heheh, I can't wait!

Hakumen can do a lot without much experience.
I wonder if there's gonna be trouble again.

Don't you worry about thing!
Tsathoggua-dono said so over the voice chat!

"Hakumen-chan was very adamant about this.
I think it'll actually work out this time!"

She's been preample about that "for a while."
I wouldn't say it's gonna be "okay."

...... It's fine to be chatting while standing around,
but have you thought about a comrade in a crisis?

Huh? "Comrade in a crisis"?

Toji pointed out the silence; there was the figure of Moritaka laying on the ground.

He embraced his sword with hollow eyes, with an appearance of a complete hairy dog beastman.

Polar bear, polar bear...... Some cold ice please-

3 options
Hey, M-Moritaka?! (No wonder he's been quiet) Okay, let's strip him down.

Aaaaaaaah!! I-I'm sorry, Inuduka!
He literally isn't doing okay!

Yo, Inuduka! Get up! Stay with me here!

Come on, let's get you to drink some water......
Huh, huuuuuh?! Wait, this is hot water!!

P-Please don't die on us!! Stay with us, Inuduka!!

Don't lay down on the ground!
You're gonna become a well-done steak!

G-Good idea! I'll take them off while [Player]-

You both shouldn't worry so much......
I can...... take off these clothes myself......

W-Wait a minute, Inuduka!! This is a public area!!

Haaah~ I am just a dog on the hot pavement~......
I feel like I'm barely alive here~......

He's having a heatstroke......
I believe it's not normal to leave him like this.

This is not the time to be standing around and watch so calmly!
We need to provide him help right now!

Yep, this is definitely a huge problem!
This is where my two new items, super strong water guns come into play-

Aaaah!! I forgot to get the water!

Even if you remembered to put it in,
it's gonna be hot water anyways!

This is no time to be goofing around!
We need to move to a cool spot!

2 options (Same Response)
No objections here! Where is a good spot......

I'll have to carry Inuduka on my back then.
There should be treatment facilities around here......

Well, since we already came this far, why can't we take him over there?

To where Ryouta was pointing at, it appears to be the entrance to spectacular resort in which Hakumen runs.

...... You can't solve problems without making sacrifices.
I will rush inside at once!

Sheesh, what kind of summer is this, putting someone's life at risk here!

For the start of the summer, Tokyo was getting hotter day by day.

There are still plenty of days left for the people. People are enjoying their lives along with having fun at the festival.

On the other hand, one day, the sun scorched the world.

It wouldn't fall under 30 degrees during the daytime, but at night, the atmosphere feels like that of a tropical jungle.

As Kengo said, the heat at Tokyo is no laughing matter.

Chapter 1 Part 1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 1: Formation, The Volume of Priest Xuanzang's Party

Location: Resort Pool


It's hard to believe that this is indoors. An apparent blue sky, moderate sunlight and the white sandy beach-

With how large the ceiling space is, loud echoes of laughter can be hard all around.

It's merry, and absolutely beautiful, milord!
Welcome, to my gorgeous, special resort!

3 options
I'm here, my sweet Hakumen-chan. What are you scheming this time? That is a lovely swimsuit~

Hmhmhm, oh you! Milord. You with all this riffraff......

There's a burning passion no matter the time or place.
But, I don't hate that no?

...... Huh? What do you mean by "riffraff"?

It might be a name of someone who resembles you.
I think it's better to call us that.

....... No, that's not it.

Nothing, Milord. Why do you assume I'm up to no good?

Otherwise, I would've brought that watchdog, Xolotl with me.
So, please don't misunderstand me.

I only wanted you to have fun, Milord.
Hence, I've invited you here to this resort as the first guests, no?

Oh my, you really think so?
I made this for today's special occasion!

I have hundreds of thousands of swimsuits.
Indeed, I have a lot of lovely things in my possession......

Because Milord came here to see me, I had to put this bathing suit on!

T-That sure is a rich person's way of thinking.
Although, I always have my swimsuit with me.

When I hear talk like this,
I can really feel how different the worlds we live in are.

Ah, that's right.
Don't worry about your friend you brought in earlier.

Xolotl just now informed me that he is resting in the infirmary.

As soon as he can confirm he's recovered,
I've instructed to bring him here. You needn't worry a thing.

What a relief...... Thanks, Hakumen-chan!

Hmhmhm, don't mention it.
I simply want milord to enjoy themselves to their heart's content.

...... I see, so this is a resort.
It truly is a luxurious place, with a lot of money put into it.

Hoh? The beach was worth the trouble.
If you thought an inexperienced person could-

TL Note: The next few bits involve Hakumen's made up nickname, "Musamurai." It was difficult to translate literally, so I reworked the sentences but kept the context as much as possible.

Well... If it isn't Mr. Samurubbish.
Why on earth have you come here?*

Rubbish......?! What!?*

(Samurubbish...... Why did she use that nickname?)*

(I suppose she just mashed "Rubbish" and "Samurai"
together just to make a derogatory nickname for Toji)*

....... I'll get straight to the point.
What are you trying to gain here?

If you're plotting something against [Player]......
Then I'll make you spill out on what you're really doing.

Hoh, aren't you scary? But, that's too bad.
I'm not even scheming anything this time. Absolutely nothing!

I have my affection only for Milord.
If I were to stretch it that far, would you consider love to be loyalty?

Hmmm...... Who would've thought. You're always like this-

Well, if you're still suspecting me, then I don't care.
So, take a seat over there and watch everyone have their fun.



Gosh, things are getting really heated over there......
Even though we went through the trouble of coming here to play.

Well, it's not like I don't understand why Sakimori suspects her......

2 options (Same Response)
L-Let's get along here! Well, maybe it's impossible......

Well, setting aside the snappish watchdog-
Milord, please take a good look!

A paradise built and overflowing with beauty and wealth,
by no other than Hakumen-chan!

By Hakumen's signal, splashes of water gleamed over from the artificially-made beach.

On the other hand, the facility is currently building the pool and waterfall attractions.

The outside became red hot, and a cool breeze blew. The inside of the facility has become moderately comfortable.

Wow, that's so cool......!
It's just like those Southern islands I see on TV!

Well, well. Isn't this a bit different from those "Southern islands"?

The TSL concept is exquisite! The "Desert Oasis"!

Under the dry wind and blazing hot sun,
Tokyo is right in the center of a dry desert!

A perfect paradise that appears like a mirage on Earth.
That, is the TSL.

