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  • {{#vardefine:status en name|Defensive Buff Resistance}} {{#vardefine:status en note|Acquire skill for 999 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove DEF Up, Protection, Tenacity, Adamantine, Unction and Wall / 100%}}
    487 bytes (60 words) - 11:37, 17 August 2024
  • ...xpense of much options for defense, though {{Status|en name=Guts}} and the defensive component of having Darkness will allow for some survivability should enemi ...for some welcome utility, with his damage able to easily surpass Base now that he can safely receive external buffs.
    7 KB (1,173 words) - 08:16, 17 April 2023
  • ...nal, but nonetheless good. He gets a nice Brawn buff every start of level, that should be approached when it procs, especially if he has his Charge up. ...can’t reliably heal outside of it, something that is a deciding factor for defensive supports to be the best they can be, he also faces stiff competition with t
    6 KB (896 words) - 18:37, 20 April 2021
  • ...t skill effect range. As such, his main weakness is not being able to give defensive support to allies as someone who needs to move, and his limited weapon rang - Skill range is only horizontally adjacent to allies, which can be pretty strict
    23 KB (3,569 words) - 08:47, 14 September 2020
  • ...e flaws that his 3☆ card has since he still doesn't provide his own attack buff, so he is unable to inflict much damage without significant help. ...t turn with his regular attacks so he must rely on allies or his CS beyond that.
    15 KB (2,539 words) - 01:42, 10 September 2020
  • ...allies by moving, but none of this is particularly remarkable. His Charge Skill is also mediocre in both range and effect, giving his purpose mediocre resu ...buffs on moving is still something to consider. Finally, Valentine Gunzo's skill evolution also gives him {{Status|en name=Glint}} which is a nice touch to
    12 KB (1,979 words) - 04:56, 9 September 2020
  • ...cale, making it a very effective one in that regard. However, bear in mind that 3☆ defaults him to be a frontline and 4☆ a backline, the latter especia ...t Debuff}} that he grants himself every Phase, but these are small bonuses that supplement his main role of facilitating speedy Phase clears.
    15 KB (2,241 words) - 12:40, 19 August 2021
  • ...nally, he has an ability to drain HP and CP through his own Dark Lord-like skill. This makes him someone who is both able to provide offensive support but a Aside from his skills that trigger on-move, Gyumao can reliably inflict {{Status|en name=Oppression}}
    17 KB (2,757 words) - 07:26, 8 September 2020