Event Quest:Set Sail! Midsummer's Ocean Adventure:VN

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Set Sail! Midsummer's Ocean Adventure Translation

Part 1-1:
[Translated by Raynald]

[Chapter 1: Flowing and sweep away to the world’s sea]

Location: On a ship?

Wait, what’s going on?! Suddenly becoming something like this,
come on, why it ended like this!?

1 option
I’m the one who wants to ask that!

The sea where the hot summer sunlight pours. On a boat that floats on it—— Together with one girl——surrounded by pirates.

Blue sky, white clouds, the ocean that continues to the end.
And surrounded by pirates, isn’t this what you call a desperate situation?

This is also... God’s fault! It’s not my fault It’s a trial!
A great trial from the rock singer world!

1 option
How in the world did this happen!?

What are you saying? Isn’t this your fault?
I asked this ship that was passing by to help us.

We couldn’t just drift away like that. On a critical situation like this,
I couldn’t help to think about grasping at least a straw.

However! There’re not pirate ships on modern times like this!
It’s an anachronism!

Hehehe... surprising but convenient.
To think that a prey would come over to our ship by its own.

What should we do...? This isn’t a dream, right?

To see those pirates spewing such cliché lines in a dream,
as an expressionist, I can’t forgive myself...

3 options (Same Response)
Wait a moment, I don’t really understand the situation. First, let’s remember from the beginning. That’s right, if I’m not mistaken——

——that’s right. That was an event on the seaside on a day when a storm poured.

3 options (Same Response)
Uwah, such a terrible storm! The weather forecast was completely wrong. I have return quickly, or I’ll catch a cold.


Suddenly——that girl entered on sight. In the middle of such heavy rain, without an umbrella. With hollow eyes.

She was standing on a cliff. The raging waves were shouting loudly in the middle of the heavy rain.

Shaken by strong winds and side-blowing rain, she was swaging unstably.


All of the sudden——She collapsed from that place.

2 options (Same Response)
Hm, that’s—— Be careful, don’t go to there.


She turned around without responding. Then she kneeled down and extended her hands to the sky.

That form looked like she was asking for salvation to something——

2 options (Same Response)
Could it be, she’s going to drown herself?! Don’t be hasty!


1 option
(Grab her hand)

——Kyaa!? Who is this person!? I know that I’m charming but! Nooo!

3 options (Same Response)
Don’t get mad, calm down! Hey, if I don’t pull you—— W-Waaaaaaait?!

——and, well, that’s it. The two of us became friends and got thrown into the sea.

Falling into the sea, flowing, floating grabbed by a driftwood, drifting...

In the middle of that despair,
I saw the light of hope on a ship that coincidentally was passing by——

And then it ended like this. Did you remember? You remember, right?

Aah, come on, why it ended like this?!
Speaking of which, why did you do such——

1 option
Why you were going to drown yourself in the first place?

Eh, drowning myself? Me? What are you saying? that’s wrong!

I had a serious face? Hollow eyes? Extending my hands to the sky?

...It seems to be a misunderstanding.
All right, I’m going to tell you——a story of things.

Why I was there? ——That truth!

Hey you! What are you blabbering to each other?——

Shut up! I’m in the middle of a speech, be quiet! It’s common sense, you know?

——That’s right, it happened a few days ago.
Sadness occurred in the art classroom where I attend.

No... eh, what’s with this number...!?
There are several, no, tens times more than mine...!

Y-You... otaku jerk! Don’t think you won over me!

...It’s not like I said I won.
Aren’t the otakus just being excessive self-conscious?

Excessive self-conscious, Fine by me!
Isn’t that common sense for an expressionist? Isn’t that awareness enough?

Licht:(shocked face)
C-calm down you two! First calm down and talk——

I am calm. This subculture-wannabe-woman rushed to me by her own.

Speaking of which, that’s enough, I want you to stop coming always with a fight.

  • Squeeeek* So annoying! This guy is really annoying me! I’m really pissed off!

It was foolish of me to think for a millimeter that it’d be good to admitting it by
a little! It was tolerance!

Licht:(shocked face)
Hieeee! C-Calm down! Fighting is uhm... no good!

Shut up! Just look at this! Because your supremacy won’t last overnight!

I’ll show you how serious I can be! Remember thaaaaaaaat!!


Licht:(shocked face)
...She left. Is that okay?
Her feet got caught in a bucket on the way and she tripped though...

