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3,453 bytes added ,  5 February
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== {{Star|3}} ==
== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Shangri La}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Shangri La}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>暴虎憑我<rt>Mad Tiger</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Possession By Mad Tiger<rt>Mad Tiger</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Berserkers}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Berserkers}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|1.0.0}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2016-12-02}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Though Claude is the leader of the Ikebukuro Berserkers, Macan Gadungan is their strongest member, and reigning champion of the underground arena. He was first summoned to Tokyo from his own world, Shangri-La, by a trafficking group targeting denizens of the gate worlds. Put up for auction, he was sold as a slave. But one day he slaughtered his captor and escaped, becoming a stray summon. To Macan, the greatest insult was not servitude, but being ordered around by a weakling. As he believes respect can only be commanded through strength, there is nothing he hates more than a leader who claims their right to lead through mere 'authority'.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Though Claude is the leader of the Ikebukuro Berserkers, Macan Gadungan is their strongest member, and reigning champion of the underground arena. He was first summoned to Tokyo from his own world, Shangri-La, by a trafficking group targeting denizens of the gate worlds. Put up for auction, he was sold as a slave. But one day he slaughtered his captor and escaped, becoming a stray summon. To Macan, the greatest insult was not servitude, but being ordered around by a weakling. As he believes respect can only be commanded through strength, there is nothing he hates more than a leader who claims their right to lead through mere 'authority'.}}
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== {{Star|4}} ==
== {{Star|4}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient release version|3.1.12}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2018-06-01}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Champion of the Ikebukuro Berserkers. Even as a prisoner his craving for battle knows no end. Should a fellow extend their hand to the tip of his nose unprepared, they could lose their flesh and blood to his fangs. And if you have only common chains, there is no hope of tying down this violent tiger. Indeed, Macan is tied down by a chain Sacred Artifact by the will of a certain guild master. Its power is like that of flames, dragging in all who hold faith down with it. The reason he is concerned with eating flesh and blood lies in his past, originating from his isolation.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Champion of the Ikebukuro Berserkers. Even as a prisoner his craving for battle knows no end. Should a fellow extend their hand to the tip of his nose unprepared, they could lose their flesh and blood to his fangs. And if you have only common chains, there is no hope of tying down this violent tiger. Indeed, Macan is tied down by a chain Sacred Artifact by the will of a certain guild master. Its power is like that of flames, dragging in all who hold faith down with it. The reason he is concerned with eating flesh and blood lies in his past, originating from his isolation.}}
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|victory=Tch… they were just small fry after all, not worth eating...
|victory=Tch… they were just small fry after all, not worth eating...
|ko=If you were to eat me... I guess that's not so bad...
|ko=If you were to eat me... I guess that's not so bad...
|love=AAAAAArrrgh~ I can't hold it anymore! I doesn't sound so bad to just eat you and let it be our end.

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|victory=You... really came to save me...? You idiot... Hehe...
|victory=You... really came to save me...? You idiot... Hehe...
|ko=All I wanted... was to fight til the bitter end... How did this happen... Just thinking about makes me wanna cry...
|ko=All I wanted... was to fight til the bitter end... How did this happen... Just thinking about makes me wanna cry...
|love=Hey, can you hear my last will? Take my ashes. Even if you don't eat them......do recall me once in a while.
{{Companion CV
|open=こういう時はあけましておめでとうってんだろ? 後は、何するんだったか……まぁいいか! 取るモン取って、さっさと行こうぜ! 今年最初の喰い合いによォ!
|conversation-2=肉! 肉は? なんでどこもかしこも肉がねぇッ! モチだのオセチだの、もっと腹にズシッと来るような肉を寄越しやがれェッ、ウガー!
|character-1=きょうだいィ? アイツなら朝から、どころか暮れからずーっとバタバタ走り回ってやがるさ。池袋に中々顔も出しやがらねえ、ケッ。コインのために駆けずりまわって分からねえ奴だぜ。
|character-2=神宿の大食らい? アイツか……喰いてえって向かってきやがるから、期待したんだがな。なんかこう、違うっつーか……ケガさせたくねぇだの、エントランスのモン食い尽くして帰るだの、拍子抜けだぜ。
|encouraging=ジャングルにゃ悩みも何にもありゃしないぜェ? その気なら次のマガン・ガドゥンガンにお前がなりに来やがれよ……オレを喰えばなれるさガハハッ。
|event=なんでオレが正月の店番してんのか、だァ? オレ! が! 聞きてえっての! あの破れやがった、窮屈な衣装が悪ィんだろうが! 支配人! オレをとっとと戦わせやがれェ!
|self=新年にオレが何をしているかってェ? 別に普段と変わりゃしねぇよ。オレはいつだってあの場所で、誰も彼もを喰うのを待つさ、シャングリラの輪廻の輪がいつかオレにも巡るまで。
|greeting=何だァ、お前も俺に晴れ着を着せよってェのか? 首が苦しくて飯も喉を通らねえ、お断りだぜ……んな目ェしてもダメだってぇの!
|touched=ん? 寒くねーのかって? あー、まぁちっとはそんな気がしなくも……おい、べたべた触ってんじゃ……てめ、喉首は……ふが……ゴロゴロ……グルァァ! なにしやがんだ!
|close=ガッハッハ! たまにゃあ正月の宴とやらも悪くなかったな! 交換し忘れにゃ気をつけろよ。オレがこうして店番やるなんざ、いいもん見れたな! ガッハッハ!
===Transient Summons===
{{Gacha appearance table|Macan}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* His full name is Macan Gadungan (マガン・ガドゥンガン).
* His full name is Macan Gadungan (マガン・ガドゥンガン).
* In Indonesian folklore, the Macan Gadungan is a type of tiger monster. Though their nature varies a great deal from telling to telling, they are typically cursed humans who spread their curse to others that survive being attacked by one, similar to the western werewolf.
* In Indonesian folklore, the Macan Gadungan is a type of tiger monster. Though their nature varies a great deal from telling to telling, they are typically cursed humans who spread their curse to others that survive being attacked by one, similar to the western werewolf.
* His Sacred Artifact is called [https://housamo.jp/archives/308 Ngerumugadungan].
* His Charge Skill line Harimau Gila means "crazy tiger" in the Malay language.
* The word used for the term "eat" in Macan's profile is 喰う, and can also be a vulgar slang term for "have sex with" or "defeat", but given Macan's personality these three interpretations might be interchangeable.
* The word used for the term "eat" in Macan's profile is 喰う, and can also be a vulgar slang term for "have sex with" or "defeat", but given Macan's personality these three interpretations might be interchangeable.
*[[The New Champion of Christmas]]
**His transformation from human occurred in a jungle. He considers this a memory of fear but also of nostalgia.

{{Transient navbox}}
