Event Quest:The Last Three Days With:Asterios

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

After a series of events and a life-or-death battle on the island, they were given time until a void takes them back to their original worlds-

When the crisis ended, they received hospitality from the islanders.

As the feast came to an end, a figure moved away from the settlement.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Asterios, whose expression shows a secret kept in his heart, quietly leaves the settlement and walks into the dark forest of the night.

1 option
(Secretly follow him)

Arriving at the destination, the Banyan house, the place where we used to live in-

Asterios expression island neutral.png



Asterios is carefully checking his surroundings.

2 options <same response>
Hey, Asterius. What are you doing in a place like this?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Did you… follow me by any chance?


Asterios expression island sad.png

…I see. I snuck out on my own and made you worry...... S-Sorry.


Asterios expression island smile.png

I’m looking for little Kijimuna.
I thought I saw a figure of him, but it wasn’t. I got anxious.


Asterios expression island neutral.png

When we fought Dagon, the house I built was destroyed.
In a way, the Bunyan Trees returned to what they were.


Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

A-And Kijimuna also!
I was hoping he’d come back with us… T-That's what I thought......


Asterios expression island smile.png

I went looking for him.
Somewhere, alone, he must be hiding…


Asterios expression island neutral.png

We should keep h-him in our memories always…


Asterios expression island smile.png

Y-Yeah… Kijimuna is very special to me-
He has helped me out so much…


Asterios expression island neutral.png

That’s what I think…


Asterios expression island sad.png

S-So if my memory is erased—
I-If I seclude myself in a cave--


Asterios expression island sad.png

I will call for him to come…
Just like [Player], it will take him to that cave-


Asterios expression island sad.png

Even though my memory might be gone after this,
he will take me out of that cave again.


Asterios expression island smile.png

This time, it will be my turn.
K-Kijimuna, give me a sound, so I can come find you…


Asterios, sitting where the house was- I took a seat on the bottom of the Bunyan tree.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

But… I wonder if he’s still here…

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…Or If I wait here, maybe he’ll come out…

1 option
Can I sit next to you?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

N-next to me? I’m…

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I’m fine by myself but-

[Player] sat down next to him, Asterius moved his body a little closer.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Oh… I got a little too close. S-Sorry…

When he said that, Asterios gave me a little bit of space.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

-No, no… I didn’t mean to complain or anything.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

Um, my appearance,
it looks different from everyone else…

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

Until now, nobody would come close to me.
I think I’m getting used to it… being close to someone.

Asterios looking embarrassed, The two got closer to each other again.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

This is different than when I was a child…
Being this close to someone…

The two’s skins touched, closing the distance between them. Asterius turned his back when his brawny arm bumped into him.

However, Asterius’ large body seems like it was covered up.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…Do you hate me?
I feel like I’m ugly… You think you’re next to a monster like me.

2 options
That’s not true. Why do you say those things about yourself?


Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

…You are a funny guy…

Asterios expression island neutral.png

K-Kijimuna and y-you too. A guy who cares about such a thing… it’s the first time.

Asterios expression island sad.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

B-because in the original world,
I was called “ugly monster” a lot.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Someone will call me that…
In my memories, that’ll be the only thing that’s left.

Asterios expression island sad.png

That’s why I am an “ugly monster” …
So, I thought… that’s what I am.

Asterios expression island smile.png

B-but I enjoyed being together with everyone.

Asterios expression island happy.png

A guy like you closed the gap.
This feeling… this is the first time.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I don’t want this to end.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

When I go back – my memories will be gone…
Maybe I will be lonely again.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I think so.
I’m so scared… scared…!

Asterius’ body seems to be trembling a little.

2 options
It’ll be alright. (Quietly hug Asterios)


Asterios expression island surprised.png


3 options <same response>
Even if I lose my memory of this island. I’ll be sure to find you, Asterius. Let’s see each other again.


Asterios expression island smile.png


Asterios expression island happy.png

…Hahaha, you are really funny.
I-I guess I’ll let you come to my place.

Asterios expression island smile.png

You and Kijimuna, together… I will look forward to that.

Asterios expression island happy.png

A-Ah, yeah, I’m sure of it.

Asterios expression island smile.png

Even if we became friends in this world,
surely when we return to our original world… it’ll be fine…!

Asterios expression island happy.png

S-So this time, even if our world is different…
I will come looking for you.

Asterios expression island happy.png

…Thank you, [Player].