Nevertheless, I don’t understand anything,
is the number of "that" really that important...?

Aah, I’m so pissed off! He’s always like that!

Also——come on, what does this mean!?

(A total irritating thing happen today. I wonder if I’m really that narrow-minded for being irritated for something like that...)

Putting all my heart, even when I finally post out a message on a SNS!
Why isn’t anyone replying to it immediately?

Isn’t [It’s not like that] the normal thing to say?
Isn’t agreeing like [I know, right?] the normal thing?

Everyone!——Please be interested about me properly!!

Aah, it annoys me! It really annoys me! Like if the world would be destroyed.
I wonder if a meteorite could just fall over me——

Even the storm is howling. I wonder if it’s crying for me.

Well, it doesn’t matter... I’ll close the Subculture Shop and return.

Huh? That cliff, looks great. Like the last 15 minutes scene of a suspense drama——

——Ah, isn’t that a great situation? All right, let’s take a selfie, a selfie!

This time the number of "likes" on the SNS will beat that otaku jerk!

And then——I wonder if he’ll be honest.
Saying honestly that the things I think are good, are indeed good——

——Something like this? Ah, kneeling like this looks like if one is about to
drown oneself?

Oh, isn’t it this great? Ehmm... the phone...

As I thought, the angle should be from diagonal above.
Yeah, it would be great if I had brought the selfie pole...

I can’t push the phone shutter...! Just a little more! Do your best, me!
Extending my arms like reaching the sky——

Eh, what’s with that person? Is coming over here—— Kyaaa?!

——That’s it. What do you think? Did you understand the truth?

3 options
As I thought, it is your fault! Don’t take selfies in a place like thaaat! ! Well, it's not like I can’t understand those feelings.

Ah, yeah... I also think that a little.
But, but, It couldn’t be helped!

I couldn’t be helped, I had a flash! The inspiration suddenly came!

——Eh, you understand!?
What’s that? I’m a little happy though...

——No, what!?

That’s enough already!
Don’t you understand the situation in which you are right now? Aah!

You just were blabbering from a long time!
Do you know what we are? We’re pirates, pirates!

3 options (Same Response)
Shut up! Be quiet. We are in the middle of something right now!


That’s right, be quiet! We’re having an important talk right now!

Pirates aren’t fashionable on these days in the first place. Like, the "likes" on the SNS would be just one digit!

T-Those brats... don’t mess with us! Ku... kukuku, it’s decided, it’s decided!

After using you for this ship until you cry,
I’m going to sell you to a first-class vicious slave merchant...!

Hoh, you got some nerve. Who do you think I am?

The high school light music club Super☆New Star Rock Singer that
transcend expectations! This Benten will stimulate your heart!

Underestimating me just because I’m a strange woman is highly ridiculous!
There’s no guarantee even if you get infatuated by my biwa tech!

——And since I have the opportunity, I’ll fire it up things with a new song
release! If you’re impressed, I’m counting on your "likes" on SNS!

...We kinda picked up a weird one. All of you, go for them!

Part 1-2:
[Translated by Raynald]

Location: On a ship?

W-What’s with this brat?! It’s strong! It’s really strong!?

Don’t falter! Don’t forget that the opponent are just two brats!

Hey, surround them, surround them! Gang up and beat them!
No matter how strong they are, it’s a sword after all.

However, it’s my turn now! Here I go partner! Sound Max!

2 options (Same Response)
Is that... a biwa? Is that... a "Sacred Artifact"?

Benten connected the biwa she was holding to an amplifier on her feet that came out from somewhere.

After taking a breath——She started strumming, putting all of her feelings...

Would you be able to follow my biwa tech? Echo! Resound! Praise Pain Flux!

The sound of Benten’s biwa was increased by the amplifier, and became a tremendous shockwave that resounded to all directions.

Gyaaaaaaa!? My ears! The ship is shakiiiiiiiiiiing!?

There, there, there, there! Kuuh! I super got it! Yahoooo!

3 options (Same Response)
W-Wait! The boat's shaking, waaah! How rockin'...

The boat was shaking, the waves got violent, and ones’ eardrums hurt. The loud volume and shock waves were roaring over everything on board.

Eventually——Benten’s performance ended.

Aaaaaah, that was the best!
Hey, hey, what do you think about my biwa tech!?