...... Huh? What does "TSL" stand for?

Let's see...... The "S" stands for "Summer" right?

"A paradise on Earth."
Compared to the hell outside, this place actually does feel like paradise.

The pool is so refreshing! It sure does feel like a "resort" alright!

Hah! Before I forget, I need to charge my weapons with water!

Okay, I'll go draw some water for myself!

H-Hey! Don't run around like you own the place!

Shatatatatata! It feels amazing though.

The great white clouds. An oasis that goes on forever.
Everyone playing at the beach. A pig buried in the beach......

...... Huh? ......

Heh, I saw something incredibly strange just now. Oh well!

That's strange though......
There's dry weather here in Tokyo, there should be a drought going on.

You...... Where the hell did you get this much water from......!!

"Did you pump the water from Tokyo in the pool?"
Is that what you want to accuse me of?

Ohohohohoho!! It's actually creative power and wealth!

Hakumen-chan is sponsored by the TSL.
I used the water sparingly however.

The water here is irrelevant to whatever water source Tokyo uses.

"Irrelevant to Tokyo's water source"?
Are you pulling this from another source......?

Correct. Regarding technical matters,
I'm not sure how it works.

A genius and an eccentric brainiac,
you'd think they would dig their own waterway, right?

First of all, Tokyo's utilities felt empty.
Conversely, it was an offering from a provider.

3 options (Same Response)
How did you talk them about it? Are you learning under a talented person? Ah, I see.

Oh my, there's no need for a change in tone.
When I spoke with "that young man," I felt reassured......

1 option
"Young man"?

Correct. He handles all the construction including this facility.
He's the partner that put together this sponsorship.

???:( face)
Hahaha, what a client!
Was the negotiation tough for ya?

Ah, Gyuu-chan, right on time.
I was just talking about you.

???:( face)
Hohoh? My story huh. That's-

Gyumao is called "Huge Bovine Company President?" until Hakumen introduces him.

Powerful and energetic CEO of an alliance, that's my story!

A large man suddenly appears right next to Hakumen.

A formidable warrior with a huge smile on his face, something like that leaves a strong impression on you.

Whoa, so huge! That stunning physique too!

Dang, I wasn't expecting that tone of voice from this guy......

Let me introduce to you my new business partner.
Gyumao-chan, or Gyuu-chan for short.

Nice to meet you, all of my guests. I am Gyumao...... You...... You are all students?

Gyuu-chan, this is [Player]-sama, Guild Master of the "Summoners."

They are also my super special Master.
Don't get carried away with them, okay?

Oh, I must apologize then! This is who I am.
I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

After correcting his remarks, Gyumao handed them a folded business card.

The full name and executive position can be seen on the card; He was that of a perfect business man.

3 options
You want me to keep this? Sorry, but I don't want a business card. You got some great muscles.

Of course. Exchanging business cards is a standard of business.

You should learn from that.
Some say business etiquette is knowledge!

Hoh, although you're still young, you're still clever.
There's still much for you to see.

That's why I introduced an internship program for my company.

A motivated person is always welcome.
When you're looking for a job, please consider choosing my company!

Hahahahaha! Ohohoh, aren't you a perceptive one!

What you need as a business person is: Brains, Wits and Muscles!
That, is what I believe in.

To maintain muscle, I go to the gym every day after 5.
So, do you want to touch them? Hm?

Hey, Gyuu-chan! Don't you dare make a move on my Master!

Whoops, that was rude of me!
I became ecstatic when they complimented about my muscles.

That's right, I am the one who chose Ms. Hakumen as my business partner.

Overflowing with charm and wonders,
she seemed to be a promising customer.

Aah~! Oh stop, Gyuu-chan~. You shouldn't spoil things like that.

If a businessman is being too straightforward,
won't your business suddenly drop?

Don't worry, it won't be a problem!
Our company is decisive, faithful, efficient, and close acquaintances! That's our motto!

For any sort of needs, commitment always bring the best results!

Hakumen and Gyumao:(joy face)

Shirou, Ryouta and Kengo:(beach_shocked face)

...... [Player]. All these people you brought together......

3 options
Everyone here are good people, right? Cut the chatter. This is an every day thing for me.

........ So, this is what you would call "that kind of friend."

...... Sakimori. If you categorize them like that,
won't you fall under that "kind" too?

Hah!! I-I was mistaken!

Hm. I see. So, those remarks are like a samurai's compassion.

That saying is outdated as of now? S-Sorry about that......

You...... Are you really okay with that?
A saying was "enter the countryside, abide to the countryside."

Is there really nothing you cannot adapt to......?

???:( face)
Oi! Of all places, you decided to sell oil here!

Amatsumara is referred to as "Artisan in a Jersey?" until he's introduced by Gyumao.

Oi, Chief! There's something I need to discuss with ya!

Ah, the head of the construction team.
So then, what seems to be the problem?

Ah, allow me to introduce him. This is Amatsumara.

He is a gray engineer. He also built all the attractions of the TSL.

Hey now, don't say things about me like that.
That way of talking will make me feel awkward.

So, who are the lot you brought in here?
Are they your guests?

Indeed they are. They're the special guests I've invited for the pre-opening today.

...... Owner-san. I didn't think you'd bring a crowd for the "pre-opening."

Hoh, I thought he told you in advance?
That's why I wanted to give you my regards?

What do you mean by "That's why"......
Well, I can manage.

Please excuse us, guests. What you see here is still in development.

3 options
I'm [Player]. Nice to meet ya. You seem old-fashioned. Check out that amazing physique!

Ah, I am Amatsumara, the core carpenter of the business.
Well, I am also the old man in charge of the construction work here.

Hey, I'm the core carpenter of the business alright?
I also taught engineering skills at the technical college of Kamata.

This time it's a technical cooperation with the company.
That is why I came here.

Gwahaha, I see! Technique dwells within trained muscles you see!

...... Well, there hasn't been enough willpower lately.
Neither technology nor muscles benefit the youngsters.

Oops, looks like I got a bit carried away.
I didn't come here for chit-chat.

Chief Gyumao-san. There seems to be something wrong with the water pipe for the mermaid pool.

Will 2 hours be alright to remove the blockage?

Oh, that indeed is an urgent problem.
Alright, deal with the problem immediately-

Eeeh~? That's so disappointing.
Milord finally came here, but only to find out there's a blockage......

Are you concerned about maintenance affecting a customer's satisfaction?
It would be important for "Milord" too, of course.

