Difference between revisions of "Main Quest:Chapter 1 Part 1:VN"

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(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 107: Line 107:
|character= Player
|character= Player
|dialogue=According to the map app, this is Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo.

Line 132: Line 132:

Keep your guards down!<br>
Keep your guard down!<br>
You see, you're listening to this charming voice don't you?
You see, you're listening to this charming voice aren't you?

Line 193: Line 193:
|dialogue=Ah, I don't know about thaaaat... Ehehe, thank you very much, Milord~!
Line 204: Line 204:
|dialogue=......Why do you look so puzzled?
|dialogue=......Why do you look so puzzled?
Haha-n. Seems like you're still confused by all the things happening in the same time right!
Haha-n. Seems like you're still confused by all the things happening at the same time, right!
|dialogue=You can just rely on my at these times!
|dialogue=You can just rely on me at times like this!
It's not just for mere show for an Level 3 approved butler.
It's not just for mere show for an Level 3 approved butler.
Line 216: Line 216:
|dialogue=It's okay it's okay.
|dialogue=It's okay it's okay.
In front of such unexpected events, there's no need to sweat.
In the face of such unexpected events, there's no need to sweat.
Line 259: Line 259:
|dialogue=Salomon-KUN, if you please! After all, cuteness is justice!
Line 287: Line 287:
|dialogue=F-fluff?! You want to pet me?! Well, Milord's desire is my command. Do as you wish.
|dialogue=Not too rough now, please. My fur is certainly fluffy, but it is delicate......
|dialogue=Aah... farewell to my innocent, unfluffed youth... Have you had your fill, Milord?
|dialogue=Such is the sacrifice I must make in order to help Milord grow into a splendid summoner...
|dialogue=Geeez, don't play dumb looking at me like that. "Milord" is "Milord."
Line 337: Line 364:
|dialogue=I love manga and anime too.
|dialogue=I love manga and anime too.
It is a culture unique to this human world after all.
It is a culture unique to this human world after all.
|dialogue=Oops, I got off track again. Let's continue.

Line 342: Line 375:
|dialogue=Patience, Milord! Pretexting is very important before we dive right in!

Line 353: Line 386:

|dialogue=Oops, I got off track again.
Let's continue.

Line 415: Line 441:
|dialogue=That is correct Milord!
|dialogue=That is correct Milord!
|dialogue=You're like a hero of a story now,
don't you feel a bit excited?
|dialogue=Even in such a situation as this you remain focused.....!
|dialogue=Calm, collected judgement without being swayed by the bizarre situation...!
|dialogue=That's Milord for you!

Line 430: Line 475:

|dialogue=You're like a hero of a story now,
don't you feel a bit excited?
Line 450: Line 489:
|heading=1 options
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>This app icon that looks like a magic circle...?</i>
!<i>This app icon that looks like a magic circle...?</i>

Line 513: Line 553:
|dialogue=Waaa, please Milord!
I'm terribly weak to flattery!
Line 540: Line 581:
|dialogue=Th-that's not even close to the problem here!
|dialogue=Something's coming this way, fast! I can feel a powerful summon!
|dialogue=Ah, it's coming at suuuper speed......!
Please protect me, Milord!

Line 556: Line 610:
Why's this gotta happen to me......!
Why's this gotta happen to me......!


Line 585: Line 639:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
!<i>T-There are monsters!</i>
!<i>T-there are monsters!</i>
!<i>Wha, in the middle of Tokyo?!</i>
!<i>Wha, in the middle of Tokyo?!</i>

Line 592: Line 646:
|dialogue=Hey, over here!
We need to get outta here....
|dialogue=Follow me, this way! We can escape through this-

Line 684: Line 740:
|dialogue=N-no way, you too?! Yah, leggo! Don't grab meeee!
|dialogue=Wait, were you kidding? There's a time and a place for goofing around ya know?!
Line 704: Line 768:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Let's split up and run for it!</i>
!<i>Let's split up and run for it!</i>
!<i>If only one side can survive...</i>
!<i>If only one side can survive...</i>