...huh? Wait, everyone, what’s wrong?

Benten look around the surroundings. She was the only one——who was standing on that place.

Fufu, how was it, how was it, the excellent tech of Benten-chan?

The simulation that makes everyone faint... My biwa is... really, a sin.

3 options
Amazing... the pirates were annihilated! Everyone fell down and are foaming... It was wonderful, Benten!

Hehe, amazing isn’t it? Even at the school festival, it was a
furor that really made a fuss!

It seems that the unworldly pirates were stimulated a little too much.

Eh, really!? Wonderful!? I-It’s not like I’m happy. It's an obvious thing.

Now, one more task! Throwing all of them to the sea!

3 options
Eh, what did you say right now? You can’t do that. All right, let’s do it!

I said throwing them to the sea.
Do you want us to be sold to a slave merchant?

A tooth for an eye, a sword for a tooth! It's karma. Now, let’s do it!

Benten:(shocked face)
What are you saying?
They were going to sell us to a slave merchant!?

It’s the karma thing.
There, there, please help me!

That was a nice reply! Now, let’s do it.

But, I’ll hesitate when they get dropped. Yeah, speaking about karma...


Uhm, Why didn’t you stop me? I wanted to pretty much do a way too rocking thing though.

It’s a figure of speech! Like, energy In fact, I wanted to do it a little...

1 option
How about we tie them up and leave them in a corner?

T-that’s right! That’s a good idea!
Sinking in the sea is bad even in dreams, right? They’ll dirt the sea.

Ehmm... I see. Let's cram them in that small boat and throw them.

So, strike while the iron is hot, isn’t it? Let’s do it quickly!

...Dammit, we’ll remember this! ...Ughhhh.

Haaa, nice work! Finally, the ship is clean!

Ah, the sea wind feels good! It’s been a while since I was on a ship.
I’ll take a picture.

Yes, isn’t this a really good picture?
Taking photos is the best solution for the time being!

I’m asking it now but... Who are you? Who? From where did you come?

My eyes won’t fool me! You seems to be quite the thing!
Your name, What is it?

1 option
It's [Player].

Huuuuh, ain’t that a rockin' name?

I’m Benten. ——Well, I’m counting with you for the time being.

I usually being told that I’m a maniac woman but, that’s not true.
I’m normal. Nor–mal.

So, first we have to aim for land. It can’t be helped even if I stand still here.

Frankly speaking, only the horizon can be seen,
I don’t know where we have to head for...

1 option
You are going to move the ship?

Of course, who do you think I am? I was on a treasure ship in the past!

Now, let’s go! It’s going to be all right!
If you follow me, there’ll be no mistake!

Well then, let’s sail! If more pirates appear——I’ll show off my beat!
Look forward to it!

Part 2-1:
[Translated by Raynald]

Chapter 2: Residents from another world's sea

Location: On a ship

Aaah... The sea is really wide...

...The further we go there’s only the open sea.
I can’t see land at all, I can’t find it.

I mean, where is it? Did Tokyo really had such a wide sea!?

3 options
Even if you say that... It’s really mysterious. Idiot blue seaaaaaaa!

Ah, sorry. That’s right.
You also were dragged.

There’re a lot of mysterious things in this world.
Drifting from Tokyo Bay for example, even if you saythat it’s impossible...

Wow! That sudden energy is rockin'!
I know the feeling, suddenly want to scream.

We should have asked that group of pirates before letting them go...

We don’t have any clue. The sea is too wide. Nothing is occurring.
Just waiting while the time pass, without doing anything productive.

Also it’s too hot! I’m thirsty! I’m hungry too! Aaah, what should we do?!

3 options
I’ll go to find something. Anyway, food is necessary. Being selfish... is not rockin'!

W-Wait, don’t leave me alone! I’ll go too! Let’s go togetheeeer!

That’s right... if we can’t see land,
food and drinkable water are essential.

Wha...! You said that I’m not rockin'!
That’s not true! Absolutely not true!

Like in past days, naked with the biwa—
— Forget it. It’s nothing. I’m telling you it’s nothing.

That’s right, it’s dark story!
So don’t uncover it! It’s unfair!

Because this ship isn’t that big... How about searching the ship’s bottom?
There may be something!

Then, If you made up your mind let’s move immediately!
I’m a little excited! Let’s go!

