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{{#vardefine:transient en name|Zhurong}}
{{#vardefine:transient en name|Zhurong}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Hourai}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|4.15.3}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2021-09-28}}

== {{Star|3}} ==
== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Energetic Newspaper Club Member}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Energetic Newspaper Club Member}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Mystic Brilliance<rt>Aurora Spectrum</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Mystic Brilliance<rt>Colors of the Aurora</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A Transient who attends Shinjuku Academy's Elementary School division. Since he has continually shown his face at the senior high school section's newspaper club, his enthusiasm was noticed and he officially became a member. His photographer senpais dote on him, and Zhurong's desk in the club room always has a mountain of candy somebody bought for him. Originally he got hair-on-end angry when he was put on laps and patted on the head, but since he never shows any signs of trying to stop this treatment he has given up and accepted it. As young as he is, his characteristic energy and initiative has him running about every day looking for scoops as a natural born journalist. His camera points at a rich variety of things from shining stars to ruffians famed for their overwhelming strength to baseless urban legends. Maybe this is his way of building up his inexhaustible interest. Since there was an incident in the past where a glutton who goes to the same school as him ate all his candy, he remains on guard against passing encounters with him even to this day.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A Transient who attends Shinjuku Academy's Elementary School division. Since he has continually shown his face at the senior high school section's newspaper club, his enthusiasm was noticed and he officially became a member. His photographer senpais dote on him, and Zhurong's desk in the club room always has a mountain of candy somebody bought for him. Originally he got hair-on-end angry when he was put on laps and patted on the head, but since he never shows any signs of trying to stop this treatment he has given up and accepted it. As young as he is, his characteristic energy and initiative has him running about every day looking for scoops as a natural born journalist. His camera points at a rich variety of things from shining stars to ruffians famed for their overwhelming strength to baseless urban legends. Maybe this is his way of building up his inexhaustible interest. Since there was an incident in the past where a glutton who goes to the same school as him ate all his candy, he remains on guard against passing encounters with him even to this day.}}
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{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Zhurong has the ability to perceive the talents and personalities other people hold as colors. According to him, these colors are as beautiful as polished gemstones. Due to that, when he is cutting pictures out from news articles he likes pictures that depict people as the subject. His prided-upon album is the one filled with the many bright, lively smiles he's photographed himself. Occasionally when he looks at the pictures in his album, he shows signs of envy due to not yet knowing that he holds a whole new world of possibilities for his own colors. Having said that, his hidden potential isn't guaranteed to bring him happiness. A gloomy dark "something" also lies within. When the time comes to face the grand secret hidden in his roots, can his inexperienced self bear with that? It seems he easily inspires good will from those with great tolerance and protective feelings. He isn't from the world of Hourai.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Zhurong has the ability to perceive the talents and personalities other people hold as colors. According to him, these colors are as beautiful as polished gemstones. Due to that, when he is cutting pictures out from news articles he likes pictures that depict people as the subject. His prided-upon album is the one filled with the many bright, lively smiles he's photographed himself. Occasionally when he looks at the pictures in his album, he shows signs of envy due to not yet knowing that he holds a whole new world of possibilities for his own colors. Having said that, his hidden potential isn't guaranteed to bring him happiness. A gloomy dark "something" also lies within. When the time comes to face the grand secret hidden in his roots, can his inexperienced self bear with that? It seems he easily inspires good will from those with great tolerance and protective feelings. He isn't from the world of Hourai.}}
== {{Star|5}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient release version|4.23.1}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2022-12-09}}
{{#vardefine:transient variant|Christmas}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Rainbow Spanning the Holy Night}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Mystic Brilliance<rt>Colors of the Aurora</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|The boy wished upon the stars to better understand the feelings inside himself. On further reflection, Zhurong's life in Tokyo began with envy for the flickering of a single red flame. During his life in Tokyo and even now, many things he liked were reflected behind his camera lens and disappeared. But where did these feelings come from to begin with? On another note, one of the things Zhurong likes is Christmas, ranging from cake and  chicken to Santa's presents to the brilliant lights of the familiarized streets of the city. Families and lovers walk hand in hand while chilly hands hold up a camera, and Zhurong enjoyed it all up until now. At this point, things are even more enjoyable since someone he loves that will hold his hand is with him. Zhurong wants to know more about where these feelings that blaze like a shooting star came from. He mainly uses a digital camera, but lately he's taken an interest in analog film and older cameras.}}

