Character Quest:Seth:VN:1

[Translation by Kukuru]

Episode 1: Older Brother, Younger Brother and...

There was someone so beautiful that I would fall in love with greatly.

He was a glorious warrior, boasting warpaint outside his eyes, the envy by everyone.

Unthinkingly I reached my hand out, to reach him, to become like him.

It was that moment...

????:( face)
You... know nothing.

A hateful voice, chilling and coldhearted. Like they're mocking me.

That voice makes me feel so uneasy. I have no idea where it's even coming from.

But there's one thing I'm sure of. That voice... is from someone I know myself.

????:( face)
"Under the feet of one that shines... is one that descends to the shadows."

The voice fades away along with the light, and darkness rises. Eventually... that black mass makes up one figure.

Looking straight this way, it must've been the light, a shadow.

A shadow of someone that's dearest to me. Someone whom I respect and cherish greatly in this world.

????:( face)
"Do not turn your eyes. This is your......"

That's not true! My older brother is my...!

Seth expression sad.png

...!? *Pant* *Pant*......

Seth expression anger.png

What... the hell was that? Damn...

That is a recurring dream. That dark image is becoming clearer day by day.

If there's anyone that I need to consult about this issue, there is one person that comes to mind.

I know their contact info. I'll talk with them and hopefully we'll come up with a solution of some kind.

Seth expression surprised.png

I feel relying on someone isn't something the Great Seth-sama, Unruly Ruler of Deserts, would do...

Seth expression embarrassed.png

Generally, I'm not very good at starting conversations with other people... *Grumble*

Seth expression sad.png

If I were like Ganglie at a time like this, I'd just invite them over without a second thought.

Seth expression neutral.png

...... Well, I guess it's okay to consult them about it for a bit.

While Seth is muttering excuses nobody is asking for, He boots up the "App" and starts making a message......

[Transitioning to... Shinjuku Academy]

Shinjuku Academy

It was your usual everyday routine, between class lectures and after-school hours.

You receive a new message from an unusual sender. The sender of the message happens to be Seth.

Seth expression cheerful.png

"How's it going, [Player]? I'm doing pretty good myself."

Seth expression sad.png

"No, this isn't what I wanted to chat about... Umm..."

Seth expression neutral.png

"You wanna hang out somewhere today?
I don't really have any plans today so..."

Seth expression neutral.png

"I'm already heading on over there.
It'd be great if you could come and meet up with me by today..."

Seth expression embarrassed.png

"I want to talk for a bit about what happened that time.
Just the two of us alone if that's alright with you."

You could see slight embarrassment and subtle confusion in the contents of Seth's message.

Upon changing the plans you made for today, you replied back to him.

3 options
I'll listen to anything Seth asks for. I'll come anytime, little brother. Is this a date?
Seth expression surprised.png

"You're so easygoing. I feel like such an idiot for being nervous."

Seth expression cheerful.png

"...... I should be thanking you.
You're being generous to me despite me calling you up out of nowhere."

Seth expression surprised.png

"...... Eh!?"

Seth expression embarrassed.png

"Hey, quit it with that sort of thing! Because of you, I..."

Seth expression anger.png

"Fine, if you want to call me that then keep it between us and don't say it in public! Got it!?"

Seth expression surprised.png

"D-D-D-D-D-D-Date!? N-NO! It's nothing intimate like that!"

Seth expression embarrassed.png

"N-Now that you say that, you might be right.
If you want to go on a... date, fine."

Seth expression neutral.png

"So the closest station to you... Is Shinjuku Station alright?"

Seth expression cheerful.png

"... Alright I'm gonna get going. See you at the station, 'kay?"

Having said that, Seth ends the text message conversation with you.

Recalling the other person's face, your mind comes back to that encounter for a moment.

Companions who travelled together while helping each other in an endless desert, guided by a mysterious "fate."

A younger brother who wanted to be his older brother, the traces of his journey vividly comes to mind.

While you were remembering that, you left for the station.

[Transitioning to... Shinjuku Ward]

Shinjuku Station in the afternoon. The city looks just like it always been.

The people walking on the streets and the scenery always looks the same...

3 options
You sure stick out like a sore thumb. Good afternoon. So we meet again, eh? I wanted to see you, Miss Narrator.
Christine expression desert joy.png

My... To receive a love call like that...
It's all about the happiness of being an actor, no?

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Good afternoon. Fate seems to be involved again.

Christine expression desert smile.png

It's not you, rather it's the "fate" of someone other, lost in destiny.

She gives off a mysterious smile and spun words like little birds chirpping.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

By the way, [Player]-sama... I assume you know what to do when you find yourself lost in a path?