——Yup! There was nothing wonderful on the ship’s bottom!

There was nothing on the storage, it’s damp.
Isn’t that embarrassing as a pirate ship ...?!

But, because there were a lot of sailors aboard,
I wonder if the food is in another place.

——Kyaa! D-Didn’t you hear a noise right now?!

No way——could it be, a phantom ship!? If that’s so... it’s super rockin'!

A spirit photograph it’s a classic on SNS!
Ehmm, from where that sound came?

Mmh..., Mmh...

1 option
Did that mat spoke?

Mat? Even if there’s a talking mat, in this rocking world full of mysteries,
it’s not strange at all...

Ehmm... this mat maybe? It’s strangely round and it’s clothed.
——No way, it’s squishy!

There! Touch it a little! It’s super soft!

2 options (Same Response)
(Try to touch it) (Continue)

Mhgaa?! Mhyahyahyahya!!

2 options
The ride was great! The water feels good.

( face)
Mhyahyahyahya...Hieee! H-Hya! Huhya......!

...I was the one who said to touch it but.
Shall we unwarp it already? I think it’s twitching.

Pwah! After being wrapped in a mat and being unable to move,
what are you doing!?

Eh, a kid!? Could he be a prisoner? Or maybe, he have that preferences?
It’s quite rockin'!

Like something like that would be true!
Suddenly being caught and wrapped on mat——

They let me eat food, but always like this.

Leaving me alone on a situation like this,
hearing only sounds for how many day. I was lonely dammit!

And when I thought it finally become quiet, suddenly,
I was tickled without permission!

The young man wrapped in the mat gazed in the direction of (Player)’s face.

You... don’t seem to be pirates... Who in the world are you? Who——

  • Swoon*!!

...This kid, he say it right? He collapsed with bliss after looking at you,
holding his chest, doing a loud voice.


Hah?! A-Ahem! That’s bad, that’s bad! The thing I did...!

You don’t seem to be part of that group of pirates but...
Could it be that you're rescuing me? Ehmm, I’m——

At that moment, the young man’s and Benten’s stomachs began to rise a big chorus.

Uugh... It’s because I was in the mat all this time, I can’t help to be hungry...

I agree too... It’s already the limit of action...

All right! Well then, let’s eat! The food on this pirate ship is in a hidden room.

Eh, there’s food?! Is there?! Could you guide us please mat-boy?!

Wait! Don’t call me by weird names! Well. It doesn’t matter.
The food storehouse is over here!

The pirates were talking about it.
Heheh, you should be grateful of me for hearing it clearly.

Inside of a barrel brought from the hidden food storehouse, there were bread and drinks stuffed up.

While the three ate that, they finally come to their senses.

Aah, that was delicious! I feel refreshed!
Weren’t the bread and brand juice quite delicious?!

Even with this heat, they really were fresh and cold... It’s mysterious.
Like if magic was casted on them.

Besides, thinking back about the pirate ship situation,
it perfectly fits the mood. This certainly deserves a "like"!

Something about this big sis... She’s cute but, a little eccentric.

Being eccentric is fine by me! Without that, I won’t stand out!

More importantly... Why were you in a place like that?
As I thought, you have those kind of preferences!?

That’s wrong! That’s completely wrong! What kind of preferences are those?!

I’m Eita Anamori. A 14 years old middle school student!
An admirable sea man in the middle of recruiting lovers.

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you, Eita-kun. I'm [Player].

"Player," huh...? Hehe, that’s a cute and cool name!

Then, I’m the high school light music club rock singer.
I’m called Benten. Both of us are high school students.

Heh, both of you are high school students...
Then, that means you’re my senpai!

Eita:(anger face)
All riight! Then, I’ll protect both of you!
Please don’t worry, I intended to get on a fishing boat!

Even if you told us to not worry, aren’t you a middle school student? Aren’t you definitely a kid?

Guh! E-Even I can become an adult someday...!

What a kid that was caught by a group of pirates could do in the first place?

Uuuuuu... I didn’t get caught because I wanted to.

2 options
Benten, even if you say that. Eita, I’m counting on you.

But... isn’t that true?! If he’s so pretentious and tries to do
something beyond his position, it’ll only cause trouble.

Uu, this senpai is gentle, thank goodness...

...I said too much. Sorry Eita.

But, It’s not like I’m gentle or sweet. Because I won’t bend to that.