Ah, if you want your "Master" to get hurt, would that be a different story?

....... You. Are you trying to provoke me?

Stop! Client-dono, he is one of my subordinates.
If you have a complaint, consult that matter to me.

That kind of tone is common among professional engineers.

Besides, he was talking about risk management.
He needs to do everything to ensure the guests' safety.

Now, will you please understand the situation, Owner?

...... I understand.
If it's maintenance, then I'll leave you to it.

I'm glad you understand, Miss.
I will get the job done, just leave it to me.

Well, I'll be going then, Chief.
I hope you don't mind giving a hand.

Agreed, Head of Construction.
Let us commit to the site.

Gentlemen, I will excuse myself.
I will see you again at the opening ceremony!

2 options
You're all amazing people. Opening ceremony?

Ah. He sure has a lot of energy.

Well, he does have that kind of talent.
After all, she did call him a young executive earlier.

He's not even young for his age.
He's more like a middle-aged executive.

Please forgive me, Milord. I am terribly sorry.
One area is inaccessible, but please have fun regardless.

I will still show off the pre-opening of the TSL today.
Only the staff, invitees, and those who have complimentary tickets are allowed to enter.

In other words, you're only in this room as a celebrity's guests
because I've invited Milord here.

You won't be bothered by a noisy lizard and someone's child running around,
so just kick back and relax.

3 options
What about Ophion and Lucifuge? Where's Licht and Melusine? Where's Tsathoggua?

Hmm? Ah, that lizard and Lucifuge.
Yeah, about those two-

...... Hmph, that was quite the plan you had, Miss Hakumen.

This is troublesome however.
She invited the masses and my darling wife to the facility.

If you think no little of my wife,
then you should welcome them to a more private spot.

Do you not agree with me? My fellow Lucifuge.

Yeah, definitely. If it wasn't so obvious that she craves attention,
she had to drag in her special friend.

It's the era of smart and compact business models-
Basically, it's a trend to make a share with a few people.

........ Feh......

Ah, Lucifuge-sama...... This is absurd.
I'm not even aware of what Ophion-sama is scheming.....

Aizen! If you've returned,
then give me an update on the situation!

Yes! Right away, Ophion-sama! The request for the construction company
cooperating with several real estates of Tokyo was completed just now!

In 1 hour, we'll summon the sales representatives from each company.
Then, we'll hold a competition there!

Hmhm. Good work, Aizen.
Also, I'll humbly take my leave of you, Hakumen.

At any rate, I would spend on something suitable for my darling wife,
I will build a first-class villa; a first-class summer resort.

V-Villa......?! Ophion-dono!
Wasn't the guest house for shared use only?!

...... And that's what happened.
It's hard to believe that there are no good summer resorts here in Tokyo.

Eh? Ah, you mean Guild Master-chan? Not too long ago, he-

Ah, Hakumen-dono.
The resort was under construction, and today is the pre-opening of it.

I wanted to celebrate, but unfortunately something else came up shortly after.

[Player] my friend, won't you tell me you're doing fine?

Licht-sama. Assistance for your friend's "battlefield"-
A sortie has been arranged.

Chilled drinks, hand towels, and a change of clothes.
We are currently preparing as much as we can.

Mhm, much appreciated, Melusine!
Then, it's time to head out to Ariake!

Licht:(surprised face)
"Today is going to be a long day." Please keep that in mind!

Of course, if that is what you wish, Licht-sama.

... Apparently, he has gone to a gruelsome battlefield.
Because of his determination and readiness... I have a slightly better opinion of him now.

Eh? Ah. Tsathoggua-dono is-

...... Huh? Ah, sorry about that, Hakumen-chan.

I was staying up all night doing these quests,
but I must've fell asleep in the middle of doing thaaaaat.

You're holding a pre-opening for the pool you're building,
but there's no chance of me going to iiiiiit.

First of all, I can't go outside because it's hot as hell out there.
For that reason, I'm not gonna boooother.

Please give [Player] my regaaaards...... Welp, good niiiiight~.

... There you have it. My god, that good-for-nothing......

Also, there's a really sweaty smell in the corner of the room because of all of the clothes stacked up there.
I hope he's tossed all of them in the laundry by now.

My my, Milord. Today, you must only pay attention to me.

Now, shall we get going soon? I will be arranging a bartender.

A peaceful beach with white-crested waves on the shores,
under the parasol, an amorous adventure......

B-Bartender......?! Wait a minute, we're still-

Ah, don't you worry about that.
I'll be calling a friend that I know is somewhere about.

Oh my. I think I might have talked for a little too long.

Thunderbird is referred to as "Dandy Avian?" here.

Ah, welcome back, Mademoiselle.
Are you today's guests?

Indeed they are. A welcome drink is what I'm thinking right now.

OK, I'll prepare them right away.
Just kick back and relax.

Hrm? You are......

The Avian Bartender stared at [Player] like a bird of prey.

3 options (Same Response)
U-Umm...... What's up? Cool......

Ah, that was rude of me. No no, it's just a bad habit of mine.

For an attractive babe like you, I'll be happy to shake the shaker for you.

B-Babe......?! Man, you have a weird way of talking to people.

One thing about me - Where ever I am, always remember that a lowly bartender will be around the corner.

If you're pleased with today's drink...... Ah yes.
Even when you become an adult, always remember-

That my store is in Shinjuku. I'd be delighted if you stopped by.

The Bartender then gave a smug wink, and returned to the counter.

....... Just like he came straight out of a Western film,
he sure talks a lot like a quirky protagonist.

S-So cool......! His shop is in Shinjuku right?!

I don't get why Ryouta thinks he's so "cool"......


Heeeey! [Player]-dono!

My water guns are full of charge!
Wait, we're not gonna play yet?

2 options
I'll treat you a drink. You barely just got back though......

Oooh, you mean it?! I was getting pretty thirsty!

After I charge my body with juice, I'll play as much as I want!
Time to get some banana juice!

[Player] and the others received drinks from the Bartender and relaxed for a while.

Then, Hakumen clapped with her hands and spoke out to them.

Ah, that's no good!
For Milord's sake, I've prepared for you this gorgeous bathing suit.

This bathing suit was made by Roppongi's haute couture.
It is a one-of-a-kind item!

Out of the 3000 pairs made, I certainly would call this a favorite......
If I could find it......

That key, that's odd. Where could it be......

...... Hey, Xolotl! Get over here right now!