Line 724: Line 788:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options <same response>
!<i>It's coming this way!</i>
!<i>It's coming this way!</i>
!<i>Run as far as you can while I got his attention...!</i>
!<i>Run as far as you can while I got his attention...!</i>
(Magic Circle Effect)
|dialogue=This is quite a pickle, Milord.
|dialogue=Eh, it's dangerous? Why am I so calm?
No need to worry, Milord! Look!
|dialogue=I've sped up our subjective time a bit-
ah, which means time is frozen!
|dialogue=Ehehe, pretty cool right?
I may be a rookie, but I'm still a devil, so this is a piece of cake!
|dialogue=Well, Milord can't move in this state though.
Please, listen to my explanation carefully.
|dialogue=This, Milord, is a battle!
Now, if you would direct your attention to the opponent please.
|heading=2 options
!<i>He looks strong...</i>
!<i>He looks scrumptious...!</i>
|dialogue=Yes, that iron bar, that big arm.
You can't call it anything else but a monster with that look......!
|dialogue=My my. Now that you mention it...
What a shameless outfit.
|dialogue=I wonder what could be under that loincloth...
|dialogue=I wanna seeee-HUH, WHAA?! No, stay focused!
|dialogue=Let's take this a little more seriously, Milord!
|dialogue=Yes, that iron bar, that big arm.
You can't call it anything else but a monster with that look......!
|dialogue=Yes, he looks strong!
It's frightening, right! It's unbelievable, right!
|dialogue=But don't worry! There's a way you can take him down.
|heading=3 options
!<i>A technique to take him down?</i>
!<i>Wouldn't it be better to just escape?</i>
!<i>At last, the day I must unlock the seal on my right eye has come....</i>
|dialogue=Ta-da! That's correct, now listen carefully!
|dialogue=Whaaaaat?! Milord is going to unlock some secret power....!
|dialogue=Eh, you don't actually have any superpowers sealed in your eye?! This is a life and death situation, Milord! Now isn't the time for jokes!
|dialogue=Milord is a "familiar", so you were summoned by someone.
|dialogue=But as a user of the "app" Milord,
you can be a summoner as well!
|dialogue=That's right! Although Milord was summoned by someone else,
you are yourself a Summoner too!
|dialogue=What we call, a Hybrid!
|heading=3 options
!<i>I see! Let's go with that then!</i>
!<i>But I have no idea how to summon...</i>
!<i>I want to summon something sexy.</i>
|dialogue=I'm not quite finished, Milord!
|dialogue=Well, even if your first summoning doesn't turn out quite the way you're hoping, you have my super cute self, don't you?
|dialogue=So...Ahem! Since we're here,
I've already checked into the auto matching function in the app!
|dialogue=The most powerful match which links the deepest with your soul.
Let's summon it and let it become your power!
|dialogue=Ehehe, I'm a useful butler right?
So let's proceed to the summon-
|dialogue=Please wait a moment?!
Nobody else is supposed to be able to move?!
|dialogue=It should work the way the magic textbook taught me-oh.
|dialogue=.....I made a teensy little mistake in the procedure.
Oopsy daisy★
M-Milord!! Save meeeeee!!
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Stop clinging to me and start the summoning!</i>
|dialogue=Hey! Rogue Summon! Over here!!
|dialogue=Human, tasty......
More, tasty......human......!
|dialogue=Ah, he's really coming this way?!
If I survive this, maybe I should go on a diet.....
|dialogue=Stomach, leg, rump......tasty meat......
|dialogue=N-now, Milord!
This is your chance to retreat!
|heading=3 options
!<i>Are you running away?</i>
!<i>Can't you help?</i>
!<i>What about that Summoning thing?</i>
|dialogue=It will be easier to escape if he's distracted by other bait.
|dialogue=It will be easier to escape if he's distracted by other bait.
|dialogue=Nonono, later, I'll teach you how to summon later!
|heading=3 options
!<i>That's one way to look at things...</i>
!<i>But he came back for me.</i>
!<i>I don't like to owe favors.</i>
I shouldn't put Milord in danger......
|dialogue=T-that's true, but even so...!
Miloooord, that glare is like a dagger in my heart....
|dialogue=To begin with, isn't that fatty guy a complete stranger?
Didn't you just meet?
|dialogue=There's no merit to helping each other.
As such---
|dialogue=Either you're hopelessly kind,
or---it's your plan before abandoning him.
|heading=3 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Even if you say that...</i>
!<i>I only just met you too, didn't I Salomon-kun?</i>
!<i>I trust him more than I trust you.</i>
|dialogue=M-m-m, Miloooooord!!
How could you say such a thing... I...!
|dialogue=You're gonna make me cry!
I'll cry, for real!!
|dialogue=---It's that fatty guy's scream.
Now, Milord. Before the Oni comes back.....
|dialogue=H-hey, Milord!? Milooord!?
Wait just a moment, WAAAIIIIT!!
|dialogue=Ah, haa, aaaahh....
|dialogue=GOT YOU.... GOT YOU....!!
|dialogue=If I knew this would happen,
I would've finished the sweets I just bought......!
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Hurry, this way!</i>
|dialogue=I-I'm saved!
But what do we do now?
|heading=3 options
!<i>Defeat that monster!</i>
!<i>What do you think?</i>
!<i>What a voluptuous body...</i>