Everyone can at least say that.
But... without taking action, it only make people laugh.

Y-Yeah... You are making such a complex face, Big Sis Benten.

That sad face don’t suit you. I don’t mind it!

——You’re really optimistic... well, it doesn’t matter.
Thanks, Eita! I’m counting on you.

Well then, let go back to the talk. Why were you in a place like that, Eita?

Yeah... Actually, I don’t really know.

When I rode a fishing cooperative boat of an acquaintance on Tokyo Bay,
a thick fog suddenly appeared——

And then, the boat suddenly disappeared in the middle of the sea,
leaving me with a splash!

I couldn’t see the fishing cooper old men or the boat, and when I notice it,
I was drifting on the sea! I was really surprised!

After that, I was picked up by those pirates,
and they said something about being sold to a slave merchant.

I wonder if the old men are ok... I hope they’re safe.

3 options (Same Response)
...The boat suddenly disappeared? Leaving you alone, drifting on the sea... That’s——

Doesn’t that somehow resemble our situation? Could this be... that "another world change" thing? I wonder.

"Another world change"? What’s that Big sis Benten?

2 options
Do you know what that is, Benten? As I thought, it’s a "another world change"!

Isn’t that obvious! It’s common sense, common sense.
I saw it before on the SNS!

Ah, did you know about it? Surprisingly, you’re a well-informed person.
Just when I thought that I would finally be able to brag about something...

——All right! I’m going to tell you, for the sake of Eita too! Personally!

——And that’s it! Did you understand?! I bet you were surprised!

Then, here is—— the sea of "another world" overlapped with Tokyo Bay?

Uhyaa, amazing! I see, this is the sea of another world!

Why are you happy Eita?! Don’t you feel scared? Don’t you feel anxious?

Because, I’ve never been able to leave the ocean from Tokyo Bay.
I always——wanted to go to another sea.

To becoming true in such way——It obvious that I’m happy! Uhyaa!

Sea romance? Like, "manly." Hmm, well... I don’t understand though.

——Eh. Don’t you hear something...?

What happened, Big Sis Benten? Looking so blankly.

Be quiet... you two, don’t you hear something?
Something like a voice, or like an inspiration...

2 options
Do you receive even radio waves? I think I heard something...

Oh, isn’t receiving radio waves rockin'?
But, that’s wrong. I wonder what it is...

The waves are making a sound... Is something approaching?

Eita:(anger face)
——Senpai! Look at that! A ship is approaching at great speed!

2 options
Someone came to rescue us? I only have a bad feeling!

...On the contrary, It plunges at fast speed.

Honestly, I think that too. That ship is menacing...

——We finally found you! All of you, keep getting aboard the boat!

Ueeeeeeeee! As I thought! The pirates that caught me!

Eh, we supposedly drift them away on a lifeboat,
why are they riding on another ship?!

1 option
They're getting onboard the ship!

We caught you up! You really done it before!!

Hehehe, you didn’t thought that we’ll catch you up so fast, right?
How unfortunate!

Just after that, our friends’ ship happen to passed by and luckily joined together!

Well, If our friends are in trouble, we’ll help them.
Treat us with sake after that! In a barrel!

More importantly, how about that woman?<br? We suffered so much because of her!

Hey, look at here! Sake! Barrel! Don’t forget it!

...I hear it. No, they’re——not.

Don’t ignore us, you biwa woman! And you too, swordsman!

Do you really think you could win over this number of people!
We’ll pay back you from what you did to us before——

2 options (Same Response)
Aren’t you just suffering the consequences...? There’s no choice but to fight...!

No, no, no, no! If you lay a hand on my senpai, I won’t allow that!

——What? The kid that we found at that time? Retreat!
It has nothing to do with kids.

I can’t do such a thing! I made promise a little while ago, I‘ll protect them!

Hah, that’s something to say for a kid that was caught in a mat,
crying alone at night!

Guh...! I-I wasn’t——crying!

This Eita Anamori! Will admirably protect my senpai!
To become a full-fledged sea man!

Don’t underestimate the men of the sea!
For a guy that was crying and felt asleep——

——Shut up.

Aah? Did you say something biwa woman?

I’m telling you to shut up, you doggy!
You’re so noisy that I can’t hear it, the voice!!

Kyaan! Eh, v-voice? What are you saying? You amateur, a great force...!?

Also, Eita!