== CV ==
== CV ==
{{Transient CV
{{Companion CV
|summon=Snapshot! Heheh~ Nice to meet ya! Name's Zhurong! Here, our first memorable photo! Take good care of it, okay?
|summon=Snapshot! Heheh~ Nice to meet ya! Name's Zhurong! Here, our first memorable photo! Take good care of it, okay?
|battle=Let's get right on it! Time to nab myself a great scoop!
|battle=Let's get right on it! Time to nab myself a great scoop!
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|ko=Why... Why did it have to be like this... *Hic*... Someone... help me...!
|ko=Why... Why did it have to be like this... *Hic*... Someone... help me...!
|open=うわあ! 珍しいものがこーんなにいっぱい! おれのオススメはね……ほらもっとこっちきて! ごにょごにょごにょ……2人だけの秘密だよ?
|close=温泉、すんごいきもちよかったねー! 今度、サルタヒコにーちゃんの銭湯にもみんなで行こうよ! ……約束! はい、指切りげんまん! えへへっ。
|greeting=ふんふふんふふーん。よし! レンズもピカピカ絶好調! ……ってうわぁぁぁ! おどかすなよぉ! 随分ご機嫌だったって? ……バカバカバカバカ!
|encouraging=大丈夫? もしかして嫌なことでもあった……? そんな時は一緒に、おてて繋いでしゅっぱーつ! おれのナイショの秘密基地、連れてったげる!
|touched=……なに? さわりたいの? しょうがないなぁ……。ちょっとだけだよ、優しくな? ……って、あれ? カメラじゃなくておれぇ!? あわわわわ……!
|conversation-1=ガッコー終わったらさ、勉強教えて欲しいんだ。知ってることが増えるのは好きなんだけど……へへ。あっ! そのテストは……! 見ちゃダメーー!
|conversation-2=じゃーん! 新聞部のセンパイたちが、おれの写真、使ってくれたんだよ! 廊下を歩く……呪いの人形。これは、新たな学園七不思議に間違いないね!
|self=おれ、ショクインってよばれることもあってさ。へっへーん。すごくカッコイイ響きでしょ? ガッコーの職員さんじゃないから、間違えないでよね!
|character-1=「いこう、わがエーユーよ!」クールでカッコイイよなあ、ホロケウにーちゃん……。決めた! おれのモデルになってく……あ、逃げた!
|character-2=ショロトルにーちゃんの背中ってば、すっげえあったか……え、撫でてくれるの……? へへへ……こそばゆいや……シュピー……シュピー……。
|event=風呂上がりのマッサージしてあげる。任せとけ! よいしょっ……こう……。え? どうしたんだよ! こうしたら喜ぶって、ミネアキセンセーが……!

{{Transient CV
|summon=シュクユウサンタ、とーじょー! 楽しいクリスマスをお届けしちゃうよ!
|battle=ツリーの下で待ち合わせ! あっ、来た! こっち! こっちだよー!
|charge=これはおれからプレゼントだよ! いつも一緒に居てくれるお礼を今日はしたかったんだ! だーいすき! メリークリスマース!
|victory=ツリーの下でハイ、ピース! うん! うまく撮れた! キラキラしてる!
|open=ハッピーメリークリスマース! いらっしゃい。見て見て! 飾り付け、みーんなでしたんだよ。交換品もこーんなに。どれ選ぶの?
|greeting=ぱしゃり。えへへ……きみの驚いた顔を頂きだい! 今日行くのはカメラ屋さん。クリスマスに向けて、フィルムもレンズも、たくさん準備しなくちゃな。
|encouraging=寒いの? ほら、ぎゅーってしてあげるから、もっとこっち来て。見せてあげるね、一緒に撮った楽しい写真、いーっぱいあるよ!
|conversation-1=学校でプレゼント交換会をするんだけどね、何かいいアイデアないかなー……。 手作り写真立て? いいねそれ! よーし、作るぞーっ!
|conversation-2=わーっ、雪が降ってきたよ、もっと降れーっ! キラキラ雪の結晶、撮って明日の一面だっ! ……あれ、小さくって撮れない。溶けちゃう! うわーんっ!
|character-1=あのおじちゃんは、すっごく優しいんだよ! 甘いココアを淹れてくれて、ふわっふわの気持ちの良いお羽で撫でてくれるからね!
|event=冬のクリスマスは賑やかだけど、事件も多いって……あ、見てアレ! オオカミさんが走ってる、きっと大事件だ! カメラよしっ。行こーっ!
== Appearances ==
== Appearances ==

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== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* Zhurong is based on [[wikipedia:Zhurong|Zhurong]], the God of Fire in Chinese mythology. He fought with the water god, Gonggong, for the right to claim the throne of Heaven and was successful. Gonggong, ashamed of his defeat, smashed his own head against one of the pillars holding up the sky causing calamities. It was the goddess [[Exile#Hourai|Nuwa]] that repaired the heavens.
* Zhurong is based on [[wikipedia:Zhurong|Zhurong]], the God of Fire in Chinese mythology. He fought with the water god, Gonggong, for the right to claim the throne of Heaven and was successful. Gonggong, ashamed of his defeat, smashed his own head against one of the pillars holding up the sky causing calamities. It was the goddess [[Exile#Hourai|Nuwa]] that repaired the heavens.  
* {{Collapsible box|title=Spoilers|Throughout his release event, it is revealed that Zhurong was originally an amorphous mass of colors from the world of [[Old Ones]] and that he had accidentally absorbed the actual Zhurong when he first entered Tokyo.
{{Collapsible box|width=400px|title=Spoilers|Throughout his release event, it is revealed that Zhurong was originally an amorphous mass of colors from the world of [[Old Ones]] and that he had accidentally absorbed the actual Zhurong when he first entered Tokyo.<br>
** The colors is reference to one of Lovecraft's stories called "[[wikipedia:The_Colour_Out_of_Space|The Color Out of Space]]" that depicts a meteorite that crashed into a farmland that slowly erodes the sanity of the people living on the farmland and absorbs all the organic matter in the vicinity.}}
The colors is reference to one of Lovecraft's stories called "[[wikipedia:The_Colour_Out_of_Space|The Color Out of Space]]" that depicts a meteorite that crashed into a farmland that slowly erodes the sanity of the people living on the farmland and absorbs all the organic matter in the vicinity.}}