Xolotl:(desert_anger face)
Hakumen-samaaaaaa!! Is something wrong?!

You're loud! I can hear you just fine without all the screaming!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
Y-Yes!! Please forgive me!!

Xolotl:(desert_happy face)
Oh, you brought [Player]-sama and all their friends!
I'm sorry for not being in touch with you!

3 options
Hey there, Xolotl. You're not in a suit......?! Now that you've taken your clothes off, you look awesome.

Xolotl:(desert_happy face)
Yes, hello! Thank you so much for coming today-

Xolotl, save the greetings for later!
I called you here for a reason!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
O-Of course! What seems to be the problem, Hakumen-sama!

Xolotl:(desert_happy face)
Yes! For Hakumen-sama's presentation today, I've come here with this appearance-

Xolotl! Never mind about your swimsuit!
Also, I called you here for a reason!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
O-Of course! What seems to be the problem, Hakumen-sama!

Xolotl:(desert_neutral face)
A-Awesome......?! O-Oh, you meant my body......

Xolotl:(desert_embarrassed face)
Waaaahieee!! W-Why did you touch my stomach for?!

Xolotl! I did not call you here just to get your body touched by Milord!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
Ah, of course! My apologies, Hakumen-sama!

I was sure I had the wardrobe key......
Did you do something? Do you know anything about it?

Xolotl:(desert_neutral face)
Eh? Ooh, you mean that gold wardrobe key?
I'm sure it was sitting on the desk in Hakumen-sama's bedroom-

Wait just a moment. On the desk in my bedroom? How could that be?!

I told you I won't be returning to the bedroom after I picked out an outfit!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
Huh...! Dammit! I completely forgot about that!!

Grrrrrrr!! You imbecile! You're a big imbecile!!

P-Please excuse me, Milord. Hakumen-chan just needs a little time to herself.

Until I get back, please enjoy this gorgeous resort with your friends.

Well then, I shall be going now! Ohohohohohoho!!

...... Xolotl. You better remember next time!

Xolotl:(desert_surprised face)
H...... Hieeeeeeeeeeee!!

Hakumen of the Tycoons, should I fear the empress of Roppongi......?

My impression of her personality did not turn out the way I expected......

Is that so? That's a normal thing for us though.

Yeah! Hakumen-chan-dono seems to be a nice, yet rash person!

3 options
Kengo, just stop. That's not helping, Hanuman. You seem pretty bitter, Toji.

Kengo:(beach_joy face)
It's a nice thing, that's a fact. Let's go swimming already!

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
There's an information plate placed on the swimming pool there.
I'll go ahead and play a game at the pool!

Ah, it's a second-hand opinion from Tsathoggua-dono.
She's thoughtlessly adorable, or so he says.

Look look! Since she's letting us have fun, I'm gonna show you what these bad boys can do!

If I compress this, it can send you flying 1 km ahead at the latest!

Good and Evil don't come into consideration here.
Just like a person on a cloud I suppose.

Rather, I'm astonished that your courage and coping with your existence like that.

Are you being sarcastic? Or is that how you truly feel......?

Kengo:(beach_joy face)
It's a nice thing, that's a fact. Let's go swimming already!

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
There's an information plate placed on the swimming pool there.
I'll go ahead and play a game at the pool!

Well, I'll be going to the refreshment area then.

Shirou:(swimsuit_happy face)
We can enjoy a rock sauna and a massage.
In turn, this will help [Player] relax.

Ryouta:(beach_b_happy face)
The refreshment area is the one with all the restaurants right?

Ryouta:(beach_b_neutral face)
I heard from Choji that the restaurants at Azabu-Juban
have top chefs that will treat you with some delicacies!

What do you want to eat, [Player]?
If it's delicious, I'll bring some for Inuduka too!

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
Sheesh, you guys make it sound like you're too old for this.
This is a water resort and there's a swimming pool, so what's holding you back?

Kengo:(beach_joy face)
"Raging downstream pool" and "Large Ocean Whirpool,"
which one do you think sounds good, Buddy?

I'm gonna challenge everyone to a water gun fight!
I'll lend out some water guns in the dedicated field!

Let's split up into 2 teams and have a serious match!

Making a huge fuss, the circle of friends asserted on what they want to do.


On the other hand, Toji became slightly distant from the group, quietly observing the situation.

2 options (Same Response)
Don't you want to hang out, Toji? Come on, let's play together.

No, I...... It's nothing.

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
Hohoh? Come on, cut it out with the sarcasm.

Kengo:(beach_joy face)
Okay, Hanuman! Give me a hand and get him to come with us!

I got you! Heheh, let's get going~!!

H-Hey, you guys...... Gah, stop, I-I'm ticklish!

Why are you even touching there! Hah...... Wahaaaaaa!

W-Wait! Sakimori isn't even wearing a swimsuit!!

Now now. Even if he comes back soaking wet,
don't you want to make a page of summer memories?

Shirou:(swimsuit_anger face)
Sheesh...... Hey wait, Kengo!
You need to do warm-up exercises before jumping in the water-

Waaaah, he left already......!
[Player], I'm gonna go on ahead!

Heeeeeey!! Don't leave me behind!!

3 options (Same Response)
I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Toji seems to be getting used to this. Aaah, he's become a plaything.

Because [Player] was falling behind the others, they ran straight to the glistening beach.

...... Then, at that moment.

???:( face)

2 options (Same Response)
Dang, what just happened? I'm so sorry!

Seth is referred to as "Dog 'Transient'?" here.

Seth:(anger face)
Gah...... That was so reckless of you!
If you're running off somewhere, at least watch where you're going!

2 options (Same Response)
You're awfully upbeat...... Hey, are you okay?

Seth:(sad face)
...... Geez. You were invited by the Owner right?
Well, you did hurt me after all.

Seth:(anger face)
Because this is a man-made watering hole,
I don't want the happy innocents to see a painful accident!

Seth: You need to be more careful- H... Huh?

The boy cut off his sentence and stiffened his face.

What came to his eyes were distress and fear.

Seth:(surprised face)
Eh...... Eeeeeh!?

2 options (Same Response)
H-Huh?! Wait, what.....!?

Seth:(surprised face)
W-Why..... You dumbass! Why are "you" in a place like this......

Seth:(anger face)
W-What did you come here for......?!
Why did you show yourself here!

3 options (Same Response)
You're mistaken! I don't get what you're saying. H-Huh......?