That’s great——that’s was really great, that rock! Please show them, "yourself"!

Big Sis Benten...! Are you... leaving it to me?

1 option
Eita, I’m counting on you.

Y-Yeah! ——No I mean, Yes! Please count on me a lot, Senpai!

Now, It’s the opening of the second round! I’ll fire it up! Take a ride!

Eita:(4star face)
All riiiiight! I’ll show you my "Sacred Artifact"!

Eita:(4star face)
In the name of Eita Anamori I "engrave" you! Come, Ennosigaios!

Along with Eita’s scream, a huge harpoon, bigger than his body, appeared.

Eita:(4star face)
You really done it before, uncle pirates. I’ll show my cool side... to [Player]-senpai!

Eita swung it with dexterity, cleanly pointing the tip toward the pirates.

Uugh, Ooof... What? This place became a fighting scene already?

——You finally came, you pig! Work seriously this time!

Yes, yes. Good grief, you picked up something awful.

Hm, is he a newcomer? I never saw his face before...

We caught him floating before we joined with you, who were on a lifeboat.

We can’t sell a pig like you to the slave merchant,
because it can’t be helped, we used him as a dogsbody!

If we know that you’re useless, we’ll use you as shark’s bait! Work hard, pig!

Haa... I’m beat. Well, I have to do it properly.

Part 2-2:
[Translated by Raynald]

Location: On a ship

——Kuh, as expected, this brat is really strong! Hey!
Beware of that idly-weird-sonic-biwa woman!

Come on, this is so bothersome! They are way too much! An animal assembly!?

More importantly, idly weird sonic biwa woman!?
Do you think that I’m some kind of new youkai!?

Why are you being so serious against an unfortunate weak beautiful woman
and a good student? Aren’t you ashamed?

Hah, If we have even a little of such small pride, we wouldn’t be pirates!

Come oooooooon! This is so bothersome! I’m going to blow you away again!

  • Ooof* I’m sorry but spare us from that.

——W-Wait, don’t come closer! What’s with this pig jerk!
Don’t get in way of my performance——

Well, it’s good that there’s such a cute girl.
But... she could wear something a little sexier.

Aaan!? Did you see that? Did you see that, right!? This pervert pig jerk!
I’m going to kill him!

If you wear something like that, I would carelessly look. Whoops, ooof.

——There, I took it.


With a brilliant weapon handling that didn’t matched his appearance, Benten’s biwa was sent flying in the middle air.

It’s dangerous if you have it. I’m going to keep it——

You're wide open!

Ououou. Now that I think about it, that brat was also here.

Are you ok Big Sis Benten?! I retrieved your biwa!

T-Thank you Eita! More importantly, wasn’t that pretty good?!

Moreover, you had such "Sacred Artifact"?!
Don’t you have a really cool one?!

Hehe, when I use this harpoon,
my body moves really fast like if were not true.

Yes, I wouldn’t think that the kid crying a while ago could do such harpoon handling!

Ugh... That’s mean Big Sis Benten.

2 options (Same Response)
However, the situation is bad... Dammit, even if we beat them, there’s no end!


Suddenly——the enemy pig beastman’s ears twitched and moved.

After ooking around the ship several times——he put his own weapon on his shoulder, and started to withdraw at full speed.

...Aah, this is bad. I’m leaving ahead, excuse me.

H-Hey you, pig! We’re still in the middle of a battle——

Chief-san, a bad "flow" is coming.
At this rate the ship will sink... is that okay?

What did you say!? Now that you mention it, here is "their" territory... This is bad! Retreat! Rapid turning!

1 option
Eh, they’re retreating?

You better retreat quickly too. Well, maybe it’s already too late.

Well then——Let’s meet again if you live, cute biwa girl!

What happened to those pirates? They retreated all of the sudden.

Also, I won’t forgive that pig jerk!
Next time, I’ll turn him into grilled pig and throw it away without eating it!

But honestly, we were saved.
At the second half, we were being pushed by number.

Even so, that pig old man said something at the end that it’s bugging me.
What could he mean?

He’s just a poor loser! Such a cheap parting shot! It’s fine, Eita.
You mustn’t become an adult like that.

Yeah! That pig old man wasn’t so cool after all!

Then, let’s take a victory selfie! Hey, hey, come here! Say cheese——

Noooooooo! The picture is blur! No way, come on!
It’s blurry without correction!