3 options (Same Response)
Stay calm and don't panic. Return to landmarks that you can recognize. ... It's a teaching from Senpai.

Christine expression desert joy.png

Indeed... That is what you should know should you be in distress on a mountain.
That is good judgement.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

In fact, distress can occur even outside mountains.

Christine expression desert sad.png

Stepping into a familiar city, one loses sight of where to go upon wandering astray to the byroad.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

In that situation, it would be wise to not panic and act cautiously.

She laughs as if she discovered something and expresses a slight nod.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

However, if you do not understand what's causing you to lose your way,
you may find yourself repeating the same mistake.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

A misleading map cannot open the path...
With that said, I'd advise you to keep that in mind.

Christine expression desert smile.png

Well, I'm afraid I'm done here. I'll keep praying for your great efforts.

3 options (Same Response)
She's really an odd lady. Oh, I wonder if Seth's OK. Is he lost at the station... Huh?

At that moment, the smartphone in your pocket alerts you of an incoming call.

Seth expression sad.png

"Oi! Where's the exit to Shinjuku Station!"

Here at Shinjuku Station, which boasts numbers of top-class passengers in Tokyo, has completely different routes between the above-ground station and underground station.

3 options (Same Response)
Now that I think about it, I didn't really specify an exit... Sorry about that, Seth... Hahaha! Sorry, sorry!

Replying back to the message, Seth sent messages back one after another.

Seth expression surprised.png

"Where the hell is the north exit and new south exit!?
It's not just an east and west!!"

Seth expression surprised.png

"I thought I would be above-ground after leaving underground,
and when I left the ticket gate I found myself in another platform..."

Seth expression sad.png

"Is Shinjuku some kind of labyrinth!? If this keeps up I'm gonna be stuck here for life!"

3 options (Same Response)
Relax, I'll come get you right now. Just don't leave from that area. Wait by some kind of landmark.

Having sent the message, you went into the underground area of Shinjuku Station.

Heading down the slope, going through the underground roundabout, You find yourself in the basement of the station premises.


2 options (Same Response)
.......? That was a weird feeling just now.

Even though you surveyed your surroundings, it's just the usual Shinjuku. There is nothing abnormal.

And beyond the path, there was one figure in your line of sight petrified and hopeless.

Seth expression anger.png

Broth-- [Player]! Hmph... What took you so long to get here!?

3 options (Same Response)
Glad you're safe, Seth. I came to see you, lil' bro. I was worried about you, Big Brother~!
Seth expression embarrassed.png

Y-Yeah, barely. Anyways......

Seth expression surprised.png

Shinjuku Station is troublesome, ain't it!?
The exits are different between the above and underground, it's seriously complicated!

Seth expression embarrassed.png

L-Little bro... *Ahem* Can you stop it with that?!

Seth expression neutral.png

You are always saying those things to mock I, Seth-sama, [Player]!

Seth expression anger.png

Next time you will not annoy me with that. Understand!?

Seth expression embarrassed.png
  • Cough*... Well it was helpful that you came for me...

I would have never though Shinjuku Station would be this hard to understand......

Seth expression surprised.png

It's like a complete underground labyrinth somewhere.
I thought it was a mere train station, but I underestimated it.....!

Seth expression neutral.png

Tokyo is just unbelievable, seriously.
To think there's a place below where people usually live.

Seth sighs as he watches the angels, demons, onis, robots, spirits and beastmen coming in and out of the basement of Shinjuku Station.

Seth expression neutral.png

Back in my homeworld, Aaru, there was this one giant snake.

2 options (Same Response)
What's your hometown like? Is it hot over there too?

Seth expression cheerful.png

Aaru... Yeah, it's a little like the desert world we travelled in.

Seth expression neutral.png

Vast deserts and countless oases.
In the middle of the land is a huge flowing river.

Seth expression neutral.png

Every year the river overflows during the rainy season.
Once it's over we'd go and plant crops in the fields.

2 options (Same Response)
It sounds like a peaceful place. You also did fieldwork, Seth?

Seth expression cheerful.png

Nope. I, "Seth" had a different job. You see, I am Aaru's best warrior!

Seth expression cheerful.png

Battling with foreign enemies and protecting the peace of the land.
Such a prestigous job is the duty of Seth.

Seth expression neutral.png

"Demons" appear in our world, especially at night.

Seth expression cheerful.png

Protecting people from such invaders. That is the "Role" of "Seth."

2 options (Same Response)
(Nod while smiling) (Listen with a serious expression)

Seth expression sad.png

......... Hey, [Player], umm...