|dialogue=D-defeat?! B-but, man...!
|dialogue=Eh? Why did I come back?
|dialogue=Oh yeah.... I mean, I was super scared,
I thought for sure I was gonna get eaten....
|dialogue=But, if I ran off now, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
|dialogue=Every time I remembered I abandoned you,
I wouldn't be able to enjoy meals anymore.
|dialogue=That's why-----
You helped me out too, right?
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
|dialogue=I-it caught up with us!?
The shock  from its attack blows us both away simultaneously.
The impact hits my lungs the worst.
It hurts just to breathe.
|dialogue=Fat human... eat you... no more escape...!
The red oni murmurs venomously,
and slowly lifts him up.
Glaring maliciously down on you, his victory seems all but assured.
I'm not his friend. Not family. Just some stranger. I don't even know his name.
I could just run for it, couldn't I?
I'm not obligated to throw my life away.
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
But, I know his voice. I've looked him in the eye. Had a chat with him.
I can't just throw him away.
He's a person too, sharing this world with me.
|heading=2 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>--Hngh ! !</i>
!<i>STOOOOP ! !</i>
|dialogue=Sigh, Milord......
Naivete should have its limits! You're way beyond it!
|dialogue=If I hadn't shown up,
you'd be a lump of fresh meat from that hit!
|heading=3 options
!<i>Thank you.</i>
!<i>You're back...?</i>
!<i>I'll give you a good fluffing later.</i>
|dialogue=D-don't give me that look!
I'm mad at you right now, SUPER MAD!
|dialogue=......But, I respect Milord's wishes.
If anything were to happen to Milord.... I'll be in trouble as well.
|dialogue=That's why---I'm worried!
Let's defeat him here and now!
|dialogue=Gu, grrr!!
|dialogue=We're out of time Milord!
Straight to the stage! Let's summon!
|dialogue=---Now, please recite your declaration!
The app's speech recognition will handle the rest!
|dialogue=Uum.... the first part was My Role is Drifter, and the rule  part was Severance...
now, if you please!!
|heading=2 options
!<i>My Role is Drifter.</i>
!<i>My Role is... Driftwood?</i>
|heading=2 options
!<i>My Rule is Severance.</i>
!<i>My Rule is... Semblance?</i>
Line 740: Line 1,535:
|dialogue=Let's start---!
"Disguise deployment"---
|dialogue=Thou, carrying a name in this world,
thou, carrying a rule to conquer this world-
|dialogue=Deluding the world, segmenting the world,
Under the fictional name, show yourself in the contained zone!
|dialogue=It is, the incarnation of the tail of the serpent dragon who separated the drifter.
The rule is also to "separate" powers and control from others!
|dialogue="By the name of 'Player' I summon you.
Answer me, Sword Tail of the Steel!"
|dialogue=------if you please, Milord!
|heading=2 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>By the name of "Player" I summon you.</i>
!<i>Answer me, Sword Tail of the Steel!</i>
(Hero Sprite appears onscreen)
|heading=2 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Wha--- A sword?</i>
!<i>But.... like this, I can fight!</i>
|dialogue=Nn!? This power...... summon!
Can't be, you, a "summoner"!?
|dialogue=I've been searching......search for you.
Someone, who summoned me here, alas......!
|dialogue=Somone who can free me from......the binding of Kumano!
Let's, have a duel!
|dialogue=Me, win......you, eaten!
You win.... !!
|dialogue=What the... are you...?
|dialogue=Let's start the game, Milord.
|dialogue=Attracted by the powerful summon, there are more monsters approaching.
But they're no match for Milord now!
|dialogue=From the bottom of my heart I 'll be cheering for you!
Go~ Go~, Milord! Do your best Milord!
Please don't die, okay?
|dialogue=It's time! Finish them!!
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>My Role is Drifter......!</i>
|heading=1 option <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>My Rule is Severance!</i>
|heading=2 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>In my name I summon you!</i>
!<i>Answer me, Sword Tail of the Steel!!</i>
|dialogue=True, this "power"......!
You are, "summoner".....
|dialogue=Wa, a big victoryyyy!
We should be safe now, Milord.
|dialogue=It seems the oni used most of his remaining power just now.
His tether to this world is becoming unstable.
|dialogue=As there is no summoner,
he will disappear shortly.
|dialogue=I, want to serve......
Sense, fading away....
|dialogue=Ahh......this unknown world......
Will I.... vanish...
|heading=2 options
!<i>Then, come with me?</i>
!<i>This 'Player' will be your Summoner.</i>
|dialogue=.......Okay, you,
as my master, I recognize.
|dialogue=If you desire, whenever, call, as you wish.
My, new, master.....
|dialogue=Ahh, now......I can return.
My, nostalgic......home, land....
|dialogue=Thank, you.... master...
I got a profile card of Red Oni!
Later on, he can be added to the team on the organization screen.
|dialogue=The rogue Summon...?
He vanished...?
|dialogue=Huh, you made a contract with the oni?
Seriously? Truly?
|dialogue=Normally, even if the connection to the land is weakened,
It still wouldn't be separated completely.....
|dialogue=Why was the link to the land cut off so easily....?
|dialogue=Great for you, Milord!
You showed the power of a summoner perfectly!
|dialogue=You have to be strong as a summoner.
If not, you can't command the respect of your familiars.
|dialogue=He recognised you as his master.
The contract for both of you passed through without a hitch-
|dialogue=Now, you can summon him as your familiar.
|dialogue=......What is wrong?
Why the suspicious look?
|heading=1 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>What is this sword?</i>
|dialogue=Beats me.
|heading=1 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Beats me?!</i>
|dialogue=Ah, don't be angry! Don't be mad at me Milord!
Don't pinch my cheecks! Mnyaaaa~!
|dialogue=......They are called "sacred treasures".
Which are teasures from the gods and divine beings.
|dialogue=What is god? They are the ones who can use their special rules in order to form the world.
|dialogue=That's why, not everyone can use such powers.
Only the ones with suitable Roles are allowed to use such powers.
|dialogue=The sword just now is the "sacred treasure" matching with Milord's role, Drifter.
|dialogue=That's why, the "sacred treasure" was summoned.
......In my opinion. Probably.
|dialogue=B-because that's the only thing written in the 1st grade textbook for familiars.....
|dialogue=I'm just a supporter for summoners......
Should I say, I'm weak at contingencies or....
|dialogue=Ooooh, that nasty look you're shooting burns me! It stings!
S-so, please excuse me!!
|heading=1 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Wait a second.</i>

