Event Quest:TRICK or:Alice

Revision as of 13:52, 10 March 2018 by Kukuru (talk | contribs)

[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikamiyama Academy

Note: Alice is called "Pretty Girl Detective Alice" in this quest.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

… The festival has come to an end. This area is nice.
Thank you for the escort, Assistant No. 2.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

The Grand Finale fades out like a light, a laced book falls to me,
I will doze off and return to the little girl I originally was.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

However, there is a hateful feeling; the dream has come to an end.

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

Well, I never thought I'd co-star with you in the cast.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Even so – this Halloween, thanks to you and everyone,
it was a lot of fun.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

… However, there is one thing I’m disappointed about.
I regret not playing much of the role as a “Vampire.”

Alice expression halloween b surprised.png

In this scenario, I played the role of a “Detective” in the story
while I was wearing “Vampire” garments.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

After all, I should have done a good job showing off the role of the dreadful “Vampire.”

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

Yes, in my dreams, I did have such talent.
Peaceful slumber disrupted by the presence of fear.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

But, it is hopeless. Looking back,
this dream has become nonsensical.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

… Did I do a good job?
I hope everyone had fun with their dreams.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

Dreaming of having fun in your dreams.
It’s to prevent the boundary between dreams and reality from disappearing.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

After all, when you realize that “this is a dream,”
you can be anything you want.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

...... However.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

-Hey, Assistant No. 2.
I figured it out, I figured it out.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

When the time comes for someone to wake up from their dream.
They will soon realize that it was only just a dream.

Alice expression halloween b blank.png

As for dreams and reality, it is really a wall… It is hidden.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

-Usually, many people believe that “it just happens.”

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

The truth is terrifying.
If you can get around that wall, you can relax.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

When the time comes to break down the big wall.
The time to forget the “tale” that we believed so much in.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

It’s saddening and promising that the “boundary” will be lost for everyone.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

It will certainly be something like “The Cat in the Hat.”

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

When time stops, it will become an eternity,
the continuous questions without answers will end up being “illusions.”

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

And then incidentally –
I will never consider myself to be a little girl again.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

I am afraid of that.
That is why I want to keep those things inside my own dreams.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png


Alice expression halloween b sad.png

… That is fine.
It will be fun to pick up the role of a “Vampire” again someday.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

There is no need to panic about such a thing.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

A dream is meant to be something to wake up from. Simply put -
The next dream will come again.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

Next year –
look forward to have your neck bitten.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

In the next evening of Halloween,
I will become a “Vampire” that fits in well with the dark.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

In exchange for one’s family, one will appear in front of your very eyes.

Alice expression halloween b anger.png

A trade, a dream where you never wake up and lose all the good things.

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

… What? Hehehe. I was only threatening you a little bit.

Alice expression halloween b neutral.png

Well, I must meet up with a big bear soon.
I must return to that place.

Alice expression halloween b sad.png

Well then, best regards-

Alice expression halloween b smile.png

It’s rare to see that it is common to take the role of a trickster in this world.