Seth asked something again with a different expression.

Seth expression neutral.png

Do you... remember anything about my "older brother"?

3 options (Same Response)
I don't know anything like that. I'm not who you think I am... (Shake your head with a confused face)

Seth expression embarrassed.png

Sorry... That was a weird question to ask. That's not what I wanted to know anyways.

Seth expression neutral.png

I... I wanted to live my life as the ideal "Seth."
I swore so... in the desert where I travelled with you guys.

Seth expression embarrassed.png

That's why I trained every day, thinking about things at part-time jobs or being a delinquent to be "Seth"...

Seth expression neutral.png

But, there are times where I truly wonder if things are okay as is.

Seth expression sad.png

Am I getting closer to "Seth"? I wonder if I can even become like my brother.

Seth expression sad.png

...Sometimes when I look at you, my heart leaps the way I see my brother in you.

Seth expression neutral.png

Most of the time you're so different, but sometimes your actions or way of speaking is just like his...

Seth expression sad.png

I'm sure I know it in my head...... Sorry, I'm getting flustered--

3 options (Same Response)
I think it's important to make an effort. I like you for who you are today, Seth. You shouldn't push yourself too hard.

Seth expression neutral.png

...... You're right, [Player]. Yeah. That's... all there is to it.

Seth expression surprised.png

Welp, I can't help it if I get worried.
I'll be doing the best I can... Huh?!

????:( face)
"So shallow... and foolish."

A voice echoed from the void. It doesn't sound like any voice you're familiar with.

????:( face)
"Turn your eyes away from the truth, know the weakness of thy heart,
as the same ruling of the underworld returns."

Seth expression surprised.png

Who... Who's there!? Where is your voice coming from?!

????:( face)
"Recall. What shape did your older brother's shadow look like?
It must have been... an ominous and dreadful dragonic serpent."

????:( face)
"Ouroboros, the Serpent of Rebirth that cannot escape.
The true identity of the demon who is in eternal conflict with the hero, Seth."

????:( face)
"Indeed, that is the shadow held by the hero of Aaru, the other hidden 'Role'!"

1 options
That voice...?!

Just as the voice cuts off, the surrounding scenery instantly changes.

[Transitioning to... ???]

Seth expression surprised.png

W-What's going on!? Is the world... changing!?

The station premises of Shinjuku instantly changed its form, engulfing you and Seth.

The presence of people completely disappeared, and a stone labyrinth appears before you.

Seth expression anger.png

W-What the hell is this? What's going on here!?

Seth expression surprised.png

Also the strange voice from earlier is...

2 options (Same Response)
It talked about the true form of your brother. Another "role" it said?

Seth expression neutral.png


Seth expression sad.png

Aaru's Serpent of Rebirth... No, it can't be... "Apophis"!?

????:( face)
"Correct. He that bars one's path, the executioner that hunts down offenders...
My name is Apophis."

Seth expression anger.png

...... Y-You're wrong! My brother is nothing like that!

3 options (Same Response)
Calm down for a minute! What the heck are they talking about? Who's... Apophis?

Seth expression surprised.png

...... Oh, sorry. You don't got a clue on what's going on.

Seth expression neutral.png

... It might take a while to explain, but let me tell you more about my homeworld...

Though he was a little hesitant, Seth turned to you and started narrating little by little...

Seth:( face)
This is what we believed in the world of Aaru. There is "eternal rest to gain after death."

Seth:( face)
Even if the sun sets, it can ressurect itself even from death to rise again the next day.

Seth:( face)
A world that does not end with "death" can be realized.
The underworld's system of continuous rebirth... That is Aaru.

Seth suppresses his emotions as he remembers his past and continues narrating to you.

Seth:( face)
But, that system... had some restrictions to it.

Seth:( face)
Those who have died will be judged, and those who are deemed worthy may be ressurected.

2 options (Same Response)
What happens to those who aren't deemed as such? Where do the people who aren't able to be revived go?

Seth expression neutral.png

In our homeworld of Aaru... there resides 2 great rivers.

Seth expression neutral.png

One is a "River of the Living" above-ground that supports the livelihood of the people.
It is the river that flows to benefit the people.

Seth expression anger.png

And the other river is...

Seth's mouth did not continue with the explanation.

Sounds of large flowing water echoing from somewhere interrupted him.

Seth expression surprised.png

These sounds... It can't be!!

Seth started running as soon he realized it. You followed suit afterwards...

And what appeared in front of both of you was a huge body water rushing in.

Seth expression surprised.png

Why is the "River of the Dead" here, underground in Tokyo!?