W-what are your orders....?
|heading=3 options
!<i>Good work today.</i>
!<i>See you around.</i>
!<i>I'll fluff you later.</i>

(Magic Circle Effect)
G-good work today to you as well, Milord!

|dialogue=This is quite a pickle, Milord.
|dialogue=Ehehe! How cool!
Nothing less from Milord!
|dialogue=Please call me if there's anything I can assist you with!
|dialogue=Oh, r-right, one more thing!
|dialogue=I was notified by the staff and registered in the "app" already.
|dialogue=You can use the booty from the battles to strengthen your abilities as a summoner.
|dialogue=Please try to contact them.
And now if I may!
|dialogue=WOW-! That was cool!
Eh, what was that, a sword!? How did you do that!?
|dialogue=You even brought down a "rogue Summon"......!
That was awesome!
|dialogue=Ah, sorry. First of all I should really thank you.
Thanks a bunch for the help!
|dialogue=I'm Ryota. Ryota Yakushimaru!
|dialogue=I'm a student at Shinjuku Academy,
its between Shinjuku Central Park where we are, and Shinjuku station.
|dialogue=What's your name...?
|dialogue=Mm, 'Player'. Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind. It's a nice name!
|dialogue=Ah, right, we should get someplace safe for now, Player.
This park's still dangerous.
|dialogue=Come on, follow me!