What happened? It’s moving by its own! Isn’t this ship flowing?

It’s true! It’s flowing by itself... Eh, there’s no even wind, why?

——Wait. As I thought, I can hear something. Is this... a song?
I’m hearing a song.

Suddenly... the ship is moving super-fast?! What’s going on?!

2 options (Same Response)
What in the world is happening? Do you know something about that "Sacred Artifact"?

Ah, even if my "Sacred Artifact" can change the flow,
it can’t read the flow——Isn’t it shaking?!

Ah, even if my "Sacred Artifact" can change the flow,
it can’t read the flow——Isn’t it shaking?!

Look... Another ship. It’s being attracted by our song.

It can’t be helped... Our beautiful voices are hopeless...

Ufufu... Please, sink in peace...

The ship suddenly shake greatly, Eita hit his head due to the shock.

——Ouuuuuuch! The tidal current changed?!

"This" is what I could hear from a while!
Their song is changing the tidal currents!

Eh, this song... has the same essence as me?

3 options
Really? I wonder if the sensitivity is similar. Pitiful... Poor them, for being similar to Benten...

Yes, isn’t there someone who could understand that here?!
What should I do if it’s one of my fans?

Wait! What do you mean by that?!
Isn’t it wonderful that they resemble me?! Fufu.

...I mean, this power could be——a similar "Rule" to mine!?

My biwa is inferior but, this voice, well, isn’t that right?
Is it possible that they get along with me? That they like subculture?

Well, that’s fine. If there’s a flow, even I can——there!

H-Huh? No way, it didn’t work!
The leadership of the tidal currents——were taken?

Ah, I see. I completely forgot it!
Similar results made by the Rule cannot be overwritten!

2 options (Same Response)
Overwritten? By Benten's "Rule"...?

...My "Sacred Artifact" is this biwa. My "Rule" is changing the flow.

At first, it were shock waves that changed the "flow of the air". And now——the "tidal currents" that moves this ship.

However... Those mermaids took the first move. I can no longer overwrite the "tidal currents"!

...*Squeek*! It’s frustrating! It’s so frustrating!
To admit such thing, that I, lost at the flow...!

Hey, Big Sis benten? If it flows, you can change everything right?

Not everything but... Fufu, for someone like me, most of the things!

Well then... Is it possible for something like this?

The ship... stopped? I wonder if something happened...

...The flow of the wind is!? No, our song is...?

Besides... What’s that music that doesn’t have any piece of elegance?
A musical difference? Come on, it’s disgusting.

Yaaaaaaaaahoo! That’s great Big Sis Benten!

Nice idea, Eita! That's right,
the tidal currents aren’t the only things that move a sailing ship!

If we move the wind and hit the ship, we could resist! Kuh, but...

The influence of the tidal currents and the flow of the wind competeD, and the ship stopped moving completely.

To me, who isn’t at regular conditions right now... this is the best I can do...!
Kuh, It’s unbelievable that something is covering my performance...!

At that time, the ship shook greatly—— again

The vibrations and shock waves resounded all over the ship. It looked like if it was from a different direction than the mermaids.

W-What is it now? Isn’t the trouble a bit too excessive?!

I’ll take care of those mermaids!
You have to do something about those vibrations!

U-Understood, Big Sis Benten! We’ll return soon, so please wait for us!

Well——then. Those two are really doing their best, so I won’t lose to them!

A direct music battle! Which one will ride the flow——let’s compete!

Over here, over here! It’s on the back of the ship, Senpai!

On surface of the sea at the direction where Eita was moving——there were multiple human-like figures.

——however, the lower half of their bodies were fishes.

S-S-S-Something strange appeared! Fishes? Human men? Eh, fish-men!?

It’s rude to call us fish men——we are the proud mermen!
We came to punish the intruder who ruin the sea. Prepare!

Each one! Open fire! Sink that ship of insolents!!

Uwah Stop it! T-The ship is... What’s this, water gun!?

By the effect of some "Sacred Artifact," the merman were shooting the ship with water bullets.

2 options (Same Response)
The ship is going to be destroyed!? Rather than water guns, those are water cannons!?

T-This is bad senpai! If we keep taking those hits, the ship will sink!?

I can’t forgive those who treats ships without respect.
That’s what the old man of the fishing association said!

Let’s go senpai! Let’s protect our ship!