It didn't look like that of a river. It's a giant lake or possibly the sea.

Somewhere dim, no warmth, the water emits only cold air and silence intently draws near.

Seth expression 4star.png

Brother, I ask of you! Lend me your strength... Ifet Im Pat!!

The thirsty sandstorm created by Seth's "Sacred Artifact" suppresses the water, allowing you and Seth to narrowly escape.

Seth expression surprised.png
  • Pant*... *Pant*...!! You okay, [Player]?!

2 options (Same Response)
Is this another river from your homeworld? It's more like a sea than a river to me.

Seth expression surprised.png

Yeah. No doubt about it. My "Sacred Artifact" is telling me so.

Seth expression neutral.png

The "River of the Dead" exists to wash away those who have died to the room of judgement.

Seth expression neutral.png

Not everyone is included in that cycle however.

Seth expression sad.png

Offenders who stray from the world's reasons and are not allowed to be revived will be consumed by Apophis here.

Seth expression neutral.png

My brother was once the only hero to compete with Apophis on equal footing and earned a reputation in our world.

Seth expression anger.png

One group of people were jealous of that and gave him a "bad reputation."

Seth expression sad.png

Of course I... didn't want to believe in those rumors, but...

2 options (Same Response)
About those rumors regarding your brother... What did they say about him?

Seth expression surprised.png

My brother... I remember him not wanting to talk to me about that.

Seth expression sad.png

But... I...!

Seth expression shadow.png


A shadow of a black draconic serpent appears before Seth in response to his outcry.

The silhouette and its attire... Seth mutters as if it was something that came from his dreams.

Seth expression sad.png

...... Aw damnit. I want to deny it, I want to--

Seth expression surprised.png

... Why!? Why do you have my brother's scent...!!

3 options (Same Response)
It's dangerous! ! Get away from it, Seth! Don't space out!

You managed to intercept the sharp blow from the shadow by unleashing your "Sacred Artifact."

That agility, those abilities... they are reminiscent of Seth's shadow that you encountered in the desert.

Seth expression surprised.png

A tyrannical person who mercilessly slaughters those who do not obey their rulers...

Seth expression sad.png

Assassin of Change that hunts down those who rebel against Aaru... That... That can't be...

Seth expression shadow.png

"Indeed. Seth is the "one that slaughters Apophis," and He is Apophis himself."

Seth expression shadow.png

"If I dare ask, how would you respond to the question from a while ago?
Answer me, fraudulent...!"

Seth expression surprised.png


Seth's spirit was deeply impacted, as the belief he always had about the "baseless bad reputation" is being held as true.

Seth expression shadow.png

"One that safeguards rebirth and untimely death is caused by the 'same person.'
That is the rule of Aaru's faith, the keystone of that system."

Seth expression shadow.png

"The true identity of the 'evil dragon serpent' that your brother was facing...
It was none other a charade of an enemy your own brother had created."

Seth expression shadow.png

"The ideal you yearned for was much the same from the beginning."

Seth expression shadow.png

"There is darkness in the answer you sought. There is evil in the 'Role' you desired."

Seth expression shadow.png

"Accept it. Your brother had this side to him and 'Role'--"

There was nothing in that voice that could be a person with personality. There was only... cold-hearted declarations.

Seth expression sad.png

...... N-No, it can't...!

Suspicion winds up and overwhelms Seth. He can't escape from circling thoughts.

3 options (Same Response)
"If you don't know the cause of what's making you lose your way..." "You'll repeat the same mistakes..." Is that what the Narrator talked about?

Seth expression sad.png

... *Mumbles*... *Mumbles*...

Seth, who sat down absent-minded, couldn't move due to being dumbfounded.

3 options (Same Response)
At any rate, I need to move Seth! What can I do... Oh, I know! Seth, look over here! !
3 options (Same Response)
(Give Seth a strong slap to the face) (Hug Seth tightly) (Give a kiss on the cheek)
Seth expression surprised.png

...... Uh?

Seth expression surprised.png

...... Eh? [Player], what are-- GYAAAAAAAAAH!!

Seth expression embarrassed.png

Y-You... W-W-What the hell do you think you're doing!?

Seth expression sad.png

Wha... What the hell was I doing just now...?

Seth expression surprised.png

......... [Player]?

3 options (Same Response)
The Seth I saw in that desert was real. And so was the "Seth" you believed in. There's no need for it all to be the same.

Seth expression surprised.png


Light dwells again in Seth's eyes again as if he found an exit at the end of a long path.

Seth expression neutral.png

Yeah, you're right. I don't need to be exactly like my brother.

Having regained his composure, Seth turns to face the shadow before him.

