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== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Yggdrasil}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|1.1.0}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2016-12-31}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Undying Loyalty<rt>Bane of Tyr</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Berserkers}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A bestial dog man who serves as the watchdog/bouncer to the Ikebukuro Berserkers. He has a "loyal dog" mentality; deep thinking is not his strong suit, and he prefers following orders from a trusted master. His dimwittedness can be troublesome for the Berserkers at times, but he is second to none as a guard dog and will protect his appointed spot with his life. He is absolutely shameless in his jealousy toward another guard dog he views as a rival.}}
|skill-1-descriptor=[After Moving] Apply Stubborn to Self/35%
== {{Star|4}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|The Sacred Artifact chains wrapped around his body were given to him by his former mistress, a Netherworld Queen, and are not intended to restrain him. It is more accurate to say he's the wrecking ball at the end of the chain. The chain serves as a Mass Driver, augmenting his already substantial strength and speed, while also providing a comforting reminder of home.}}
|charge=Tiwaz Teiten
|charge-descriptor=Deal Magic Pierce + Apply Acceleration to Nearby Allies (not including Self)
{{Companion CV
|summon=I, Garmr! Are you... Garmr's new master?! Ohh!! Hooray!!
|battle=Master's enemy, gets bit! Garmr, gets praised!
|move=Got it, Master!
|attack=Here goes, Garmr!
|skill=Master, can I bite him?
|charge=Without Master's permission, nobody gets through!! Undying Loyalty, Tiwaz Teiten!!
|victory=Masteeeer!! Garmr, won!! Pets! Pets!!
|ko=So... sorry... Master...!
|love=GARMR, LOVE, LOVE! Want to stay together foreveeeer!
|open=ガルム、店番、頑張る!<br>ご主人様、ご褒美、くれーーー! ワオーーーン!
|close= 店番、終わったーーー! ガルム、えらーーーい!<br>ご主人様と一緒、帰る! ワオン、ワオーーーン!
|encouraging=ご主人様、寂しい? 泣いてる? ガルム、ちゃーんと、ここにいるよ!<br>だから、寂しくない、よね!
|touched=ヒャアアア! ガルム、くすぐったい! でも、嬉しい!<br>もっと、もーーーっと、なでて! いーっぱい、なでてぇ!
|conversation-1=このギルド、ガルム、新しいお家! 番犬、守る、それが仕事!<br>ガルム、頑張る! だから褒めて!
|conversation-2=池袋、危険なやつ、いっぱい! だから、ガルム、ご主人様、守る!<br>こっち来るな! グルルルルル……!
|conversation-3=散歩っ散歩いこ、ご主人様! ヒヒッ、ガルム、しあわせ!<br>はやくっ、はやくっ! わーーーいっ!
|conversation-4=ガルム……昔の仲間……もういない。残ったの、ガルムだけ。<br>でも、寂しい、違う! だって、素敵なご主人様、いる!
|character-1=池袋、ガルム、おいてくれた!クロード、いいやつ。<br>嫌い? 違う。たまに、頭ポンポンしてくれる。ポンポン!
|character-2=ご主人様ぁ! カーシー、褒めちゃダメ! ガルム、もーっと、スゴい!<br>こっち、褒めて、褒めて! ご主人様ぁ!
{| class="wikitable"
! Role || VN Scenario ||
| Side Character|| || Main Quest Chapter 3
| Extra|| [[File:banner_quest_rinkai2017.png|200px|link=Event Quest:Midsummer's Seaside School with You]] || [[Event Quest:Midsummer's Seaside School with You|Seaside Summer School with You]]
| Major Character|| [[File:1801お正月-小バナー1-2.png|200px|link=Event Quest:2018 Oriental New Year]] || [[Event Quest:2018 Oriental New Year|Oriental New Year]]
| Side Character|| [[File:318a6634d02ea00cbdfad777297c5e8c.png|200px|link=Event Quest:Main Quest Chapter 7 Campaign]] || [[Event Quest:Main Quest Chapter 7 Campaign|Main Quest Chapter 7]]
| Extra|| [[File:29920ffb3f9be3b8ac49cd24f0349e3f.jpg|200px|link=Event Quest:Main Quest 8 Chapter Release Campaign]] || [[Event Quest:Main Quest 8 Chapter Release Campaign|Main Quest Chapter 8]]
| Side Character|| [[File:46962665759a048df672e5d2758c63d9.png|200px|link=Event_Quest:The_Summoned_Brave_and_Fantastic_Boyfriends_Collaboration]] || [[Event_Quest:The_Summoned_Brave_and_Fantastic_Boyfriends_Collaboration|The Summoned Brave and Fantastic Boyfriends Collaboration Event]]
===Transient Summons===
{{Gacha appearance table|{{PAGENAME}}}}
== Personality ==
Garmr is a hyperactive canine Therian that speaks in a simple, childish manner. He is a guard dog and shows himself to be loyal to the protagonist and his jobs. He also has a habit of having confrontations with other guard dogs such as Cu Sith because he wants to be the top guard dog. He shows respect to the people that are decent fighters. Garmr also has a wild side to him as well as being a sore loser.
== Notes ==
* Reflecting his role as Watchdog to the Berserkers, Garmr's mythological basis is the [[wikipedia:Garmr|guard dog of Hel]], the ruler of the underworld in Norse mythology.
* His Charge Skill is a reference to how Garmr in mythology devoured the god [[wikipedia:Týr|Tyr]] during the events of Ragnarok.
** His Charge Skill line is a reference to "Tiwaz", a proto-Germanic word for Tyr.
{{Transient navbox}}
