Character Quest:Shirou:VN:1

Revision as of 10:49, 30 September 2017 by Salt (talk | contribs)

Title: There Lies The Door to the Unknown

--it was a certain uneventful day after school.

The edge of the chair in the library was died the colors of dusk. And there, he sat.

It was already time to be going home. No one else was inside the library, aside from him.

Silence filled the library room, and the faintly audible hustle and bustle from afar was pleasing to the ears.

And there, at that moment, he was in another world. In a world called a "book."

One page. And another page.

In all earnestness, occassional faint jumbles of emotions combine, and he reluctantly, carefully turns the page.

This is the time of sheer bliss he has. The treasured time he wants to always hold dear.

Shirou expression neutral.png


However, this time of bliss does not continue forever. Soon it would be time to leave.

Closing time was coming closer moment by moment. Were it to be broken, he would regret it the most.

2 options
Class Rep. Shirou.

Shirou:(default face)
Ah, [Player]?

Shirou expression shocked.png

Shirou expression neutral.png

Ah, [Player]?
Sorry, I'm not...used to being called by name.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Kengo is about the only one to call me by name.

2 options
It's almost time for the building to close. You'll be late for the form curfew.
Shirou expression shocked.png

Eh, is it that time already?
...oh it is. It's getting dark out.

Shirou:(cheerful face)
Did you come all this way to get me?
Thanks, that helps.

Shirou expression neutral.png

I always lose track of the time.
I can't let my bad habits occur in the library.

3 options
Homework? Reading? A bad habit? How shameless...!

Shirou:(cheerful face)
I'm already done with my homework and review.
I was reading my favorite book just now.

Shirou:(cheerful face)
That's right.
How about we read together?

Shirou expression shocked.png

W-w-w-what are you saying all of a sudden!?

Shirou:(angry face)
My bad habits aren't like...
I know how to pick a time and place.

Shirou expression neutral.png

W-wait, no.
A-ahem. Never mind.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Still, I never knew [Player].
You come to the library too?

Shirou expression neutral.png

Say, [Player].
When you see this library, do you feel anything?

Shirou expression neutral.png

Shinjuku Academy's library dates from the last century,
and it boasts the biggest collection of books in the ward.

Shirou:(cheerful face)
My parents' library is nothing special,
but this is truly amazing. For a booklover, it's especially appealing.

Shirou expression neutral.png

And because we're connected to other worlds,
it's no exaggeration that its wisdom has grown deeper.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Books that existed only in fiction.
Even those kinds of books can be found here.

Shirou:(cheerful face)
How about it, are you excited?
I hope you understand that wonderfulness for yourself.

Shirou expression neutral.png

...oh. It's almost time for closing.
Let's continue talking on the way back.

Shirou expression shocked.png

Eh? What kinds of books have I read?
Well, today I borrowed...

Shirou expression neutral.png

A candy recipe book of things I thought I'd make on a day off,
and two novels I thought of reading before bed...

Shirou expression neutral.png

And just earlier...
I was reading this up until you called me.

Shirou expression neutral.png

As Shirou said that, he showed a book with
a gray front cover to [Player].

Shirou:(cheerful face)
I was just about to start re-reading this.
Everytime I read it, I go into a daze.

{{VN:Dialogue:Choice |heading=2 options |header= !An occult book... !You sure like those things. |body=|


Shirou:(cheerful face)
It's not just occult related.
I like other books on supernatural phenomena.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Since the word "occult" has spread into popular use,
this book was written by someone who picked up on that fad.

Shirou expression neutral.png

I say that though, but the author took a
skeptical view to the supernatural.

Shirou expression neutral.png

The title itself is about the occult,
but it's not a book that only glorifies occultism.

Shirou:(angry face)
If anything it's the opposite. For someone who tends to think
of things from an occult perspective it shines on an alternative viewpoint.

Shirou expression shocked.png

For, if I say any more you'll lose the enjoyment.
You should never spoil things for the unspoiled.

Shirou expression shocked.png

Let's just say there are many things I can't talk about.
Yes, that's it. Let's go with that.

Shirou expression shocked.png

Eh, have I read any other kinds of books?

Shirou expression neutral.png

If it's a book I'll read anything.
Essays, philosophy, trivia, things from classics to the newest hits.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Books are so magnificent.@ Old cultures live alongside the modern, and they're one way of passing down information.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Ideology, civilization, history, economics...
They leave some form of past concerns to us now.

Shirou:(cheerful face)
This school having so many old books in its collection
is enough to make me glad I enrolled here.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

You're on fire again Class Rep.
You're gonna pull in [Player] with you.

Ryouta:(cheerful face)
Well actually, maybe they've already been pulled in.

Shirou expression shocked.png

Why are you here?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Come on, don't why me.
Since you weren't back yet with curfew so close, I came to get you.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

It's okay to like books,
but you'll talk forever if you don't stop, Class Rep.

3 options
I can see they're strong feelings. It's fun listening. We'll continue this in bed tonight.
Shirou expression shocked.png

Gh... I considered fixing that myself but...

Shirou:(cheerful face)
I-is that true!? I'm so happy! Can about it some more!?

Shirou:(angry face)
Mm, reading before bedtime has its charms.
But you shouldn't do that. It's bad for your eyes and back.

Shirou expression shocked.png

If I didn't do that as a child, I might not need to wear glasses now...

Shirou expression shocked.png

No, e-excuse me.
I like that topic, so...

Ryouta:(angry face)
Hey [Player].
The first time I was grouped up with him?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

It was way past lights out,
but he was still up because he had a book to read.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Jinn-sensei was on patrol and got mad at him.

Ryouta:(angry face)
Then in the morning, Class Rep wasn't in his bed.
There was a huge commotion saying he was kidnapped or missing.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Guess where he was?
Under the light in the dorm's entryway.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

He said he was reading there allll night
where he wouldn't get in anyone's way.

Ryouta:(angry face)
Triton-sensei was looking at the bottom of the pool.
Jinn-sensei turned into smoke and looked inside the plumbing.

Ryouta:(angry face)
Since then all the boarders
knew of "the class rep's rebellion..." The end.

Shirou expression shocked.png

I-I was trying to not bother anyone...
Well, I really do repent for causing so much worry.

Shirou expression neutral.png

But still, at that time I couldn't help it
because I was curious about how that book continued.

Shirou:(angry face)
This was an intellectual desire.
You understand this feeling don't you?

3 options
Yes. No. Are you stupid?

Shirou:(cheerful face)
Of course!
This must be divine providence!

Shirou expression shocked.png

Then...I guess I was mistaken...

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Class Rep. I know it's a shock,
but how about you stop sitting while holding your knees?

Shirou expression shocked.png


Ryouta expression shocked.png

C-Class Rep!?

Shirou expression shocked.png

I-I'm sorry...!
That reaction just cuts deep into my heart...!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

You are such a hardcore book lover, Class Rep.
Aren't you always holding a book in one hand?

Shirou expression shocked.png

Somehow I've at the point where if I don't have a book,
I can't relax...

Makara:(smiling face)
To be continued...