Seth expression anger.png

What you said may be true, but...
Why did my brother disappear from Aaru?

Seth expression surprised.png

If you claim you're an accomplice of that world...
why did my brother need to be driven out of Aaru?

Seth expression shadow.png


Seth expression sad.png

There's... something I still don't know.
That's what I need to see myself... Something I need to think about for myself.

Seth expression neutral.png

That answer may not be here yet, but I know for one thing... This will not be the "end" for me.

Seth expression neutral.png

I'll think and keep on thinking. Until I find the real answer one day.

Seth expression anger.png

I will be the "Seth" I long admired! I'll keep getting myself lost... to pursue "that"!

Seth expression 4star.png

Seth, the warrior of Aaru will be your opponent! Come on!

[Battle Starts]

After receiving the last blow, the dark shadow of Apophis disappears.

Seth expression shadow.png

"Denial and rejection... Is that your answer?"

Seth expression shadow.png

"That... is not the path of 'Seth.' You will come to realize that one day."

For now, all Apophis does is speak words that sound like hexes as if that is all he can say.

His gloomy proclamations rung out like a curse...or should have.

However, Seth slowly shook his head, accepting those words.

Seth expression neutral.png

Even so, my brother was like a light to me!

Seth expression anger.png

And I am Seth, not you! Now by "Seth's" order... "Apophis," begone!

Seth's staff sweeps away the darkness and exorcises the "memory's covering" that enveloped the world.

[Back to Shinjuku Station...]

In the next moment... the surrounding scenery returned to the basement of Shinjuku Station that you were familiar with.

Seth expression surprised.png

We managed to make it back somehow huh? ...... Thankfully it didn't get too serious.

Seth expression sad.png

Sorry for putting you up with this, [Player]. It's no doubt my fault this time.

Seth expression neutral.png

That shadow was probably conjured by my egotistical imagining of my brother's image......

Seth starts talking while observing the world and crowds of people that came back.

His eyes were staring at the memories of his distant homeworld.

Seth expression sad.png

I knew back in that desert. I can't be like my brother.

Seth expression neutral.png

But, somewhere in my heart, I'm still chasing my brother's shadow.

Seth expression surprised.png

Though I still don't know everything about my brother.

Seth expression sad.png

Such anxiety I had... Maybe that's why I summoned that shadow.

Seth expression anger.png

I'm such a spoiled brat! It's pathetic, honestly.

Seth expression sad.png

I am Seth, yet I am not really "Seth." That was the resolution I needed.

Seth expression neutral.png

Even if Apophis was "Seth," that's not the Seth I'm aiming for.

Seth expression cheerful.png

I'm not given the role of "Seth," but I'm the "Seth" I want to be!

3 options (Same Response)
If you can say that, you'll be fine. You're a fine Seth. Seems like you broke through your doubts.

Seth expression neutral.png

I'm not understood enough for you to say that to me...

Seth expression surprised.png

Also I couldn't even think of a concrete plan of action...

Seth expression sad.png

In the end, what should I even do to become my own "Seth"... *Sigh*

2 options (Same Response)
We'll search for it together. I'm sure we'll find it with the two of us.

Seth expression cheerful.png

...... Heh.

Seth expression cheerful.png

You're right. Thanks. Really.

Seth expression neutral.png

So, what are you planning to do now?
The problem I wanted to talk about is pretty much wrapped up.

3 options (Same Response)
Why not a date? Let's go pick up some cute babes, buhehe! Let's just hang out to clear our minds.
Seth expression surprised.png

A DATE...!? Date, huh?

Seth expression embarrassed.png

W-Well... If I can became a new me, then I guess it shouldn't be that bad.

Seth expression cheerful.png

Okay! I, Seth, will accept that offer!

Seth expression surprised.png

H-Hey! Why would you say something Ganglie would say?!

Seth expression anger.png

With that attitude, maybe you're trying to snatch someone other than me...

Seth expression embarrassed.png

W-What's with that face! Keep messing around like that and I'll slap some sense into you!

Seth expression surprised.png

Despite going through all that, you're pretty tough.

Seth expression neutral.png

But, in a place like that, you might resemble a bit like my brother.

Seth expression cheerful.png

...... I like that aspect about you.

Seth smiles and locks eye contact with you. Deep affection and trust in his eyes.

Seth expression neutral.png

Seems like I still got a long ways to go eh?
Because of that... I hope you'll keep supporting me, [Player].

And then the both of you started walking. To the cityscape in the early afternoon.

With the happiness of today and reflecting on the wishes from tomorrow.

Character Quest: Seth Episode 1 END