Seth:(surprised face)
I'm sure there isn't a mistake...... Although, no. this is different!

Seth:(sad face)
You're not here anymore! Because, you've gone ahead of me......

Seth: Yeah, there's no reason behind it......
Because you've already......!

Seth:(anger face)
You're not of this world anymore!!

Both sorrow and hatred can be felt in the boy's screaming.

He was being filled with an intense "thirst," as derived by that.

Water moisture, cold winds, and the roar of the waves from the pool; everything seemed to be disappearing.

Seth:(surprised face)
Goddamn...... Damn, damn, dammit!!

Seth:(anger face)
Get out, get the hell out of here right now!
I...... Please, just get out of my sight!!

Seth:(anger face)
Disappear...... Without a trace!!

The boy looked completely upset and agitated, he turned to [Player] with a cane that seemed to be his "Sacred Artifact."

3 options (Same Response)
I don't get what's going on, but- Guess I don't have any other options. Don't get upset if you get hurt!


Seth:(sad face)
Kuh...... That pressure I felt from the sword......
Are you really......?

Showered with attacks, the beastman staggered and falls back.

There was no indication of anger on his face, but rather complete fear.

Seth:(sad face)
Why...... Why now? Even though...... I came all this way!

3 options (Same Response)
I really don't know what's going on, but- Just chill out and listen to what I have to say. Why did you attack me for?

Seth:(surprised face)
No, this is different!
I...... I didn't even want to do this kind of thing!

Seth:(sad face)
I...... I! P-Please forgive me...... Uuuu...

Seth:(sad face)

A stronger thirst than before arises with the beastman in its center.

Wind, heat, and an enormous amount of sand spirals and completely ate away the water content.

2 options (Same Response)
What the hell is......! C-Could this be......?!

Sand dominated their field of vision. Not before long, it became completely black.

Then, when [Player] opened their eyes-

1 option

The world suddenly became a sea of sand.

2 options (Same Response)
Huh...... What is this?!
Chapter 1 Part 2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 1: Formation, The Volume of Priest Xuanzang's Party Part 2

Location: Desert

Sand all about. The sun was the only thing to use for directions.

3 options (Same Response)
Shirou! Kengo! Ryouta!

[Player] walked around while being touched by the burning hot sand at their feet.

3 options (Same Response)
Toji! Hanuman! Hakumen-chan, Xolotl!

There was nothing to aim for. Yet, they wouldn't want to stand idly on the same spot.

Trying their best to escape the burning sands of hell, They wandered around in search for any means of rescue.

1 option
Is there anybody out here!

Then, at that moment.

???:( face)

They felt something soft under their feet, along with a familiar scream.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh?! What the?!

Mumbling and thrashing about, there was a thick mountain of sand.

From there, two holes poked through the sand; it was a pig's nose.

???:( face)
Aaaaaargh! Is someone theeeere......?!

???:( face)
I-I'm dying in here......! Get me outta here......!

3 options
Is that you, Ganglie......? What are you doing here? Looks like you're having fun.

???:( face)
[Player]?! How did you get here?!

???:( face)
B-Bah, I don't got time for this right now!
Just hurry and help me out!

???:( face)
[Player]?! You...... Gah, never mind that!

???:( face)
C-Can't you see what's happening here?!
I'm about to die buried alive under the sand here!

???:( face)
I'm having a hard time breathing right now.
I'm begging you, do something quick!!

???:( face)
Uweheh, it does seem like that huh.
It definitely does...... look like I'm having fun here.

???:( face)
Please...... I'm completely drying up here.
Oh huh, I'm starting to pass out...... Aaah......

Struggling to dig him out, the man bursts out gasping for air.

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
Haaaaaaaaah!! Man, that was the worst thing ever!

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
I was in the middle of the time of my life.
Yeah, I really was......

Gouryou:(desert_joy face)
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Thanks, [Player].
You just saved my life back there.

3 options (Same Response)
No problem. Okay so- How did you even end up buried in the sand?

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Huh? Oh...... I don't even know what happened.

Gouryou:(desert_embarrassed face)
I was doing it big with the flirting.
I was hanging out with a cutie too......

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
I think a light just came out of nowhere,
and the next thing I knew I was buried in the sand.

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
Damn, this is the worst. I was hoping it'd last longer, yeah?

3 options
Flirtatious as always...... You were playing around? You're wearing a surfing outfit for the ladies?

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
Don't you know by now? Flirting on the beach is a summer tradition.

Gouryou:(desert_embarrassed face)
If a cutie is hanging out there, I'll call out to them.
It's what keeps me going in life, buhehehe.

Gouryou:(desert_surprised face)
Whoa whoa, what are you even talking about?
You thought I was watching and playing around with them?

Gouryou:(desert_embarrassed face)
"I'm gonna lie down and play in the sand" heh.

Gouryou:(desert_joy face)
Maybe they'll all come crawling back to me.... Heh!

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Hm? Oh. It was Typhon. He talked me into it.

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
"Riding the waves will make you popular!"
Well, the things he's said could be bogus-

Gouryou:(desert_joy face)
I'm willing to try it out though. So, this time I'm your fellow surfer dude.
This is how you live out the summer right?

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
That's really weird though.
I don't see the resort facility anywhere......

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
...... Geez, I wish I got some motivation right now!
I'm supposed to be spending time with my classy lady right now!

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
Godammit! Where am I supposed to go now!!

1 option
I need to tell you something......

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
...... I see. You got attacked by a strange guy,
and then the next thing you knew you got thrown out here......

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
Could this be a "different world"?
Am I getting dragged into this again?!

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Though, what the hell is happening......?

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
I need to put off my thoughts for now.
We need to find shade for now.

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
I'm starting to feel like a dried fish.
At this rate, I'm gonna be charred black.

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Huh? Oh, that reminds me,
did you see happen to see someone around here?

3 options (Same Response)
There's someone else here? Who could be here other than us? It's just you so far, Ganglie.

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Okay then. While I was buried under the sand, I heard a voice......

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
Hey, can we change gears here?
Seriously, I don't want to become grilled pork-

???:( face)
Heeeeey! There's someone here!

Something appears to be making their way through the sand in the distance. That silhouette doesn't seem to mind the heat.

Heeeeeeeey! Is that really you, [Player]-dono!?

2 options (Same Response)
It's really you, Hanuman! Did you get thrown out here too?!

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
I noticed that there wasn't anyone else but me......!
I was getting real lonely heeeeere!!

