Event Quest:Year of the Wildest Boar

Revision as of 14:00, 28 December 2018 by Barry (talk | contribs)
Year of the Wildest Boar
News Link
Main Quest January 01, 2019 17:00 to January 14, 2019 23:59
Free Quests January 01, 2019 17:00 to January 14, 2019 23:59
Exchange January 01, 2019 17:00 to January 18, 2019 23:59

Event Details

In tradition with 2018's New Years Event, an event Main Quest will be released alongside Free Quests to earn   Year of the Dog Collection Box   Offering for the event's Gacha (not the Shop). Reprints of 2018's New Years Event will also be made available; details below under Reprints.

To celebrate the New Year, LW will be implementing both a login bonus, increasing the chances of the Level Up multiplier, and My Guild items as freebies.

Additionally, several more gachas are planned, including a return of 2018's super premium Grab Bag gacha which takes only paid for   Transient Stones. This gacha will guarantee one   instead of a   on the last roll, and can only be rolled once.

Event Preview Summary

  Starting the New Year snacking on home-made food, spending the entire holiday lying around...

How lazy. Completely unforgiveable.

Everyone braves the cold to flock to the shrines en masse, but suddenly... A bright light flashes! Wait... What's this?!

Who would throw all this garbage around first thing in the new year?! The whole place just got cleaned up! Great. Now my New Year's cheer is ruined.

Oh? You're all going to help? If that's the case, how about a joint Pre-Spring Cleaning?

The curtain rises on another noisy year.

Event Gachas





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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: d512c83a
No. 1788
66 months ago
Score 0 You
Given 2 Offering 10-pulls got me 3* and 4*s for Gullinbursti and Agyo off the bat for nothin' I would say I'm pretty wet, yes. LW MUST BE STOPPED.
Anonymous user: cd74b31e
No. 1770
66 months ago
Score 0 You
Wait, Ganglie don't give bonus, even being his year and getting a skin and all?! =O
Anonymous user: 588d1c62
No. 1727
67 months ago
Score 0 You
Who's the free unit? Is it the boar guy =o
Anonymous user: b7f7af45
No. 1725
67 months ago
Score 1 You
Has a free unit ever made the playerbase this wet? Discuss.
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