Gouryou:(desert_surprised face)
Huh?! Hang on a sec, is that true?!

Gouryou:(desert_surprised face)
What about the cool hotel, the water filled pool,
and most of all, my cute date?!

We're far away from everyone else and just about all the buildings.
There's nothing out here but plain sand!

Could it be that Tokyo turned into a balmy world?!

3 options (Same Response)
It's definitely hot, but I doubt that's the case. We could say it's a post-apocalypse. If there's no one else around, then it's hopeless.

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
I don't see anything like an oasis here.
I think that's a bad sign.

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
Argh, give me a break......! I hate being hot and cold!

2 options (Same Response)
We have no choice but to keep moving. It's too bad there isn't any shade around here.

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
Eeh, hue, bleeeh.......
Even if we keep going, it's nothing but sand, sand, sand......

Gouryou:(desert_crying face)
I'm pretty sensitive you know.
Physical labor really isn't my thing.

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
Y-Yeah, without water or shade,
I'm not gonna have any strength left in me.

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
Aaah...... I can see my...... stamina gauge blinking right now......

3 options (Same Response)
I'm slowly reaching my limit as well...... Ugh...... I'm starting to get dizzy. A swimsuit in a desert is..... damn impsossible.

They began to hallucinate along with the insides of their brain cooking up. In addition, their skin burned up and ached badly.

Heatstroke is the word that comes to mind. They could not stand it anymore.

1 option
Someone...... Someone help.

At that moment, Ganglie stopped [Player] in their tracks with his "Sacred Artifact," a hoe.

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
... Stay right there. "They're coming"!

Sounds of a buggy's engine can be heard getting closer and closer.

And then, the source of that sound came and jumped over the ridge of the sand dune.

Bull_Pirate: Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaw!!

2 options (Same Response)
Whoa, what?! Where'd they come from?!

A group of strange beastmen came out of nowhere. They then jumped off the buggy and surrounded [Player] and the others.

Each and every one of them had weapons and aimed them towards the group.

H... Hey, are we getting attacked?!
Why now of all times......!

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
You gotta keep in mind of getting attacked in these kind of situations.
They were probably waiting for the right moment to attack us......

Bull_Pirate: Look at what we came across!
Don't they look nice!

Bull_Pirate: You didn't even prepare yourselves for traveling around the desert!
That's why you made yourselves an easy target!

Bull_Pirate: What are you even trying to gather in a place like this?
Doing "labor" here is the most reckless thing I've ever heard.

Bull_Pirate: Seeing that these guys have rare "Sacred Artifacts,"
we might as well steal them and sell them off!

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
...... Ah geez, I should've planned something ahead before they got here.

2 options (Same Response)
What do you mean, Ganglie?! Tell me......!

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Don't look down on me like that.
Even if I look like this, I was formerly a soldier alright?

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
Somehow, I knew there were strange signs going on.
It was pretty obvious that there was danger lurking around.

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
Besides, I can't even fight here.
The only way I can use my "Sacred Artifact" is a place with water.

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
You and Hanuman said it yourselves;
we're having problems with our physical strength right now.

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
So, even if I wanted to come up with a plan,
I figured I'd just play along.

H-Huh.....! So what was your plan then?!

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
I literally said "I should've planned something before they got here" a while ago. How did you not remember that?

3 options (Same Response)
That's- Looks like we have to fight them...... I'm exhausted though......

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
What's up with them? They're literally surrounding us at all sides.

...... W-Wait! Do we have to do this......?

Gouryou:(desert_serious face)
We need to do our best and hold them back.
It's the only thing we can do right now.

A sweaty and wasted [Player] tried many times to ready their "Sacred Artifact."

Bull_Pirate: Come on then! Let's see how long you'll last!

Bull_Pirate: Get 'em!!


2 options (Same Response)
Whoa! ! Tch......! !

Despite putting up a good fight, the scorching hot breeze continues to envelope them. As a result, [Player] and the others reached the limit of their physical strength.

The bandits took the chance to mow them down, pushed them into the ground, and finally hold them down.

Nooo......! If only I could use my usual ninjutsu right now......!

Gouryou:(desert_neutral face)
Just give it up, Hanuman......
We might as well get sold for cash and maybe they'll feed us too.

3 options
T-This can't be...... Shit! T-That hurts......

Bull_Pirate: Hrm? This fellow...... Are you getting agitated with us?

Bull_Pirate: Since you've been sitting out in the sun for so long,
you must be getting a heatstroke. Just deal with it.

Bull_Pirate: Alright, we're gonna load all of you onto the loading platform!
We're gonna take you to a merchant, then-

???:( face)
... Hold it.

Despite being in a desperate situation with no escape, a familiar voice echoed somewhere nearby.

???:( face)
T-That voice......! Wherever you are, show yourself!!

The bandits seemed to be trembling in fear. Then, what happened next was-

Hyena_Pirate: Guaaaaaah!?

2 options (Same Response)
Huh......?! What the......?!

Again, the game calls Seth a "Dog 'Transient'?" till later on.

Seth:(anger face)
You! How many times do I gotta drive you out of here!
I'm not letting you get away with greedy business in my desert!

Bull_Pirate: This chap's remarks, it's gotta be Seth-san!
Thwarting our business as always!!

Bull_Pirate: Hey, you! Shut your trap!
We're gonna make you scream for your life today!

Seth:(anger face)
Bring it then. If it's a fight you want, then I'll give you one!

A beastman whom they just called "Seth," leaped out at them with a shriek, wielding a cane in his hand and engaged the bandits to a fight.

Seth:(anger face)

Hyena_Pirate: Gwaaah!!

Cheetah_Pirate: Gaaah!!

Bull_Pirate: You little shit, you're getting on my nerves......!
I'll fight you myself then!!

The bandit seemed to be completely agitated. They threw [Player] aside who they were trying to use as a sales good.

3 options (Same Response)
Ouch Y-You're helping us...?! It's you from before...!

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
Whoa, who's this guy supposed to be?
He's ignoring us and giving those guys a fight instead!

S-So strong! With movement like that,
there's no way he's an ordinary guy!

Seth:(anger face)
H...... Hah.

Despite being surrounded by a bunch of bandits, the beastman continued to leap out, before finally landing on the hood of the bandits' buggy.

Seth:(cheerful face)
Ooooo, nice ride you got here.
Then I'll just......!

The beastman pushed the tip of his cane into the hood of the car. Then, the car blew out black smoke along with some flames spewing out.

Bull_Pirate: Y... You little shit!! How dare you mess with our lifeline!!

Seth:(anger face)
Hmph! Looks like you're still upbeat after my attack.
Why don't you just walk yourselves home? This thing is bad for the environment.

The beastman who made a witty remark, went over to [Player] and readied his "Sacred Artifact."

Seth:(cheerful face)
Okay, I'll be taking good care of these keepsakes.
"That person" seems to need 'em for something.

Seth:(b_4star face)
Ifuefu emu peto!!

The moment the beastman pierced the ground with his shining cane, a huge tornado broke out, engulfing [Player] in it.

2 options (Same Response)
Gyaaaaaa?! I'm flyiiiiing

The beastman, with a strong force though small body, pulled [Player] towards him.

Seth:(anger face)
Don't worry, I got you! Sooaar!!

Gouryou:(desert_shocked face)
Bugyaaaaaa!! A-Am I flying through the air?!

Wooohooooo! This is so much fun!!

Bull_Pirate: J-Just you wait, Seth!! We won't forget this......!!

Seth:(cheerful face)
If you had enough, then go clean yourselves up!
Well then, catch you guys later!

Almost like surfing, the beastman was riding the sandstorm. While holding something in his arms-

2 options (Same Response)
A-Awesome...... But- Already, at my limit here......

[Player] then lost consciousness.

???:( face)
A place where no figure has control over,
like that group of brutes.

Time has passed. A voice reached a world where it should've been closed off.

???:( face)
... Ah, mmmm! I am so grateful to experience water again......

???:( face)
Having a beautiful lady right in front of you is even better...... Buhehe.

???:( face)
... Sheesh. Your lust came back even after you recovered?
Grow up already. Also, your friend is still sleeping.

With the presence of cool air and water, they woke up to the sensation of being saved.

3 options (Same Response)
I recall hearing a voice. I'm still alive...... (Get up)

Seth:(cheerful face)
Oh, look who's awake.
Don't worry, you didn't end up being sun-dried.

Seth:(surprised face)
That's surprising though.
Walking around the desert lightly dressed, do you have a deathwish or something?

Seth: Where the hell did you come from anyway?
Did "you" get blown away too?

3 options (Same Response)
You're the dude that attacked me You're shameless......! We met before though, right?

Seth:(surprised face)
Whoa...... Wait just a minute.
Don't label me with the weird stuff.

Seth: I don't even know if there's someone out there like me,
let alone remember meeting you before.

Seth: For starters, I spent a month here after I was blown to this desert.

Seth: Those boneheads from earlier and most of the victims;
they're the only things I've seen so far.

Seth:(sad face)
Oh...... About that resemblence thing, maybe it could be my......

Seth:(surprised face)
Nah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Seth: Oh, I haven't given you my name yet.
I'm Seth, I work as a protector of this oasis.

3 options (Same Response)?
Oh, I'm [Player]. Thanks for the help. Sorry for bursting out like that.

Seth:(cheerful face)
It's nothing.
It's natural to help out a traveler who collapsed in the desert.

Seth: I have done a lot by myself. I mean it.

After saying that, Seth looked over his shoulder. There was a figure of a woman wearing a glamorous outfit.

Again, Christine is called the "Mysterious Narrator."

Good evening, young travelers. I trust you are doing well?

2 options (Same Response)
Who might you be......? Have we met before?

I am the one who watches over the desert world,
while also being the narrator of a poor exile-

In addition, you were "chosen" to play these characters;
the ones who will see the end of this tale.

Gouryou:(desert_b_surprised face)
"T-The end of this tale"......?
What kind of lady is she......?

Wait, so does that mean we're living inside a book......?

... That is a "yes" or "no."
This desert where you currently reside is indeed the "world" that exists.

...... However, on the path that you follow,
there is a clear "synopsis."

If you and everyone strongly wish to return to the original world-

For you in this "tale," you must reach the appropriate period.

2 options (Same Response)
W-What do you mean......? You know how to get out of this desert?

There is no need to worry.
I know the "tale" that you need to follow.

Everything was given to me as a narrator; it is all written in this novel.

The narrator held a thick novel in her hands, and gently pets them.

3 options
Can you tell me? Lemme read that book. I wanna be that book......

Yes, of course......
You are also an important character.

Seth:(sad face)
Forget it. I tried to take a peek once too-

Seth: Nothing was written in it.
Apparently it must be some kind of mechanism where only that person can read it.

Gouryou:(desert_b_serious face)
What a coincidence, [Player]. I was thinking the same thing myself.

Seth:(embarrassed face)
You guys...... Get serious about returning to the original world will ya?

Seth: Oh yeah. When I first met you, didn't you say something about "characters"?

Seth: "Characters" that are necessary for you to go back, could they be it?

Correct. To proceed with this "tale," 3 people are needed.

Now, I will share with you......
The "synopsis of the story" that you should follow.

The narrator quietly opens the novel, and flips over the pages.

A faint jade-colored light released from a page of the novel.

After flipping the pages several more times and began to sing. The words that she sang affected reality.* TL Note: This is a kotodama where the Japanese believed mystical powers dwelled in words and names.

From here towards the west, the direction of the sunset,
please make your way to the ends of the desert.

There, at the center of this desert, there is a mountain full of flames.

Its name is "Flaming Mountains" -
A burning land where one who claims to be the King of Beasts rule over it.

Seth:(desert_neutral face)
Could it be that the Flaming Mountains and the Beast that lives there
is the one that created this desert?

The Flaming Mountains eliminates the water from this land;
it can also induce heat waves to the big cities.

All heat waves and droughts -
The main cause is the Flaming Mountains and the Beast that dwells there.

What!? It was hot this summer in Tokyo too,
the Flaming Mountains has to be the cause of it......!

Gouryou:(desert_b_surprised face)
Ugh...... So it's connected to why Tokyo is so damn hot this summmer huh?

3 options
It's simple and easy to understand. Wonder what kind of place Flaming Mountains is? How far should we travel to the west?

Seth: Basically, we need to head out to Flaming Mountains,
play everything out thoroughly with the Beast and destroy the mountain of flames.

Seth:(cheerful face)
Sounds easy enough. I can feel my arms itching to go.

Gouryou:(desert_b_neutral face)
Flaming Mountains......
I wonder if I heard of a place like that before.

Gouryou:(desert_b_joy face)
Bah, whatever. It's not a big deal if I don't remember.

Hey, that won't be problem no matter how far it is.
I'll be sure to keep at it since we took a good break just now!

If [Player]-dono gets stressed,
I'll carry you to Flaming Mountains!

Assessing the reactions from everyone, the narrator laughs. Then, she pulled what seemed to be clothes.

You will be in trouble going out there with swimsuits.
You will be playing those "characters" with this.

Ooooh~? I've seen those clothes before.
I think the name of it was something like yesterday or tomorrow......

Hahaha, this is a kasaya, clothes mainly worn by monks.

In this guise, it will help you through the heat of the desert.

Gouryou:(desert_b_serious face)
I definitely don't want to go out into the desert in a swimsuit again.
I don't want to go through all that again.

Gouryou:(desert_b_neutral face)
Besides, a monk's clothing isn't something I had in mind-

Gouryou:(desert_b_neutral face)
I'm not really up for wearing that,
but that kind of fashion seems comfortable to wear.

Hey hey, Ganglie-dono used to be a monk!
I gotta say that it's the real deal!

Seth:(sad face)
What is this on my part?
I thought my current outfit will do the job......

3 options (Same Response)
Let's change into them right now. You need to make sacrifices to make change. Whatever you say, Ganglie......

They changed into the clothes corresponding to the "role" given to each of them-

Gouryou:(shocked face)
Gah, wait a second here!! You expect me to go out there like this!

Gouryou:(surprised face)
These are my everyday clothes!
Why can't you give me something different and better to wear!

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Don't be like that, Ganglie-dono!
That outfit makes you look really cool!

Hanuman:(desert_b_serious face)
Now, check me out! Toouh! Yaaaah!

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Eheheh, it's easy to move around in these!

Seth:(b_neutral face)
Yeah, it definitely does feel comfortable wearing these.
I think these were fittingly made for a monk.

Seth:(b_cheerful face)
How about you, [Player]?
It does suit you well, and it makes you look like a noble.

3 options (Same Response)
T-Thanks. It feels like a cosplay. It does make me feel like I'm higher up.

Yes yes, this is the land of a foreign country.
Most travelers here are intolerant.

I wonder. Where is the one dressed as a monk?

Seth:(b_sad face)
Monk huh...... Is there any meaning behind that?

A figure that shows no intent on fighting.
Depending on the location, a takuhatsu is possible.

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Yeah yeah, I know about that!
You take a bowl out and you get a meal!

Hanuman-sama is quite knowledgeable, no?
There is no need for me to explain it then.

Hanuman:(desert_b_neutral face)
Yeeah! I am a ninja that turned himself into a monk!
I'm familiar with period drama after all!

Gouryou:(crying face)
Bleeh, I want them to forgive me......
In the original world, they were pretty bitter about me.

Gouryou: Anyways, we're dragged into the "tale" as its characters right?
If that's entirely the case, are our names left as it is?

Gouryou: If we're gonna follow the script,
you did set an official title for it right?

Yes, you are correct. I will tell you more about it.

With a smile on her face, the narrator spoke frankly.

... Here, such traditions are referenced.

"In the far ends of the west,
there lies a paradise for those escaping the hardships of 3 worlds."

"Its name is India.
A land where Mahavairocana's infinite mercy governs."

"When he received the knowledge of the universe as he slept in the storehouse,
his body escaped the karma of this world, without sorrow."

Seth:(b_surprised face)
That...... What do you mean by that?
I'm not sure if I follow what you're saying.

The Demon of Flaming Mountains rules over this world.

It's purpose, is to disturb the lives of the people.

So, this will disguise itself as "a journey to seek the teachings of India."

The narrator closes the book again, then turns to face [Player] and told them-

[Player]-sama... you are a participant for this journey.

I propose that you will travel as Xuanzang,
a priest in search for the "three scriptures."

3 options
X-Xuanzang?! I'm fine with an important role like that. Please show some respect.

Gouryou:(joy face)
Bwahahah! I feel you just nominated yourself as a degenerate monk!

Gouryou:(shocked face)
W-What?! Don't look at me like I'm one too!

Hanuman:(desert_b_neutral face)
Sounds interesting! I'll be Xuanzang's companion then!

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Going on an adventure is making me feel really excited!

Gouryou: I guess there's no other way for me to get back home......
I'll come along with you then, Xuanzang.

Gouryou: Going on a disciplinary journey as a priest's companion though......
If it's all for a drama, then I'm not opposed to playing the part.

Seth:(b_neutral face)
...... It's a little strange though.
If there's nothing else to do, then I don't see why not.

Seth:(b_anger face)
Alright, I've made up my mind.
I'll jump on board with all of this.

Seth:(b_cheerful face)
I will be your escort then, Xuanzang!

3 options (Same Response)
This is a lot to take in... Well, if everyone else says so... It's the only way for us to get home.

Ah, it appears you came to a conclusion, Xuanzang.

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Ou, ou! Me Me! Do you have a new name for me?

Yes, of course. Hanuman-sama - your name is "Goku."

Like in the original novel,
Son Wukong is the name of Xuanzang's best disciple who left on a journey with him.

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Oooooooh!! What a coincidence!
I have the same name as the main character from that cartoon!

Hanuman:(desert_b_crying face)
...... But, this is different from that super-famous costume.

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Oh well! It's easy to move around in, so it still counts for something!

The name for Xuanzang's other disciple -
Ganglie-sama, how about we call you "Zhu Baije"?

Gouryou:(joy face)
"Zhu Baije" huh...... It sounds a bit plain,
but if that's what the beautiful lady says, then I'm not against it.

As for the name of the other disciple, Seth-sama-

Seth:(b_surprised face)
I-I'm good! I don't need an alias!

Seth:(b_surprised face)
Everyone around here knows my name.
Just call me "Seth" like you usually do.

Of course. That won't be an issue.

One night passed at the oasis. Xuanzang and the other lined up in a row.

3 options (Same Response)
We need to get going soon. We're going to the see the Demon of Flaming Mountains. We'll make it back to Tokyo.

Hanuman:(desert_b_joy face)
Yeah! I'm ready when you are!

Gouryou:(joy face)
When we get back to Tokyo, let's go on a little date!

Seth:(b_cheerful face)
That's the spirit, guys! To Flaming Mountains!

Everyone:( face)

Thus, [Player] and the others formed the Xuanzang Group.

They embarked on an adventure,
but what obstacle awaits them in their path?

Ah, that is it for the tale here.
We will meet again on another night.